Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 82 - Invaded Lunch

Chapter 82 - Invaded Lunch


"She can't go with you" Dan-Han said in an authoritative tone. He wasn't going to allow In-Ha take his woman, right under his nose. He know the kind of person In-Ha, he was a playboy who always had his way with women and he wasn't going to throw his little baby at him to devour. He hasn't even made a move yet, and giving In-Ha more time with her was going to be dangerous for him.

He wasn't going to allow that.

"What do you mean she can't go with me? There over a thousand staff working with you and you can get one to do whatever you want her to do for you. My tigress must be hungry, so I'm going to feed her and there's nothing you can do about it" In-Ha said stubbornly.

'Tigress? Really? Was In-Ha pushing him to kill him right now? One more endearing word from his mouth and he was going to kill him' Dan-Han growled inwardly.

"Miss Eun-Sun and I have a business deal, so you can go have your lunch somewhere else" Dan-Han spoke in an irritated tone. He hated it when In-Ha tries to rile him up by being stubborn. He just wants to have dinner with Eun-Sun alone, was that too much to ask.

"What kind of deal could that be?" In-Ha asked in confusion. He turned to Eun-Sun, but she was confused as he was.

Eun-Sun looked at Dan-Han in confusion. Was he by chance referring to the money she owed him? If that was the case then why what they going to discuss right now?

"A business deal that doesn't concern you since you don't work here"

In-Ha was about to speak up when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" Dan-Han answered.

Secretary Chang-Wok stepped into the office and bowed to them.

"What is it?" Dan-Han spoke in an angry tone, scaring his secretary. It was his fault for letting In-Ha into his office before informing him. He had tried to hide this woman from this lecherous being, but yet here he was again.

"Sir your lunch is ready" Secretary Chang-Wok announced.

Dan-Han looked up at In-Ha who still haf his hand wrapped around Eun-Sun.

"Tell Alex to add one more plate, I've an unwanted guest" He spoke much to In-Ha's hearing, making him to cock a brow at him.

"Who are you calling an unwanted guest? Remember I didn't come to see you, and I'm not having lunch with you" In-Ha rebutted.

"Then you can go back home, and then I'll try to call your father about your return as well. Maybe then he can get you out of my house" Dan-Han seethed.

He got up from his seat and picked up his suit Jacket from the hanger and slipped it on, before turning to Eun-Sun.

"Ms Eun-Sun come with me" He said as he walked ahead towards the door.

Eun-Sun looked at In-Ha was looked like he was in shock after Dan-Han's threat. She almost felt sorry for him, looking at his facial expression.

"Master Lee, you're indeed a bully" In-Ha yelled from behind Dan-Han.

He glanced at Eun-Sun who was awkwardly staring at him.

"Be careful of this man tigress, he's a big bully. He knows how to kick small flies like us. Let's go before he toss us out of the window" In-Ha said to Eun-Sun, but Dan-Han heard him, causing him to scowl at In-Ha.

They all took Dan-Han's walked to the private cafeteria. In-Ha smiling sheepishly at Eun-Sun like a clown, and his attitude was clearly irking Dan-Han out.

Secretary Chang-Wok who was paying a close attention to Dan-Han's countenance finally came to the conclusion that his boss indeed like the petite woman. Because the look on his face right now looked like that of a jealous husband, who caught his wife flirting with his best friend.

Secretary Chang-Wok couldn't believe that he could see something like this in his life time.

As they approached the table, Dan-Han pulled a seat for Eun-Sun and so did In-Ha.

"Sit tigress" In-Ha said with a smile.

Eun-Sun looked at both seats being pulled out for and felt her head spin for a minute. She could understand why In-Ha would pull a seat for her like a gentleman, the man was jovial and he was a certified womanizer, but Mr Lee?

Now that was odd.

This man only knows how to order and boss people around, why was he acting different make that last night.

First he had brought her home, and this morning he had given her pills for her hangover, a hot cup of coffee, and now he was holding a seat for her?

What the hell was going on?!

In-Ha was also surprised when he saw Dan-Han holding a seat for Eun-Sun. That was a first.

Eun-Sun looked at the both of them and she felt it was better is she took In-Ha's seat. She didn't want to sit so close to Mr Lee. That man was too strange for her. Not that she was comfortable with In-Ha either, but if one was to choose who to be close between the both of them, In-Ha would be the preferred choice....most definitely.

Dan-Han frowned when Eun-Sun chose In-Ha over him. He couldn't believe she could do that to him. Couldn't she have been scared of him and picked his seat instead. He wasn't only angry because she had chosen to sit close to In-Ha, but also because he felt like he had a made a fool of himself in their presence.

He awkwardly looked around and lowered himself down on his seat. He signalled Secretary Chang-Wok to get his chef to bring the food.

"Eun-Sun tell me about your work here? They haven't been stressing you right?" In-Ha asked, while Eun-Sun shook her head and replied, "No"

"That's great. If any one tries to bully you, you should come to me okay. We're friends and friends got each others back don't they?" He said excitedly, but Eun-Sun forced a smile as she nodded.

He was the one trying to be her friend. She wasn't truly hung up on the idea of becoming friends with him, but this guy was being too clingy. He doesn't even give up.

Maybe she should consider his hand of friendship right? She asked herself.

In-Ha kept asking her series of questions and she kept answering. Dan-Han couldn't be angry than he was right now. Why were they acting like old friends?

Was she truly friends with In-Ha? Or was she getting attracted to In-Ha already?

"Eat" Dan-Han said in a cold tone cutting into their question and answering session which was really pissing him off.

Dan-Han noticed how Eun-Sun's eyes lit up when she saw the black bean noddles he had asked his chef to prepare for her. His heart lit up when he saw smile lit up her face.

'She must really like it alot' He thought to himself.

His happiness was short lived when In-Ha opened his mouth and spoke up.

"Pumpkin, look it's your favorite" He chirped, as he picked up her plate and started serving her.

Eun-Sun scrunched up her brows to look at him. 'How did he know that?'

In-Ha noticed the confused look she was shooting at him and he understood her confusion.

"Comeon you told me that. Don't tell me you forgot?" He asked, dropping back her plate. Eun-Sun couldn't remember mentioning something like that to him, or did she?

Still sensing her confusion, he went further. "On your first day, when I asked you what you'd like to eat. You said black bean noddles, but even when I ordered it for you, you refused to eat it" He explained.

Indeed that was true, but she never mentioned it was her favorite food.

"But I never said..."

"Well the thing is when you ask people such questions, the first thing that comes out of their mouth is always the food they always enjoy eating the most" He said cutting her short.

Eun-Sun didn't understand his logic, but she just shrugged it off.

She looked up at President Lee and said, "Thank you sir"

Though she still wasn't comfortable around them, she was happy she had bowl of Jajangmyeon before her and for that she doesn't mind eating with them. This was far better than anything she could have eaten at the cafeteria.

"Mmm" He muttered under his breath.

"Won't you thank me too?" In-Ha asked in a jocular manner.

Eun-Sun arched a brow, she didn't know she was supposed to thank him for but she still said it anyway, "Thank you"

"Good girl, now let's eat" He said while Eun-Sun nodded.

Looking at the way they were interacting Dan-Han didn't know if he should continue sitting down at the table. He felt angry and out of place.

He didn't even know if he was angry that his best friend has invaded his private time or if it was because Eun-Sun was being friendly to In-Ha, than she was to him.

Does she hate him ?

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