Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 71 - Not A Trick

Chapter 71 - Not A Trick

Hei-Ran stood fixed to the ground after Seul-Bi had left. She was more troubled than she thought she would. Knowing the kind of person her mother was she was sure she would carry out her threats to the later. Or even do worse.

How was she supposed to avoid such a problem? 

"Miss Jiang, I believe this isn't your office" Hei-Ran almost jumped her skin when she heard that voice which she loathed the most. She whirled herself around to see him standing there staring at her with his evil eyes.

"I'm sorry sir, I had an emergency call"

"I believe calls can be answered inside the office. And where are the documents I asked for?" He asked again, his eyes not leaving her.

"Sir I'm working on it. I'll get back to it right away" She said in trepidation, her legs were ready to take to their heels. Hei-Ran quickly bowed to this demonizied boss of hers before she started walking away. A hand suddenly held her back, totally startling her. Her heart was beating frantically as his grip over her hand slightly tightened.

'What is the psycho doing? Why in the devil's name was he holding her? He's not going to scold her now is he?' Hei-Ran thought to herself.

"Miss Jiang" He called out. Hei-Ran slowly turned her around to face him. Her heart beat not reducing it's pace.


"Come to the office by weekend, there's a client we have to meet" He told her. 

"Huh?" Hei-Ran's mouth gaped. 'Again?!!'

"Will you close your mouth!" The boss chided. Hei-Ran instantly clamped her mouth close and pursed it tightly.

"Weekend don't forget. And you know I don't tolerate lateness" He told her before slipping his hands in to the pocket of his trousers and leisurely strolling away, not giving a care to the girl he had just harrassed psychologically.

'Another weekend work again? Was he doing this on purpose? Why were they always seeing clients during the weekend and why in Pete's name was he always taking her with him? There were hundred of staffs he could take with him, more capable staffs. So why her?!

Hei-Ran felt like crouching down and crying her heart out. Since she started working for the maniac he has never let her have a day of peace, not even a normal weekend when she can hang out with friends or go on a date. Sometimes it feels like he's doing it on purpose. Trying to monopolize her life with work. 

How was she going to find a man to bring to her mother if he keeps torturing her with work? There were staffs he could take with him, but he was bent on torturing her. Making her life a living hell...why??!!! 

*****PK Corps*****

Eun-Sun sighed deeply when she saw what was left for food at the cafeteria. Yes she has done it again. Working so hard that she had forgotten about lunch again. She was really trying to work hard to prove that she was capable, if not to others but to herself. Dan-Han had told her to show him how capable she was and that was what she was trying to do. Though she might have gotten the job through Mrs Lee, but she had to prove that she deserved the job just like everybody other person there.

She wanted to familiarize herself with all ongoing projects as soon as possible since she worked with the development department.

"Sorry you came late" One of the chefs at the cafeteria apologized to her when he saw her look like she was about to die of hunger.

But in reality Eun-Sun was about to die, but not of hunger but of pain. She was having chronic ulcer pains which were making her sweat profusely. She has been suffering from peptic ulcer disease since her university days. She had developed it because she had decided to cut down her feeding expenses since she could barely provide enough for herself and her mother, resulting to her eating once daily. There were days when she didn't eat at all, because she couldn't afford a meal. Although it had resolved itself in the last year, but now she was currently suffering a relapse since she started skipping meals again.

"It's no problem. Can I get an apple?" Eun-Sun said pointing at the tray of apples at the of the counter. That was pratically all that was left on the huge line of food which had been gloriously displayed on the counter two hours ago.josei

"Here you go" 

Eun-Sun offered her thanks as she received it. Walked to a sink and washed it clean. This will have to do for now. She told herself as she walked out of the cafeteria. 

Eun-Sun was slowing munching on her apple, with her eyes focused on her phone, when she accidentally bumped into something hard, or rather make that someone.

A deep frown appeared on her face when the apple fell from her hand. Her eyes followed the apple as it rolled off, a pained expression appearing on her face.

"That was my lunch!" She spoke angrily as she lifted her head up to look at the supposed rock in form of a man she had accidentally bumped into.

A lump suddenly appeared on her throat when her eyes met the stoic man standing in front of her.

His eyes fell on the supposed lunch she was whining about and a quick frown appeared on his face.

'That was lunch?'

"So little?" He asked but Eun-Sun didn't understand what he meant by that. 

She so wanted to yell at him for bumping into her and ruining her little lunch, but she adviced herself not to. She had promised herself to avoid him provoking him, at least until she paid herself inflicted debt.

"Mr Lee" She quickly bowed, greeting him through gritted teeth.

Dan-Han stifled a chuckle when he saw the glare she was surreptitiously shooting at him and how tightly her jaws were clenched.

"I'm sorry Mr Lee for bumping into you" Like hell she wasn't sorry, he should be the one apologising to her.

She was hungry, mentally stressed and also the throbbing pain in the walls of her stomach which were definitely sores inflicted by hungry vicious worms wasn't coming down a bit. She felt like crying at the moment, the pain in her stomach was getting intensed.

Just as Eun-Sun bowed to him so she could take her leave, a low wince which didn't escape Dan-Han's attentive ears, escaped her mouth. 

His brows shut up as he paid rapt attention to her expression, and she looked uncomfortable. 

Eun-Sun had only taken a step when she heard his voice from behind him.

"Miss Park, follow me" He told her coldly before continuing on his path.

Eun-Sun turned to look at him as he gallantly strolled ahead,Hl with his secretary trailing behind like some sort of tamed pet. She couldn't help but notice Dan-Han's gait which was strong and steady, and one could tell that his body had undergone vigorous workout session.

Eun-Sun sighed in her heart before following the duo, but not without glaring at them.

She followed him to his personal elevator which they took to the highest floor which belonged to the him alone.

Eun-Sun thought she was been taken to his office, and the more they approached it, her heart suddenly began to race.

Flashes of Dan-Han standing so close to her, towering and intimidating her with his height and aura came flashing through her head. She didn't like being alone with this man, as a matter of fact she was beginning to dread it.

She could be as sharp tongued as could be when there was some reasonable space between them, but definitely not when he's close. 

Eun-Sun was surprised when they didn't walk into his office but rather he led them to another door. Eun-Sun couldn't believe her eyes when they walked into the room.It looked like a mini swanky restaurant. From all indications it was this man's private cafeteria. 

'So this was how the rich lived. How perfect. A personal cafeteria to himself was something a proud brute like him would have' She sneered in her mind.

Why has he brought her here? Eun-Sun was still pondering about Dan-Han's reason for bringing her there when his cold voice came cutting through her thoughts.

"Come sit" He said, more like he ordered, gesturing at the seat by the round table.

Eun-Sun felt like protesting and demanding her why he had brought her there and why he always spoke in a commanding tone like everyone was his lapdog who would come wagging their tail whenever he dished out an order. But before she realized it she was already advancing towards the seat. She was always subconsciously obeying this man's orders even when she didn't want to.

"Mr Lee I don't know why you've brought me here, but..."

"What would you like to eat?" Dan-Han asked, interjecting her words.

Eun-Sun eyes snapped towards him. He has brought her here to eat? Why? To trick her into another debt?

"How much was it going to cost to eat a plate of food in his personal restaurant? Her whole salary? Hell no she wouldn't be tricked into making such a mistake twice"

"This is not a trick"

Eun-Sun's eyes popped when she realized she had just said her thoughts out loud.


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