Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 53 - Cursed?

Chapter 53 - Cursed?


All through the drive to the hospital, Eun-Sun felt her heart thump so hard that her rib cage almost broke. She was both nervous and scared, and she couldn't get herself together. She silently prayed in heart for her mother's safety all through the taunting ride.

Thinking about the last time she had seen her mother her grip over hands tightened. She was an unfilial child and she didn't need anyone to tell her that. What was she thinking leaving her mother behind? She should have stayed to look after her. If anything was to happen to her mother, how would she live with herself? The thought of losing another family member – her only family member – made her heart constrict so tightly.

Eun-Sun crazily jumped out of the cab and dashed into the hospital the moment she arrived.

Running to the reception, panting heavily she said to a nurse, "My name is Eun-Sun, I'm here to see my mother Mrs Park Song-Hee."

The nurse went through the records and Eun-Sun was immediately directed to the Emergency ward where she found her mother lying helplessly on a bed.

Her heart clenched tightly at the sight of her mother, who was seriously banged up. There were deep bruises and wounds all over her body. She didn't need help to tell her that was a rodeo! An assault! The blue-black spot all over her, along side the cuts were definitely not done by an accident.

Her legs felt heavy as she stared at her mother from the door. With great difficulty she took slow steps towards her bedside. Tears pricked her eyes as she looked at her mother while she slept, but she blinked them back before they could fall.

'Who could have done this to her?' There was no need asking. She already had a suspect in mind, and it was Byung-Hun!. He was the only one who could do something like this. As a matter of fact this was not her mother's first rodeo since she started dating that bastard.

Eun-Sun frowned deeply, as her hands clenched into a fist in anger.

'Bastard! Psychopath, drug addict!' Eun-Sun cussed in her mind, with her teeths grinding lividly.

She was going to kill him and send his corpse to jail. That bastard he had almost raped her and now he had done this to her mother?. She definitely won't let this go.

Just as she was thinking about confronting him, Byung-hun walked into the emergency ward with a smug smile on his face, when he saw Eun-Sun sitted by her mother. His smile irked her sorely and without thinking, Eun-Sun angrily walked closer to him and threw a slap across his face, which gained the attention of the few other patients in the ward.

"You..." The smile on his face disappeared and his eyes narrowed into slits, flashing angrily at her.

"Bastard that's what you are" Eun-Sun said angrily at him.

With his hands fidgeting, he angrily tried to lunge at her, but Eun-Sun threw another slap across his cheek, completely halting him on the spot.

"You bitch!" He roared as he fumed in anger. He was at the verge pushing her against the wall and tearing her apart.

"I dare you to hit me!" Eun-Sun ordered coldly when she saw his fidgeting hands vigorously. She knew he was trying to lunge at her, he was a very violent man, after all he was a junkie. His face was scrunched up tightly and the murder intent in his eyes was evident, but Eun-Sun was unfazed.

"If you have a death wish hit me, then you'll know why I own a black belt" She dared, her eyes reddened with anger. How dare you hit my mother? What gave the right to lay your hands on her? You live off my mother but I kept quiet about it because I want her to be happy even if it's with a jerk like you, and you have the guts to..." The anger in her was boiling so bad she couldn't even form her words completely.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I promise I'm going to send you to jail where you truly belong" She threatened. She brought out her phone and was about dialing a number when she heard her mother's voice.

"Eun-Sun stop!" Her mother called out coldly from behind them. Eun-Sun was surprised when she turned around to see her mother awake. With concern in her eyes and she hastily walked up to her mother leaving a furious Byung-hun staring daggers at her, and ready to murder her.

"Mom, are you o..." Her words got stucked when her mother threw a hot slap across her face. Eun-Sun was shocked by her mother's actions.


"What right do you have to hit him? Did I ask you to get justice for me?" Song-Hee asked her angrily. Eun-Sun was speechless, she couldn't make sense of what was happening.

How did things turn out to be like this? Wasn't her mother's anger directed at the wrong person or has she become so blinded by hatred...

"If I'm in this condition, do you not know who put me in it? It is you Eun-Sun! You made me this way. You and your cursed life. You came and you jinxed my life." She spoke with fierce anger.

"Mother!" Eun-Sun snapped.

"I'm not your mother. I should have left you at the hospital and never should have brought you home. You.Are.A.Curse. And anyone around you gets cursed as well. You made my husband leave and now you want to send him away too?!" She asked angrily.

"Stay away from me you evil child and don't show up in front if me again!"

Eun-Sun was shocked by the words coming out of her mother's mouth.

She was Cursed? Jinxed? An evil child?

Eun-Sun could feel her heart race rapidly and slowly it began to slow down, too slow if she must say. She didn't know how to explain it, but there was this certain cold seeping through her bones and all she wanted was a reassurance she wasn't going to die right now.

Because her mother's words just killed her a million times over.

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