Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 57 - Overwhelmed

Chapter 57 - Overwhelmed

After an hour of doing the necessary test, Mrs Lee finally left the hospital. She was walking towards the elevator when a small petite body bumped into her, making her bag slip off her hands. She lowered her head to glance at the lady who quickly bent down to pick up her bag.

"I'm sor..." She was shocked when she saw who it was. Her eyes widened in surprise.


"Mrs Lee?" They said simultaneously in an equally surprised tone. They had not expected to see each other here.

A quick frown appeared on Mrs Lee's face, scaring Eun-Sun. "I told you to call me Auntie didn't I?" Mrs Lee scolded with a mock frown. Eun-Sun heaved a secret sigh of relief when she realized it was because of how she had addressed her.

"I'm sorry Auntie" Eun-Sun apologized.

Mrs Lee was about to say something else but Eun-Sun beat her to it.

"Why are you here? Your health didn't get worse did it?" Eun-Sun asked in concern.

Mrs Lee felt a flow of warmth coursed through her heart when she heard Eun-Sun and saw the worry in her eyes.

"I'm fine. I got forced to take a check up. But what about you? Why are you here? You're not sick right? Or is any of your family members here?" Mrs Lee with equal worry and concern.

Emotions flickered in Eun-Sun's eyes when she heard Mrs Lee question. Yes, her mother was here a while ago but had left her here and asked her to never come in contact with her again.

Eun-Sun pulled herself together and shook off any depressing thought whil e looked at the woman and answered,

"No, I'm not sick, and none of my family's here. I came here to visit someone I'm familiar with, but they've been discharged" Eun-Sun replied. She didn't see her response as a lie, so it didn't bother her.

"Okay" Mrs Lee nodded. Eun-Sun paid her a close look and asked, "Auntie have you been taking good care of health? You don't look fine"

"I have. Actually I've been a good aunt" She assured with a smile.

"So are you done with your check up? And why did you come here alone? You shouldn't walk around by yourself" Eun-Sun asked her as she looked behind Mrs Lee to confirm if she was truly alone, her eyes deeply scolding her. Mrs Lee chuckled at Eun-Sun's complaining and scolding expression. She behaved just like Dan-Han. This one would probably give her son a headache....but in a good kind of way.

"I didn't come alone, someone's waiting for me. So stop scolding me young lady" Mrs Lee smiled.

"It isn't convenient to talk here. Come let's go somewhere we could sit and talk. You didn't call me as you promised. So let's chat for a while, what do you say?" Mrs Lee asked.

"Okay" Eun-Sun nodded.

"Perfect, let's go" She chirped as she led the way to the elevator with Eun-Sun following behind. Eun-Sun didn't know why, but she was pleased to see Mrs Lee.

Eun-Sun watched her from behind, and she couldn't help but appreciate Mrs Lee's appearance. The way she carried herself despite being sick was elegant and graceful, and there was the aura of deep respect around her, that didn't chase one away but pulled you in to be close to her, and not to mention her beautiful she looked like she hadn't aged for a day.josei

Soon they both arrived at a cafe close to the hospital. They took a table at the end of the shop and sat down, while secretary Chang-Wok sat at another table just close by.

Sitted opposite Eun-Sun, Mrs Lee finally noticed the handprints on Eun-Sun's cheek as well as her not so bright look. Minutes ago at the hospital, she had been too excited to see her again, that she didn't notice the gloomy look on her face.

"Why do you look like you've been crying?" Mrs Lee furrowed her brows as she asked with concern. Eun-Sun was caught unaware by that question.

"It's nothing. I have not been crying." Eun-Sun replied lowering her head.

"You can't say it's nothing. You obviously look sad" Mrs Lee said frowning. She didn't know why she felt drawn to the young lady in front of her. The look on her face definitely showed that she has been crying.

"I'm fine truly" Eun-Sun replied faking a smile.

She didn't think it was wise telling Mrs Lee what had happened. Firstly it wasn't her style to talk about herself, secondly she didn't want to add to Mrs Lee troubles.

"You said you were asked to get a check up. How did it go? What did the doctor say? You're going to get better right?" Eun-Sun asked, concern etched in every of her words even though she was also trying to change the topic and Mrs Lee clearly understood. She looked at the young lady and sighed softly. She didn't want to press, so she smiled and answered, "The results were good. You don't have to bother yourself". She lowered her voice and glanced at Chang-Wok who was not too far from them. She didn't want him to overhear their conversation about her health and inform her son about it.

"Okay, that's good" Eun-Sun sighed in relief. She had thought about Mrs Lee condition a few times after their encounter at the mall, and she always felt sorry for her.

Mrs intensed her gaze on Eun-Sun, "And why didn't I receive a call from you young lady?" Mrs Lee asked with a scolding look as she smiled at her.

Eun-Sun bit on her lips, tacitly lowering her head "I'm so sorry, i forgot and I was carried away with work" Eun-Sun explained with a apologectic look.

"Hmm, thought you didn't want to call me. But thank God I met you today" She didn't expect seeing her today, most especially after she had just spoken with Dan-Han about giving her a job. Eun-Sun must be fortunate child. She had thought about the possibility of not getting to see her, but she was also hopeful. And now here they are!

"So how's work? I remembered you mentioned you work as a housekeeper right?"

"Yes I did, and work has been good"

"Do you have any form of qualification?" Mrs Lee suddenly asked out the blue, making Eun-Sun look at her in confusion. Why was she asking?

Although Eun-Sun didn't know the reason why Mrs Lee had asked her, she still answered. "I do. I graduated with honors from the university where I studied business management"

"Then what are you doing with an housekeeper's job?" Mrs Lee asked her confusedly. Eun-Sun's face slightly hit with an embarrassed smile.

"It's what I have for now, while i wait for a good job" Eun-Sun said dully. That was her utmost concern, a good job.

"So what if I tell you can get you a job" Mrs Lee raised a brow at her, making Eun-Sun shoot her eyes up to look at her in surprise and confusion.

"What do mean?" Eun-Sun asked slowly, her eyes carefully observing Mrs Lee's face, she didn't want to miss any of her expression.

"How would you love to work at PK corporation" Mrs Lee asked her another question, intending Eun-Sun's level of confusion.

"PK corporations?" Eun-Sun still has not fully understood what she was trying to say.


"You mean the big conglomerate PK corps" Eun-Sun asked again, just to be sure.

"The very one"

"Well I'd love to" she sighed. "If only they can call me for an interview and grant me a job. It my dream work place" She answered with a dull smile. How she had long to work there. She was sure she was more than qualified to work there, if not more than qualified. With her academical performance many of their staffs won't be able to hold water before her. But they are too dumb to see that.

"Then I guess you just found yourself a job" Mrs Lee announced with a broad smile.

"Huh?" Eun-Sun's confusion was heightened even more. Mrs Lee was amused by Eun-Sun's cute confused expressions, she tried not to chuckle at them.

"What I mean is, you should go there tomorrow morning or whenever you're ready and meet my son. Because my little friend a job awaits you" Mrs Lee announced gleefully.

Eun-Sun was thunderstruck by that announcement. She couldn't believe her ears. She must be hearing things right? Her brain didn't want to believe what she just heard. The shock on her face was epic and Mrs Lee couldn't help but smile more at her expression.

"What?" Eun-Sun's finally muttered something. She didn't now to react to this piece of news.

Mrs Lee laughed at her reaction, "Yiur don't have to be so surprised Eun-Sun, It's just a job and you haven't gotten it yet. You still have to impress my son, and just so you know he can be a little hard to please, but I know you can do it" She said laughing.

"Are you serious?" Eun-Sun still couldn't believe it.

Mrs Lee didn't know what Eun-Sun was referring to. If she was serious that she would get a job at her son's company or the fact that her son was difficult to deal with. But from her expression it had to be all of it.

"Just be there tomorrow Eun-Sun, and do your best"

Eun-Sun subconsciously nodded her head, she was still in shock. She didn't even know what to say, do or feel at the moment. She was feeling overwhelmed.

This was too much!.

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