Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife

Chapter 191 - 191

Chapter 191 - 191: We Can Sell Pickled Cabbages Now

Chapter 191: We Can Sell Pickled Cabbages Now

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Is the business done?” Ye Muyu asked. She felt that this was the only good news. After all, she only asked Chu Heng to handle this matter.

“Eh? Sister-in-law, have you guessed it?” Chu Xing was slightly surprised.

Madam Liu walked over and heard their conversation. She asked curiously,

“What are you talking about? Business?”

“Sister-in-law, since you already know, then I won’t hide it from you. Third Aunt, it’s like this. Sister-in-law plans to sell the recipe for the fish with pickled cabbages. Brother Heng took it to discuss this business with the Third Young Master of the Xie family today, and the discussion was successful.”

“We can eat this dish more often when we go to the county in the future, but I definitely can’t afford it.” Chu Xing remembered that before he left, he heard the customers of the Fragrance Restaurant shouting that they wanted to eat the fish with pickled cabbages. At that time, he could not help but ask the waiter for the price of this dish.

When he heard the price of 300 copper coins per dish, he was speechless for a long time. This was almost comparable to one of the specialties of the Fragrance Restaurant, the braised pork trotter.

Of course, the pork trotter was also very expensive, Chu Xing thought to himself.

“Really? Then can we sell pickled cabbages in the future?”

Madam Liu was even happier now. She turned to look at Ye Muyu. “Third

Daughter-in-law, is this pickled cabbage difficult to make?”

“Mother, it’s not difficult. After the banquet is held today, I’ll teach you how to make it.” Ye Muyu did not intend to make pickled cabbages to sell, so she did not spend much time making them.

However, she did not know how much money this recipe would sell for, or if it would be enough for her to buy a shop.

“Then I won’t stand on ceremony.” Madam Liu thought that she could definitely earn another sum of money from this pickled cabbage. Compared to the harvest of medicinal herbs, if the pickled cabbage business was good, it could last for a long time.

Chu Xing was also a little envious. However, when he thought about how he had learned how to do business from Brother Heng and how he would earn a lot of money in the future, he became happy as well.

Under Madam Liu’s inquiry, he told her what he had eaten for breakfast excitedly.

When Madam Liu heard this, she felt that Chu Heng was even more amazing. Although the two of them were not thinking of the same thing, they could not hide their joy.

Ye Muyu could not help but smile.

She was a little surprised that Chu Heng was so good at doing business.

Of course, Chu Xing did not mention the Soft Fragrance Cake business. There was a reason why Chu Heng told him not to tell anyone.

“Third Aunt, I’ll be leaving first. Brother Heng said that he’ll borrow a table in the afternoon when he comes back.” Chu Xing quickly told him what Chu Heng had told him. “Go. Be careful on the road.”

He sent Chu Xing off.

Madam Liu entered the house and quickly went to clean up the vegetables.

Ye Muyu also helped.

Sure enough, Chu Heng returned before noon.

“Help me move the things in.” Chu Heng got down from the carriage and instructed Zhang Shu and his wife.

As for the two children, they did not need his instructions at all and just followed along to help.

Ye Muyu and Madam Liu heard the sound and opened the courtyard door.

When they saw a carriage, they were both stunned.

Chu Ziluo ran out and grabbed Ye Muyu’s hand. She asked Chu Heng subconsciously, “Father, is there a guest?”

Zhang Shu and Madam Hu trembled and quickly bowed. “Miss, this servant is Zhang Shu.”

“Miss, this servant’s surname is Hu.” josei

Hearing this, Ye Muyu understood that this must be a servant that Chu Heng had bought. He subconsciously turned to look at Chu Heng.

Chu Heng was beside the horse carriage and was being pulled by Chu Xing to talk.

Feeling Ye Muyu’s gaze, he turned around and met her eyes. He opened his thin lips and explained, “Zhang Shu and Madam Hu are husband and wife. They also have two children. The two children will be responsible for taking care of Ziluo and Lil’ Jin in the future..”

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