Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 287 - Desperation?

Chapter 287 - Desperation?

Weekends were meant to be relaxing, but this wasn't the case for Hei-Ran this particular weekend. Give it to Jin-Hai to know exactly how to mess up her weekend plans and clamp her with work. She had thought they were past this already, but it seems the man was at it again.

"A file? Really, Jin-Hai?" She asked with annoyance over the phone. Her brows perfectly arched in disbelief.

"Would you rather have me tell you that I miss you, and I just want to use the file as an excuse to see you now and have you in my house for lunch and dinner?" He replied, making a warm blush crawl up her cheek. It wasn't just his words that made her smile; it was the way his voice sounded over the phone.

But wasn't that why he was calling her? To trick her into going to his house? She could swear he didn't have any file in his office that he wanted her to bring, neither did he have a visitor a home as he so claimed. This must be one of his pranks. She could swear on it.

"Okay, fine. I'm coming." She hissed into the phone as she picked up her keys. She was already dressed to go grocery shopping before his call came in.

How she missed Eun-sun already. Had she been here, she wouldn't have felt so lazy to go shopping, and she would have had an excuse for Jin-Hai. She made a mental note to call Eun-sun as soon as she got back.

Hei-Ran had just stepped out of the house when she saw a familiar figure standing by the gate. She stopped by the porch as she looked at the unwanted visitor obviously waiting for her, with a pretentious smile on her face as always.

She locked her door and strolled down to the gate, walking past her like she hadn't seen her there. Troublesome people would never change!

"I see your pride has returned," A-Yeong said from behind, but Hei-Ran continued on her stride without paying minute attention to her. This cousin of hers didn't deserve a second of her time.

"I heard you're not taking the company." She said, but Hei-Ran didn't even slow down. "I want you to give it to me. It's important." She added, finally making Hei-Ran stop, Who slowly turned around with an incredulous look etched in her eyes.

"What did you say?"  Hei-Ran asked with a bored tone while A-Yeong walked closer to her till she was barely two feet away.

"I said give me back the company." She boldly said, making Hei-Ran scoff.

"You must be delusional." She hissed at her, but a quick frown framed A-Yeong's face.

"I'm not joking. Name your price and hand over the seat back to me, and whatever shares grandfather would be giving to you."

"Shares?" Hei-Ran cocked a brow at her. 'Was this all she was all about? The shares?'

She tsked as she pitiably shook her head. "You must be on some really bad drugs." She hissed. "Tell whoever gave you such information should return your money to you because grandfather isn't giving anyone any shares, and even if he is, go ask him." She said and turned around to leave.

"Name your price." She said making Hei-Ran halt again to look at her. "Name your price, and I'll pay." She added, and Hei-Ran didn't miss what flashed in her eyes as she said those words.

'Was that desperation?' She wondered.

"Why?" Hei-Ran asked.

"Hmm? Why what?" A-Yeong asked, slightly confused.

"Why do you want that seat so bad, and why do you look so desperate for it?" She inquired, her intent eyes fixated at her, examining her every reaction.

"I-I'm not desperate," A-Yeong stated while Hei-Ran tilted her brow, letting a wry sigh escape her lips.

"It's a shame you're not so desperate. I would have considered giving it to you-" she paused and sighed again.

"Nevermind. I don't care about you or Su corps or whoever damn sits on that chair. No, do me the favour of removing yourself from my property." Hei-Ran snarled with glaring eyes.

Did she just say her property? She didn't own it. She sighed in her mind. Who cares?! All she wanted not to see this Ill face that made her nauseous.


"Get lost!" She yelled at her. Her angry eyes were delivering the message to the latter. A-Yeong opened her mouth to say something, but Hei-Ran cold eyes got her quiet. She shot Hei-Ran a full look before turning around to leave.

Hei-Ran rolled her eyes when she stopped again and looked at her and said, "I'll get the company back, because none of you have what it takes to bring it to it's full potential." She announced before turning around to leave, with Hei-Ran closely watching her back as she left, her eyes firmly narrowed at her.

Full potential huh? Hei-Ran didn't know why A-Yeong sudden visit and demand upset her, but she couldn't help but feel unsettled.

She shook her head to dismiss the thought of A-Yeong and her craziness out of her mind before going her own way. She had to pick Jin-Hai so-called file from the office before heading to his apartment. He had better not lied to her or else...

Arriving his office, Hei-Ran headed for his table but she was utterly surprised by what laid on the so-called file she was supposed to get.

A bouquet of flowers! ?

Attached was a small sticker not let that read... 'Pick me, I'm all yours.'

Her eyes darted around the spacious room, but there was no one there. Her gaze returned to the flowers, and a sweet smile ? split her face as she slowly reached for it. Taking a whiff of the flowers, her smile widened even more. It smelled so nice.

Did he leave this here for her? She wondered. Her eyes fell on the card stuck to the flowers and she opened it.

"I'll always love you, even if I wait for a thousand years, you'll be mine." It read.

"Cheesy." Hei-Ran chuckled as she grinned and blushed at same time. What was he doing?josei

And as if the man had known when to call, she saw his number calling.

"Hmm." She cleared her throat.

"I assumed you saw it." He asked.

"Did you have to make me come all this way?" She asked as she sniffed the flowers again.

"Do you have to make me wait this long till you say yes?" He asked back.

"So this is what? Revenge?" Hei-Ran raised a brow even he couldn't see her. So he could send flowers here, but he couldn't take his so-called file? She shook her head.

"Revenge? Never! I just wanted to send you flowers, and catch a glimpse of your face while sign a contract. You're my lucky charm." He said and Hei-Ran felt butterfly buzz through her stomach.

"You're so corny, Song Jin-Hai." She gushed while the man smiled over the phone.

"Just for you." He teased making her blush some more as her cheek slowly began to ache. "Please, can you help me bring my file now, the client is waiting." He told her.

"Well, you should have taken it with you when you brought the flowers especially if it was that important." She rolled her eyes.

"But you're more important, Hei-Ran."

Another sweet nothing.

"Fine, I'm coming. But no more surprises."

"That I can't guarantee.." He replied before ending the call.

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