Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 67 - Punishing Eun-Sun

Chapter 67 - Punishing Eun-Sun

The last few days has been nothing but terrible for Eun-Sun. She could tell someone was punishing her on purpose. Punishing her for something she didn't do or rather something she didn't know she did.

Dan-Han's hand could be seen over all the suffering she's been experiencing in these past days. She was trying so hard to refrain herself from barging into his office and venting her anger on him. But she knew she shouldn't do that. So many things were holding her down.

Firstly, she didn't want to come out rude to him because of his mother's kindness towards her, okay that she hasn't been rude to him before, but that was his fault. If he hadn't been mean and ruthless to him, sha probably wouldn't have spoken to him in such manner.

Secondly, she didn't want to lose this job. This was still in her first week and it had taken four years to land herself a good job.

Thirdly, which of course was the most important reason, she didn't want to give that pompous man reason to

gloat over her or see her miserable especially if he chooses to fire her. Proving to him that she wasn't someone who could be easily bullied and pushed to the wall.

She had worked very late yesterday and had left the office pretty late last night, courtesy of president Lee Dan-Han. As a matter of fact she was the only staff in the entire building apart from the security men who were patrolling the hallways of the huge building.

Eun-Sun ran into the PK building as fast as she could. She had slept in due to fatigue and she still had some work left which she has been instructed to submit by morning, and now she was running late.

She hurried to the elevator but it was currently in use. She breathed in relief when she saw another elevator that was coming to the first floor and she ran over.

"Hey! what are you doing? You can't use that..." One of the security yelled as he hurried over. He stopped in his tracks when the elevator opened and Dan-Han appeared in front of Eun-Sun.

Eun-Sun was taken a back at Dan-Han's sudden appearance.

'Seriously? Him again?' Seeing his face so early was the worst way to start any day. It was sure going to be another bad day, as if she wasn't having a lot of that already. She scoffed and rolled her eyes inwardly.

"Good morning sir" Eun-Sun greeted before turning to leave. She'll take the stairs. Riding the same elevator which Dan-Han has used was probably going to jinx her for the whole day.

"Stop" Came Dan-Han's cold voice halting Eun-Sun on her tracks.

The security man who was about to suffer a panic attack walked up to the Dan-Han and greeted with several apologectic bows, "Sir... I'm sorry. I... was about stopping her from using your elevator" The security guy explained, stuttering in trepidation, not daring to look at Dan-Han's face which was cold enough to freeze him to death.

Dan-Han didn't bother to look at him, his eyes were focused on Eun-Sun with a cold glint in them.

Eun-Sun was lost for words when she heard the security. So this was his private elevator? How did she get herself into trouble this morning. She shut her eyes and bit her lower lip, seems she has to apologize to avoid being cast into a fiery furnace.

"I'm sorry President Lee" She apologized with a low bow. Though she was apologizing she really wanted to cuss at him. He was intentionally making her life a living hell, just because of a debt.josei

"Get in" Dan-Han said blandly, startling both Eun-Sun and the security man.

The security looked at Dan-Han in disbelief briefly before averting his gaze. It has never been heard that someone used the president's elevator except his secretary.

Eun-Sun couldn't dare to ride on same elevator with Dan-Han. She'd rather use the stairs than stay in such a confined box with this cold man. What if she runs out of air? And by the way wasn't he just coming down? Why was he heading up again?

"Sorry sir, I think the other elevator is quite free" Eun-Sun tried to escape this awful fate.

"Now" Dan-Han said, his eyes sending her a warning gaze. Eun-Sun would rather defy this man's order but she found her legs subconsciously obeying his command. What a bully? How dare order her around?

Eun-Sun took deep breaths as she walked into the elevator. She watched as Dan-Han pressed the button to her floor. She slowly lowered her head down as she apologized again, "I'm sorry president Lee, I didn't know it was your private elevator"

"Mmm" Dan-Han nodded as he looked down at her because of the advantage of his height.

She looked small and squeezable to him. Why was he having the urge to press her small body against his. He tried looking away, but he couldn't.

'Why does she look so small and huggable?' He asked himself.

His eyes caught a lock of hair stucked to Eun-Sun's face due to the sweat on her head. He didn't like the sight of it. To him it was dainting her beautiful heart shaped face.

Dan-Han didn't know how it started but his feet had taken one step and another placing right in front of Eun-Sun, who has suddenly seized her breath. She lifted her head up to look at him making her swallow. Why was he suddenly standing so close? Her heart was drumming like it was been beaten frantically.

She hitched and suddenly became alert, when Dan-Han raised his hand towards her face. She tried raising her hand to stop him, but Dan-Han shot her a warning glare abruptly stopping her hand mid air.

He raised his hand towards her face and removed the hair stucked to the sweat on her fore head. He gently tucked behind her ears. He used his thumb to graze the beads of sweat on her face. His eyes lingered on her more, his lips moved like he was about to say something to say, bug nothing came out.

Dan-Han was pulled back from his reverie when Eun-Sun's phone rang. He retracted his hand from her face before taking a step back.

Eun-Sun who didn't know she has been holding her breath finally let it go. She was startled by her ringing phone. She took a quick glance at Dan-Han before picking up her phone from her bag. It was Ji-Sang calling.

What does he want now?

She quickly rejected the call. Her heart was still beating frantically from Dan-Han's action. Why had he done that? She had the urge to touch the place where his hand had touched but she refrained herself from doing that. Something was wrong with this man.

Dan-Han caught a quick glimpse at the caller's name, 'Ji-Sang'.

A frown appeared on Dan-Han's face when he saw it was guy calling. A boyfriend perhaps? The thought of that made the crease line on his forehead run deeper. He also remembered that In-Ha had sent her flowers too. Does In-Ha call her too?

Eun-Sun took a quick glance at him again, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw him frowning. What was wrong with him now? Always keeping his face like he was about to murder someone. And why did Ji-Sang choose to call her at this time?

The elevator chimed as Eun-Sun arrived her floor. She bowed at Dan-Han before quickly getting off.

It sure will be a bad day for her.

Dan-Han's eyes followed her as she alighted the elevator. He noticed she was looking a bit exhausted. But why?

Dan-Han called Secretary Chang-Wok as soon as the elevator door closed.

"Inform the development department director to be in my office before I get there" He ordered before hanging up.

Secretary Chang-Wok was surprised at the President's instructions. Why was he calling the development department again? Was it because of the new girl again?

What could she have done to piss Dan-Han off so early in the morning. He was just about to go for a meeting, now he summoning director Gi-Hye.

It seems Eun-Sun was going to have a terrible day. He sighed as he carried out Dan-Han's instructions. Director Gi had better be here before he arrives or she might as well face his wrath instead.


Hello Lovelies!

Happy Valentine's day. Wishing you a world full of love and happiness. May you never find reasons to be sad at any time, but continue to enjoy love, joy, peace and harmony.

It's a day of love so spread the love around and also to your shameless author, by voting, dropping a review, commenting and sending gifts. And also buy privilege.

I know I'm yet to fulfill my promise about the mass release, I'm still recuperating. I'll treat you guys to that mass release soon.

Love Love love you guys so much.

*Muah* Muah*P

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