Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 172 - 172

Chapter 172 - 172: How Did Tang Rou Get Defeated?

Chapter 172: How Did Tang Rou Get Defeated?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Do you want to learn from me? Since Father is unwilling to go out, it should not be a heavy job to help with the pickled vegetables.”

“Marinate it first. When the time is up, I have a place to sell it. When you’re done, tell me.” After all, it was her maternal family.

“What? Pickled vegetables? The one we ate last night, right? Speaking of which, the pickled vegetables and fish made by In-law was really delicious. However, wasn’t this pickled cabbage made from cabbage? What was so strange about it?” Old Madam Ye had never done business before, so she could not see the business opportunities inside.

Ye Muyu was not surprised and explained patiently, “Mother, if you think the fish with pickled vegetables is delicious, what about the others?”

“It will definitely be delicious.”

“Then, have you ever eaten pickled cabbages before this?”

“No, we only have pickled radishes.” Old Madam Ye shook her head honestly.

“The rarer something is, the more valuable it is. Since you’ve never eaten it before, there will always be people who are willing to try it.”

“Since there are people who are willing to try it, there will be people who are willing to buy it. You just have to do it.” Ye Muyu spoke softly but did not give Old Woman Ye any guarantee.

However, Old Woman Ye trusted Ye Muyu very much. She felt that her daughter had become very smart, which could be seen from the attitude of the Chu family toward her.

Old Woman Ye also saw the dishes that Madam Liu had served her last night.

She was not stupid, but she did not have much experience. She could still feel who was good to her and who was bad to her. In the past, when she came to the Chu family, not to mention giving her a good face, even the food was the most ordinary. It was already a compliment to have a meat dish.

Last night, Madam Liu made four meat dishes.

In Old Woman Ye’s eyes, eggs were also very precious and a meat dish.

“Alright, Mother will do it when I get back.”

“Mother, the more the better.” Ye Muyu reminded.

“Okay, I understand. I’ll do whatever you say, my daughter.” Old Madam Ye naturally nodded in agreement.

Ye Muyu coughed after saying so much.

Old Madam Ye saw this and quickly brought warm water to slowly feed her.

“By the way, my daughter, there’s still something good that I haven’t told you.” Old Woman Ye was talkative, especially when it came to gossip. She was full of energy.

Ye Muyu wanted to ask her what had happened in the past day, but he didn’t interrupt her.

Old Woman Ye then told her everything about how she and the Chu family went to the Tang family to cause trouble.

“From the start, my in -law and I felt that we couldn’t make the Tang Family pay too much just because Lil’ Jin was pushed down by Tang Bao. However, Tang Rou’s shameless thoughts made the Tang Family vomit blood.”

“I hid in the back and did not go forward. It was the in-laws who took the initiative to talk to Tang Rou and ask about her marriage.”

“In-law directly asked Tang Rou if she wanted to marry her son-in-law.

Although I know it’s fake, I’m still very angry.”

“That shameless Tang Rou actually knelt down in front of my In-law and said she was willing to marry her son.”

“At this time, I came out and scolded Tang Rou.” josei

“Even though Tang Rou was scolded by me and beaten up, she still hoped to get my in-law to agree.” At this point, Old Woman Ye’s face flushed red, clearly furious. “Hmph, In-law wanted her to admit that she coveted your position. After hearing this, how could she agree?”

“Then Madam Liu joined me in criticizing Tang Xueren and Mrs. Tang. That Mrs. Tang is also a ruthless person. Seeing that we’re making a scene and worried that their stepdaughter will affect the future of their two sons, she immediately agreed to marry Tang Rou off within five days.”

“Tsk, tsk, a stepmother is indeed a stepmother. She’s really cruel, but Tang Rou isn’t a good person either. She’s the same as Mrs. Tang..”

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