Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 32 - You Deserve It

Chapter 32 - You Deserve It

Dan-Han sat across his desk in his office, staring at the floor to ceiling windows. He was supposed to be busy, signing the stack of documents on his table, but his mind was overshadowed with the thought of the girl with a face cap who he saw on his way to work this morning. Something kept telling him that was his little debtor, but there was no way to confirm his suspicions. If truly it was her, then how come he saw her there? 

Perhaps she lived in his residence. No! Dan-Han didn't think so. Because, if she did, that implies she might be well to do and she would have been able to afford her bills and not abscond.

But If she didn't, then what was she doing there? Dan-Han could not solve this puzzle in his head. But he really wanted to. He wanted to see that lady again. 

He didn't know why he was anticipating their next meeting, but he was certain that that was what he wanted. He wanted to see her.

Thinking about the morning event and about that mysterious girl, he suddenly didn't feel like working anymore. Maybe he should just go home and attend to his work from home. That way he could also have a chat with In-Ha, that guy was yet to tell him the real purpose of his visit. He would have to hear from him. He had a feeling, In-Ha was here for a fight and he didn't think it was time for that family drama.

"Come" Dan-Han said over the intercom, the moment the person at the other side received it. Soon, secretary Chang-Wok could be seen walking into the office. He suddenly felt nervous when he saw Dan-Han wearing his suit.

"Sir" Secretary Chang-Wok called from behind him.

Dan-Han turned to him and started heading towards him.

"Pack the files, I'm heading home" Dan-Han said, walking past his secretary without sparing glance at him. Secretary Chang-Wok immediately dived in to carry out his task. It wouldn't be good if he stalled for just one second.


The atmosphere between between Eun-Sun and In-Ha was awkward as they sat down by the kitchen Island in total silence. Eun-Sun's apology had come as a shock to In-Ha.

In-Ha was still trying to assimilate the fact that, Eun-Sun had just apologized. He wasn't expecting that, after all the attributes she had displayed since the first moment she stepped into the house, he didn't think she was someone who'd feel apologectic or even apologize most especially when she wasn't at fault. He knew he was at fault, and he deserved what Eun-Sun had done to him. If he had restrained himself from messing with her, maybe he wouldn't have had to suffer this fate.

In-Ha was about to step in to say something like, 'You shouldn't be sorry, I should be the one apologizing' but he didn't get that chance, because the very next second Eun-Sun spoke up.josei

"I'm not sorry for my actions because I believe you deserved it. But I'm apologizing in advance for the things I'm about to say" Eun-Sun felt apologectic for spraining his wrist. A slap at the hand could have served the same purpose, but she had done than more that. She felt sorry for the difficulty he was going to experience because of his wrist for the next couple of days, but she wasn't going to say that to him.

Eun-Sun slipped off the seat to her feet, to stare at In-Ha. She squared her gaze on him, so he would know she was serious.

"You really shouldn't have done what you did, so in everyway I can say you deserve this. Since you're no longer my boss, I'll give you a piece of my mind" Eun-Sun paused for effect. She continued....

"Mr In-Ha for someone like you who is rich, good looking, and probably has a lot of good things going on for're full of shit. Your attitude suck and you act irresponsible and believe me it doesn't speak well of you. Did you think I was some gullible girl that would fall cheap for your advances?" Eun-Sun asked with stink-eye.

"Let me give you a piece of advice. Stop acting like a lecherous person, try to lead a good life with right examples. Stop trying to be an ass when you can be so much better. That would be much better on" Eun-Sun adviced. She didn't have anything else to say him, so she dashed out of the kitchen.

In-Ha didn't know what to say. His eyes were glued to the spot were Eun-Sun stood seconds ago. Her words kept resounding in his head and his brain was yet to register the gravity of things.

'Did she really just quit?'

'What has he done?'

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