Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 49 - Friends?

Chapter 49 - Friends?

Hey lovely readers, I'm sorry about yesterday. I couldn't write because I was damn sick. So sorry about that.


Dan-Han's Mansion (Patio)

Eun-Sun was lost in thought as she carried about her daily task. She didn't even notice when In-Ha returned.

"Let me help you" Came In-Ha's voice, completely startling her. She turned to see him smiling at her sheepishly.

"No sir, thank you" Eun-Sun declined politely.

"But I want to help"

"But you shouldn't" Eun-sun snapped. She took a deep breath and bowed to apologize. How was she expected to stay polite to a man that was constantly getting on her nerves. She was already in a bad mood and she didn't need any contribution from him to worsen it.

"I'm sorry sir, but you can't help me" She apologized.

"And why is that?" In-Ha asked folding his arms across his chest as they stood at the patio.

Eun-Sun sighed exasperatedly, "Firstly you are my boss and keeping your house clean is the reason why you employed me...."

"And who said I'm your boss?" In-Ha asked with his head cocked to the side as he took a step closer.

Eun-Sun was confused. This was not the first time he had said he wasn't her boss.

"If you're not my boss then who is?" Eun-Sun asked in confusion. She didn't understand him at all.

"Wait, didn't you see him?" In-Ha asked in surprise.

"See who?" She was even more confused. Her eyes widened when reality finally dawned on her.

'No way' Her eyes almost popped out. There was no way that man was her boss!

From her expression In-Ha was convinced that she has indeed seen Dan-Han. Only he had the power to make someone look the way Eun-Sun was looking right now. This was the first time he was seeing any form of expression from her.

"You mean...?" Eun-Sun couldn't find the words to complete her sentences. She was obviously too shocked.

How the hell did her life become like this? Was the heaven trying to make a joke of her? How the hell did she end up in this man's home? What does this mean?

There was no way she was going to work here. Working here would be the death of her.

"Come on, you don't have to be so shocked. Dan-Han isn't that bad" He paused when Eun-Sun shot him a glare. "Okay I take that back, your boss is that bad, but I'm not. So you can feel relaxed around me. Let's be friends what do you think" In-Ha said smiling.

Eun-Sun regained her composure and the fierceness in her eyes returned. "Sir In-Ha I know you are trying to be a nice, maybe you're just lonely in this big house, but I'm only a staff here, so please keep your distance from me as I wouldn't want to step over my boundary and lose my job" She said looking at him intensely with no trace of fear.

She already had a enough going on in her life right now and she didn't need more troubles. She scowled when In-Ha started laughing. 

"Why are you laughing?" She asked with knitted brows wondering what could be funny.

"Who said I'm lonely?" In-Ha asked as he continued laughing. 

"Are you not?" She asked back in a defiant manner.

"I'm not lonely and how can I be lonely when you are here. And how can i stay away from you?" He asked her as he moved closer. 

"Sir In-Ha with all due respect please stop what you are doing. I won't mind hurting you again" She warned in a cold voice which made him stop. 

"Don't you like me? Are you not interested in me even a tiny bit?" In-Ha asked in a serious tone.

"No! I'm not and I won't be" She replied in a curt tone. If there was one thing she hated was guys that didn't know when to stop. Didn't he just promise to be in his best behavior, just few days ago.

"You can't be so sure. No girl has never not liked me, so I'm sure you are pretending."

"I guess they were all short sighted, but I'm not." She replied firmly.

"Oh you will" He said confidently. josei

In-Ha would never believe that she was immune to his charms, that she was not attracted to him in any way. He also couldn't tell why he so wanted to pursue her. He knew had gotten a shoulder flip just before the weekend and he has tried to compose himself before her, but he just couldn't.

The creases on her forehead told him, he was close to getting another shoulder flip or maybe something worse.

He raised his hands up, "I'm sorry for my behavior. I know I promised to be in my best behavior and now I'm currently breaking my words, but don't blame when you are this likable and beautiful" He paused as he took a walk to one of the stools in the kitchen and hopped on it.

"No man in his right senses would not find you attractive. You are hard working and strong. Your tenacity intrigues me and I can't stop. I don't know why I'm so hooked on you but I'll stop pestering you. Let's be friends, we can start from there" He said with sincerity as he calmly observed her reaction. 

"Friends? We can't be friends. You're my boss and I won't like to compromise that" She said seriously. 

"Why can't we be friends? And I already told you I'm not your boss" He came down from his seat and tried walking close to her, but he quickly stopped himself.

"Just say yes to being friends. I'm not asking you to be my woman. Pleaseeee" He pleaded.

Eun-Sun shot her eyes to look at him. "Just friends?" She asked suspiciously.

"Just friends" In-Ha nodded affirmatively.

"And you'll stop bothering me?" She asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I'll promise stop bothering you"

"Okay! Friends" She agreed with a small smile not quite reaching her eyes. If he wanted to be friends then that was up to him, if this was what would get him from pestering her right now, then she'll say yes. After all with this new development, she didn't know if she'll keep this job after now.

"Really?" In-Ha asked excitedly, while Eun-Sun nodded.

"You said it. You can't take it back" He told her with a mischievious smile which she missed. 'Let's see if you won't get charmed, silly girl.' He said to himself.

"I'm going to let you be now. See you later" In-Ha said as happily walked away.

He was slowly going to capture her heart and she won't know it.

Eun-Sun hissed as he watched him leave. She had more pressing issues than him. And one of those was getting another job and getting the hell out of this house.

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