Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 74 - Have Dinner With Me

Chapter 74 - Have Dinner With Me

"I'm sorry sir" The Chauffeur apologized to Dan-Han. He had almost lost control of the steering wheel as soon as those words left Dan-Han's mouth. Why did he say something as scary as that!

Did he by chance want them to get involved in an accident?! Did the boss really just apologize? He looked at the lady seated behind through the rear view mirror. She looked petite, so what hold does she have on the hellish boss?

The chauffeur was startled when his eyes met with Dan-Han's cold eyes via the rear view mirror. He returned his attention back to the road.

Eun-Sun was also surprised by Dan-Han's apology. She wouldn't lie it came as a surprise to her. Dan-Han has always given her the feeling of a proud and arrogant man who would never apologize or accept his wrong, nor does he consider other people's feelings. It wasn't her fault for thinking that way, but that was the kind of vibe the man exuded. And also given the fact that he has been torturing her mentally, she was expected to think the worst of him, thus why his apology came as a surprise to her.

Eun-Sun stared at Dan-Han who had his head facing outside the window. She looked at him for a little while without saying a word, before looking away as well. Though he has apologized, it didn't change the fact that she wanted to be anywhere else but there. As a matter of fact she wanted to be a hundred meters away from this man. There was a lot about him she didn't like at all.

Dan-Han could tell she was no longer looking at him, so he turned to look at her. Her dark brown hair fell freely across her shoulders and from the side profile of her face she looked really pretty, more than most girls he had seen. He wondered what was so unique about her that he couldn't take her off his mind since the day he met her back at the hospital.

In a short time they finally arrived their destination. The car slowly came to stop and took one last look at her before he opened the door to come down.

"Get down" He said in his usual cold and icy tone holding his side of the door for her. Eun-Sun turned to look at him, distaste written all over her eyes. She hated the tone at which be spoke. It was always like he was speaking to some trained dog. There must be some room for defilement right?

Eun-Sun gave an intense look, before opening her side of the door and she got down from there, totally ignoring him.

Dan-Han glanced at her and his lips twitched in amusement when he saw the look on her face as she stared captivatingly at the huge and elegant structure standing in front of them.

The Oaks was the most prestigious hotel in the whole country, and it was owned by PK Corps. Eun-Sun thought the name sounded familiar when Dan-Han spoke to his driver earlier, but looking at it she remembered she had seen it on one of the projects book she has been studying at the office. It was one of PK subsidiaries.

Eun-Sun regained her composure when she noticed Dan-Han was staring at her. Her angry look returned back to her face.

Dan-Han acted like he wasn't amused by her. With his stoic face and a serious tone, he said, "Come" before taking the stairs that led to the entrance of the hotel.

Eun-Sun felt an uncomfortable chill run through her spine when Dan-Han started climbing up the stairs. The thoughts of what they were doing there was came through her mind.

'Why has he brought her to a hotel?' She asked herself.

'What does a man and woman do in a hotel room dummy?' A voice spoke in her head.josei

'What do they do?' She asked herself. She knew that was a dumb question, but she couldn't help but ask.

'Sex honey, sex! Mr Dan-Han here is going to ask for sex for payment of the debt you owe...hehehe' A mini version of herself with horns and a trident appeared on her

Another mini version of her in a white garment appeared with a halo over head and a wand in hand refuted, "That's a lie Mr Lee might be many things but he isn't a pervert"

"Hmph, what makes you think that?" The evil version of Eun-Sun spoke up angrily, before inching closer to Eun-Sun's ear, "She knows nothing. Believe me this man is the total definition of perverts. He obviously slay the rank. His cold demeanour is just a facade, he knows what he wants and he'll try to get it. Why don't you teach him a lesson. A slap or shoulder flip will set him straight"

"You better not do that. Except you really want to be jobless" The angelic one warned.

"Hell no she won't!"

Eun-Sun had her zeroed on her boss, leaving the two mini versions of her to argue as much as they want till they decide to puff into thin air. Did he really bring her here for that? Was he that kind of a person?

"Mr Lee" Came Eun-Sun's voice, halting Dan-Han on his steps. He turned around only to see her still rooted on the very spot she has been standing seconds ago. 'What's with this girl and not following orders?' He asked himself.

From the look Eun-Sun was shooting at him and the structure gloriously standing behind him, he could guess what was on her mind. A frown almost formed on his face when he thought that Eun-Sun was being suspicious of him. How could she see him in that light.

His held her gaze as she slowly walked closer, while maintaining a reasonable distance between them.

"Mr Lee what are we doing here?" Eun-Sun asked, her tone was sharp and firm, revealing the distrust in them.

"What do you think we're here for?" He decided to humor her, his right brow perfectly arched at her.

Eun-Sun frowned when she noticed his non-chanlant attitude towards the issue at hand. He had brought her to a hotel so she needed a reasonable explanation not some non-chalant attitude.

"I don't know. So sir please tell me" Dan-Han didn't miss the sarcasm in her words, even she tried to be as polite as she could.

He gazed at her silently for a couple of minutes and the defiant way at which Eun-Sun was staring at him didn't die down not even for a second. She was used to keeping her guards up. Dan-Han sighed inwardly, he wasn't used to explaining himself but if he wanted to pursue her like he wanted to he had to let go of some things and do things he wasn't used to.

"We're here to have dinner!" He announced. Eun-Sun was surprised by his reply?

Dinner? Here? Why?

"Why?" Dan-Han who has already continued his journey to the door paused again when she yet asked another question. He growled inwardly, his eyes shut for a second, before turning back to her.

"Miss Eun-Sun you sure do ask a lot of questions even those that have obvious answers"

"With all due respect sir, I'm human so I believe I'm entitled to some answers" Her reponse was defiant.

Dan-Han looked at her intensely he heaved a sigh as he descended the steps he had just climbed. He stopped a step just above hers and lowered his head to her level, so much that they were standing eye to eye.

"So what if I want to have dinner with you because I like you?" He asked her.

Eun-Sun wasn't sure if she had heard him clearly, but her body sure responded. Her body stiffened with shock and her eyes widened, a slow response of , "Huh" escaped her small mouth, her mouth was agape.

Dan-Han chuckled, before straightened his back. "Close your mouth miss Eun-Sun before a fly gets in" Eun-Sun immediately clamped her mouth shut.

Dan-Han dipped his hand into his pocket, his eye still gazing at her. He could see she was still in shock as her eyes was still widely opened.

Eun-Sun thought she had not heard him well, but seeing the smug look on his face she was sure he had just said that.

She shook her head inwardly, 'Did he say he might like her? That was a joke right? It must be. But why was her heart beating so fast?....This man must be messing with her'

Dan-Han was enjoying every expression passing through her face as she looked at him completely dumb-struck. He chuckled again. With his hands still buried in his pocket and a face back to it's original stoic nature, Dan-Han said, "Have dinner with me and consider fifty percent of your debt paid"


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Love you much..*muah*

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