Pay With Your Heart

Chapter 88 - Don't Fall For Me

Chapter 88 - Don't Fall For Me

Hei-Ran was thunderstruck by what her boss had done. She didn't understand why he would do something like this. His actions were going to put her in trouble. Though she had thought of doing something like this, but she really wasn't going to do it! It was only a thought.

Now how was she going to feel comfortable lying to her mother that her boss which she so much hated wad her boyfriend. And for how long was she going to keep up such an act? How long and how far was her boss willing to take this?

The main question was, why had he done something like this? He hated her just as much as she hated him, and no one should tell her he doesn't. Because if he didn't hate why was he always punishing her with the endless works like she was the only staff he had at the company. He made her do work which could be done by junior staffs and he had a way of always sticking around to personally observe her progress, another way of punishing her. So why was he doing this? Why was he even helping her to save face from her mother even though it was going to be a lie?

"Boss?" Hei-Ran called softly as they continued the drive.

" You can no longer call me that" He said without looking at her.

"Huh?" Hei-Ran blinked in confusion. Why was she no longer allowed to call him boss? She has always called him that, so what changed?

Maybe she should address him as Mr Song. Sometimes she did address him like that.

"Mr Song" She called again, but the man only glanced at her before returning his eyes back to the road ahead.

"Since I'll be acting as your boyfriend, you should address me by my name" He told her. Hei-Ran was hit with another wave of confusion. Address him by his name he says?

How was she supposed to do that.

"I'm — sorry sir I can't" There was no way in hell she was going to do that. Call him by his name? Like his first name? How could she do that? Even if she wanted to she couldn't do that? She didn't want to be close to this man at all, he seems like he's mentally unstable. If not for the fact that she loved working as an interior decorator, and that she had an good and relevant position at the company, and as much as she hated to say this, her boss was also the best at the job. As a matter of fact he had started from scratch, he wasn't like those third generational chaboel heir, and she was among the first staff which had built this company with him, hence her devotion to the job despite him being an ass.

Addressing him by his first name was unsettling.

"Why?" He asked.

"Be—cause you're my boss"

"Who's currently playing boyfriend. So address me that way if you don't want your mom to be suspicious" He said turning to glance at her briefly.

"But i-"

"Just do it Hei-Ran" He said, in his ususal strict voice which made her extremely uncomfortable.

"Yes sir"

"That's better"

"But why are you doing this?" She couldn't help but ask, making him look at her.

"Why am I helping you?" He tilted a brow at her.

"Yes" She nodded

"That's because I want to. And after hearing your mom, I feel guilty for making you single till now or do you have a boyfriend?" He asked turning to look at her.

"Errmm.." Hei-Ran stuttered.

"I'll take that as a no. So why don't you sit back and play along" He told her.

Hei-Ran cringed in her mind as she nodded her head and lolled back on her seat.


In-Ha's car

"So since were now friends, do you mind telling me about yourself?" In-Ha asked as they laid back on the chair watching another unexpected blast of the heavy rain.

"There's nothing to tell" Eun-Sun responded.

"I don't believe that. In every nothing there's definitely a something. Something we don't want to share. And I thought you were going to start treating me like a real friend?" In-Ha snapped hid head towards her, with a mock frown sitted on his face.

Eun-Sun closed her eyes and sighed. It wasn't easy talking to people about herself. And what more was there to talk about when she just spilled her guts out to him.

Eun-Sun looked at him, she sighed when she saw the expectant look on his face. He was indeed waiting for her to talk about herself.

"I'm twenty five years, and an only child, I work with Pk Corps which of course you know. I have two friends and one would be leaving the country soon and I don't even know when, while the other which I currently live with is currently angry with me. I dislike my boss who happened to be your friend..." She paused when In-Ha burst out in laughter.

"What's funny?" She cocked a brow at him.

"You dislike Dan-Han?" He asked amid laughter.

"I'm sorry" He apologized as he tried not to laugh when she glared at him. "The truth is you're the first person who's using such a kind word like dislike in addressing him.

"Really?" Eun-Sun tilted a brow at him.


"So what do they say?" She asked inquisitively.

"Strong words like detest, despise, hate, loath, as a matter of fact the whole thesaurus of the hate word" He said. "I'm sure he'll be pleased to hear someone used the word dislike for him" In-Ha said amusedly.

"You can't tell him I said that" She told him. "I wonder what my coming days will look like if he heard I said that" She muttered under her breath.

"What did you say?" In-Ha asked when he saw her mumbling something to herself.


"Don't tell me you're scared of him, tigress?" In-Ha asked with a look of disbelief.

"I'm not scared of him. He just gives a strange vibe, one I can't really understand" She said as she reasoned out the awkward feeling she gets when Dan-Han was close to her. It was strange, and when he's standing a feet away she feels an awkward feeling enveloping her, keeping her tongue tied and unable to refute his words or resist the aura emanating from was completely strange.

"Dan-Han gives everyone that kind of feel. He had the most toughest kind of training as a child and that has made him unapproachable" In-Ha said in his friends defence.

"What about me? What kind of vibe do I give you?" He winking at her.

"You mean from the fact that I think you're a full blooded pervert?"

"What?" In-Ha couldn't believe she just said that. She saw him as a pervert?

Shrugging her shoulders, "That's how you made me feel" She said in her defence. She was being truthful, he didn't expect her to lie did he?

"Okay apart from that" He pressed.

"I think you're a bit chatty...I mean friendly. And leaving the perverted vibe aside, you seem—" She paused as she thought about the best word to use.

"comfortable to be with" She thoughtfully added.

"Hmm. I think that's good. I think I have a better chance that Dan-Han, not that he'll ever be interested in stuffs like this" He said with a smile. She saying it was comfortable being around him, kind if made his heart leap. And that was a really awkward feeling.

"Stuff like what?" Eun-Sun asked. She didn't understand him.

"Don't bother yourself with my strange friend." In-Ha said dismissively. It wasn't really necessary saying stuffs like that. He was sure Dan-Han would never be interested in any woman, except a miracle happens.

"So tell me tigress do you have a boyfriend?" In-Ha asked. He didn't know why he asked but he felt like he really wanted to know.

Eun-Sun brows creased when he asked her such a question.

"And why do you ask?" She questioned in a cold tone.

"Because I want to know and I don't want any random punching me on the face because I'm hanging out with his girlfriend. So spare my beautiful face by telling me"

Eun-Sun kept quiet for a while. She thought his question was too personal. She hasn't really had this kind of conversation with anyone before. As a matter of fact the whole conversation was new to her. She silently looked at him for few more seconds. josei

" No" Came her response.

"Really?" He asked excitedly. He wondered why he was feeling excited over this discovery.

"I said no"

"So you're saying there's a tendency you might fall for me later?" He asked inching closer to her, making Eun-Sun glare at him.

"Easy pumpkin. You have to go easy with the glares" He chuckled as he composed himself.

"Sir In-Ha"

"In-Ha!" He flicked her head slightly, making her glare even more. He raosed his hands up to surrender.

"Alright I'll stop messing you. But I want to give you a heads up, don't fall for me later okay, I have quite a charmI" He said with a wink before looking ahead.

"Ha it finally stopped" He said referring to the rain.

Eun-Sun looked at him and scoffed in her mind. Falling for someone like him, not a chance.

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