Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 35 - Boss?

Chapter 35 - Boss?

"You...?" Eun-Sun muttered inaudibly. Her lips moved but no words came out. Eun-Sun was speechless as she stared unblinkingly at the man standing before her, with her eyes were fully widened in disbelief. Her brain suddenly became blank leaving her stranded with nothing to say or do at the moment. He could tell she was as suprised like he was.

Eun-Sun thought this was all her imagination. She must be hallucinating, she has got to be. Her eyes began to flutter rapidly so as to clarify that she was only imagining him, but the more she blinked the more prominent his image became, and to her dismay the burly looking man did not dissappear rather he became even more real to her, and his gaze on her were intense and piercing.

'What the hell was going on?'

'Why was he here? 'Ho...w..How did he show up here?'

Her thoughts were incoherent, she couldn't come up with any idea as why he was there.

Oblivious to Eun-Sun, those were the exact questions running through Dan-Han's mind, as he looked down at the familiar petite woman. Looking at the clothes she had on, his brain joggled up the memory of the girl he had seen on his way to work. Indeed it was truly her. She was the one his driver almost hit this morning. What was with her and road, or rather with his car? Was she trying so hard to get killed by him?

Eun-Sun almost pissed her pants as she observed his scrutinizing gaze on her. Eun-Sun who was perplexed and thrown in disarray, was trying to reboot her brain which had unfortunately gone offline and completely deserted her. She was think of a way to get herself out of this situation.

'Was the heavens punishing her for breaking her own principles?' What was she going to do now? She hasn't even earned a penny since the accident. This was not the future she had asked for.

'Mother earth please open up your mouth and swallow me right now' Eun-Sun said a silent prayer in her heart, when his gaze became more intensified. His eyes were cold and dark, and his face stoic. He currently looked like a grimreaper, who was ready to rip her into pieces if she didn't pay up the next minute. He was like a tyrant, and the she couldn't get one form of expression from his obviously, paralysed face.

This was one of the reasons why she hated being indebted. It made the borrower a slave to the lender.

If she was not indebted to this tyrant looking man, she'd probably participate in this staring contest and give him an equal stare down, and she was sure she wouldn't lose.

She wouldn't be in this awkward position had she not been indebted to him. But what to do at the moment?

Dan-Han watched her every reaction. From the way her eyes widened in surprise to the way she kept blinking her eyes like a thief who has been caught red handed to the way her eyes kept darting back and forth. If Dan-Han was amused he didn't show it. He just kept looking at her, because he was also shut of words to say.

Seeing her at the door was unexpected. He'll never in a hundreds years expect her to show up at his door.

Dan-Han was about to say something when Eun-Sun beat him to it.

Eun-Sun regained her composure. She hardened her gaze and stared back at the man standing right in front her, like she was ready to pick up a fight with if he started one. It wasn't her fault she had met him here.

"Good day sir" She said with a quick bow.

Dan-Han stared at her expressionlessly. He didn't respond back to her greeting, as he patiently waited for what she was to say next. He had a feeling this girl was up to no good. The sudden change in her eyes and attitude made his eyes narrowed at her. Some few seconds she looked all fret up, but now she looked anything but scared or nervous.

Eun-Sun lifted her gaze to him, and said "Excuse me sir, I'm here to see my boss".

Dan-Han could not believe what he just heard. She was here to see who?

Her boss?

Who the hell was her boss?


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