Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101: Dragon Blood Dew

Luo Zilan said: "I can't be sure now, I can only tell you that it is indeed very powerful! As for how to get such a powerful flame..."

Luo Zilan smiled slightly: "This matter is about to fall on the blazing dragon."

Three days later, Luo Zilan's strength had completely recovered to its peak.

She and Chen Feng left the cave and walked towards the location of the blazing dragon.

As she walked, she said in a deep voice: "Chen Feng, the flying dragon beast like the blazing dragon will produce a very powerful and extremely precious item called Dragon Blood Dew."

"This kind of dragon blood dew can only be produced if the dragon's blood is hereditary to a certain purity."

"It is said that it contains their most original power. An adult flying dragon can only produce one drop of dragon blood in a year, which is extremely precious."

"This kind of dragon blood dew is the kind of spiritual thing I said!"

Soon, the two came to a place not far from the cave where the flame dragon was.

After the two of them hid behind a huge boulder, Luo Zilan glanced out and frowned slightly.

It turned out that outside the cave of the blazing dragon, three or four spirit beasts were flying and circling above the sky.

On the ground, there are also two extremely huge, hill-like spirit beasts, lying lazily there.

There are six spirit beasts in total. When Chen Feng and others came before, there were no such spirit beasts!

Luo Zilan turned her head, smiled slightly, and said to Chen Feng: "There are six spirit beasts in total, of which four are fifth-rank spirit beasts and two are sixth-rank spirit beasts!"

She sneered and chuckled: "It seems that this beast has also learned how to behave. He has found a lot of helpers, but his helpers are all chickens, and they are vulnerable!"

Luo Zilan looked at Chen Feng with a smile, and said softly, "Do you know what magical effect Dragon Blood Dew has?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know."

Luo Zilan raised her head and glanced at the sky, and sighed softly, her expression suddenly became a little dignified: "How good is the effect of Dragon Blood Dew?"

"I'm telling you this way, only a drop of dragon blood dew is needed to directly allow an acquired martial artist to step directly into the divine gate realm!"

"And a hundred drops of dragon blood dew can allow an early warrior of the Divine Sect Realm to directly climb to the peak of the Divine Sect!"

"Even if it is a strong Tianhe realm, every one hundred drops of dragon blood dew is enough to raise it to a level!"

"Of course," she said with a smile: "There is a premise that the body of the person who consumes the dragon's blood is very powerful and can withstand the violent and hot power of the dragon's blood."

She looked at Chen Feng with an inexplicable look in her eyes: "The flaming flying dragon that fought with me before, I guess he is at least five thousand years old, and possibly even more."

"This shows that there are at least 5,000 drops of dragon blood in its lair!"

Without any hesitation, she said flatly: "I won't take a drop of these five thousand drops of dragon blood dew, and I will give you all."

"What? Give it all to me?" Chen Feng raised his brows and asked in surprise.

He didn't expect that Luo Zilan would say such a thing!

But then, he remained silent.

Because he understood what Luo Zilan meant.

Luo Zilan didn't need to give him so much dragon blood dew, but Luo Zilan did so. This was not only to pay back his favor, but also to cut off all love from him.

That's why he is so generous!

Chen Feng left this faint thought behind and started to get excited about the effect of Dragon Blood Dew.

Chen Feng didn't expect the effect of Dragon Blood Dew to be so good!

One drop can create a powerhouse of the gods!

Chen Feng's mind suddenly became alive. He realized that these dragon blood dews could not only be used by himself, but also be used by others!

Luo Zilan went on to say: "Dragon blood dew is usually hidden by flying dragons in the deepest part of its cave. I didn't worry about this before. As long as I lead the flame flying dragon away, you can enter the cave and take away those dragon blood dew. "

"But now it seems that it's a little difficult. I'm afraid that the flaming flying dragon will put a spirit beast in its cave to guard the dragon blood dew, so you can't handle it."josei

Chen Feng smiled faintly and said, "Sister Luo, don't you look down on people so much? I can still deal with spirit beasts with relatively low strength!"

Luo Zilan giggled, thought about it, and said: "However, it shouldn't be a big problem. The Flame Flying Dragon shouldn't have such careful thinking!"

She looked at Chen Feng and said flatly: "Now I will lead away the blazing flying dragon. After the blazing flying dragon leaves, you will enter its cave for the first time!"

Chen Feng nodded solemnly.

Luo Zilan smiled and patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left, carefully lurking in front of the cave.

Suddenly, she let out a sharp roar, her figure violent, her palms expelled heavily in the air.

In front of her, the thousand-meter-long ice giant python suddenly appeared.

Then, the ice giant python let out a earth-shaking roar, and swallowed the few spirit beasts outside the cave.

At this moment, the few spirit beasts outside the cave saw this scene, all panicked and stood up to meet the enemy.

They roared in their mouths, using their strongest tricks.

However, it is useless at all!

This time, when Luo Zilan came up, it was her strongest move!

The ice giant python looked quite weak when fighting the blazing dragon, but it was easy to fight against these spirit beasts.

It roared with a huge mouth, and then with a roar that sucked in cold air. Suddenly, a huge vortex appeared in front of his huge mouth, which produced a powerful attraction.

The six-headed spirit beast was actually sucked by this attraction, drifting up and down in the whirlpool, completely unable to control his body.

In the next instant, the ice giant roared sharply, opened its huge mouth, and swallowed them directly into its abdomen.

Inside its belly, there are high-speed winds rotating everywhere. These winds are extremely fast and sharp.

After the six-headed spirit beast was swallowed into his belly, he was still struggling desperately, but at this time the wind had swept over them, cutting their bodies frantically.

They were able to resist at first, but soon, the aura was shattered, the scale armor and thick skin were cut, and the next moment, the muscles were cut to pieces.

Until the end, when they slid all the way to the tail of the ice giant python, the six-headed spirit beast had been cut and turned into a piece of powder.

Not even the body left!

The corner of Chen Feng's eyes jumped wildly, the power of this trick was really very powerful.

At this moment, suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar in the cave.

Then, in the next instant, the blazing dragon rushed out of the cave.

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