Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 79 - Order For Men

Chapter 79 - Order For Men

The bright morning light streaming through the opening between the curtains of the room assaulted Eun-Sun's eyes as she slowly stirred from sleep. A throbbbing headache made her groan in pain even with her eyes closed. Slowly she flickered her eyes open and the bright white light flooded into it making her flinch it shut, and a serious bang seered through her head. The headache was severe.

She quickly rose up to sit on the bed when the memories of last night flashed through her head. Her eyes swiftly scanned the room and she heaved a deep sigh when she realized it was she and Hei-Ran's room. But how....

There was no need asking who had brought her home. It had to be that evil, devilish, satanic...all evil word worth cussing boss.

She had to admit that he might be as bad as he looked, given the fact that she had brought her home and didn't take advantage of her in her vulnerable state like the others she had seen in time past.

"Finally. It's about time you woke up" Hei-Ran voice came as she walked out of the bathroom.

"Hey.." Eun-Sun replied in a croaked and hoarse voice. She raised her hand to her head, it was so heavy and it looked like it was about to fall off.

"Are you okay? You have a headache I suppose?" Hei-Ran asked with concern when she saw the way Eun-Sun was holding her head.

"It seems so" Eun-Sun replied with a sigh. Her attention was more on her banging head than in Hei-Ran's concern.

"That's what you get for drinking too much. How could you that? Why did you even do that?" Hei-Ran asked in incredulity. She knew Eun-Sun didn't like taking alcohol because of what happened in back in school. So why did she do that?

Eun-Sun wasn't surprised by Hei-Ran's nagging. She would have been surprised if Hei-Ran didn't, she cared too much for her. If any one had showed her real love and care in the last ten years, then it was Hei-Ran and Ji-Sang, until he turned it into something romantic.

"Here" Hei-Ran handed a her a pill and a glass of water which she didn't notice had been lying on the bedside table. "There's no hangover pill but this will help with the headache"

Eun-Sun took the pill and gulped it down. "Thanks"

"You have to get ready. We'll be late for work" Hei-Ran said as she offered a hand to help her out of bed.

"Okay" Eun-Sun replied as she let Hei-Ran slowly pull her up. It was sure going to be a hard day for.

That evil man just had to get her drunk, now she was going to have a hard day at work.

"And Eun-Sun you have to tell me where you met that handsome guy who brought you home. He said he was your boss though but I don't believe him. Bosses these days are not as nice as yours who bring their employees home to their door step."

Eun-Sun rolled her eyes at her, "Not every one is a maniac like your boss. And he wasn't lying" Eun-Sun told her before walking into the bathroom.

"He wasn't?" Hei-Ran asked in disbelief. "That's the psychpathic boss you've been complaining about?" Hei-Ran asked in surprise. The man she had seen didn't look like how Ehn had described him at all. Though there was this dark and dangerous aura around him that tend to scare people away and not to mention that stoic face of his, he still didn't look like a psychopath to her.

Eun-Sun poked her head out of the door. "I never said my boss is a psychopathic. He is just every thing evil and devilish, but definitely not a psychopath. If you're looking for one, then I guess you should be talking about your boss" Eun-Sun said before closing the door.

Hei-Ran fell quiet for a while, before awkwardly scratching the back of her neck. "I think you're right" She muttered under her breath. Her boss was indeed the psychopath.

Soon both ladies were ready for work and they both headed out.

Eun-Sun was kneading her temples with her eyes closed at the back of the cab, Hei-Ran had forced her into taking on instead of a bus.

"Please no" Hei-Ran cried when her phone started ringing. She sighed exasperatedly when she saw it was her mother calling.

What a way to start the day?

Should she ignore the call the call? Maybe she shouldn't. Knowing her mother very well she was sure she might make her threat of visiting her at her work place a bit sooner than expected. With that fear in mind Hei-Ran immediately picked up her phone.

"Ha, my mother finally picks her call" Came Hei-Ran' mother's sarcastic voice as soon as Hei-Ran answered the call.

"Good morning to you too mother" Hei-Ran greeted while rolling her eyes. She wondered why her mother always referred to her as her mother whenever she was angry.

"Why have you been ignoring my calls" Mrs Su asked enragedly.

"Mother I've not been ignoring your calls, I've just been busy..."

"Busy looking for a man I suppose?" Mrs Su was sure not going to go easy on her daughter.

"And I've not been close to my phone" Hei-Ran continued to explain herself, ignoring her mother's last statement.

"You're definitely away from your phone because there's no man calling it" Mrs Su snapped. Hei-Ran pulled the phone away from her ears, because her mother was ready to rupture her ear drums.

"Did you receive my message?" Mrs Su asked.

"Yes I did"


"I'll be busy by weekend" Hei-Ran replied.

"You'll be what?" Mrs Su asked angrily.

"I'll be bu..."

"I dare you to repeat that Su Hei-Ran" Mrs Su dared, making Hei-Ran shut her mouth shut.

"You had better bring a man this weekend or I'll make a public show at your office"josei

"What if I don't have a man, do you want me to go and shop for one?" Hei-Ran snapped angrily, she was tired of all these marriage and men hounding from her mother.

"Oh yes, by all means do. Shop for one, if possible order one from hell I don't care, just bring a man this weekend" Mrs Su declared.

"Mother am I really your daughter?" Hei-Ran asked incredulously. "How can you say that to me? Are you that desperate to get me married?" She asked angrily, but she tried to be as polite as possible.

"Yes Hei-Ran I am. You're getting old. Do you want your womb to grow cold. This is your most fertile age, and you have to make good use of it and produce good children"

"For Christ sake, I'm just twenty six" Hei-Ran reminded her.

"About to be twenty seven, and I had you at twenty one. So what are you doing with your time?" Mrs Su asked pointedly. Hei-Ran was going to kill her with stress and worry.

"Mom I have a career and I want to pursue it to the latter, and you know my boss is already stressing me out, please let me be"

"If your boss is still stressing you and won't let you be then hump on your boss, get pregnant and I'll beat him up till he marries you" Mrs Su said making Hei-Ran gasps in horror.


"Hei-Ran I have been patient with you. You asked for time to work and I did, but you're not keeping to your end of the bargain. Do you want to lay a bad example for Seul-Bi?" Mrs Su asked as she tried lowering her voice a bit.

"Mom I'm laying any bad example for Seul-Bi, all I'm saying that I won't be avail...." Hei-Ran didn't finish her sentence when the familiar beep indicating the line has been disconnected came through the phone. She pulled the phone from her ear as she heaved out a deep breath.

There was so much trouble hitting her from all side. The thought of the forthcoming weekend which unfortunately was just hours away completely dreaded her.

Eun-Sun let out a mocking laugh as soon as Hei-Ran dropped the phone. She had heard some of their conversation since Hei-Ran was sitting next to her.

"Laugh all you want, you can make a joke out of my predicament" Hei-Ran started talking but soon she joined Eun-Sun on the laughing spree.

"Happy shopping" Eun-Sun teased before letting out another round of laughter. "Poor you" She sighed.

"Tell me about it" Hei-Ran hissed softly.

"I guess you won't be able to see grandma Mae tomorrow" Eun-Sun asked.

"No I'm sorry, you'll have to go alone"


"Eun-Sun you have to go, it's been five years. You just have to. I promise to go with you after whenever I'm free we don't have to wait for her anniversary again, okay" She tried convincing Eun-Sun. She knew it would be hard to get Eun-Sun to go alone, but she had to try.

Eun-Sun kept quiet for a while, she sighed as she said "Okay"

"Alright then, let's just get past this awful weekend" Hei-Ran muttered.

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