Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285: Go kill!

Suddenly, his brows clenched. Seems to feel something.

Then, with a swipe, open your eyes.

His eyes were turbid, and his pupils turned out to be yellow, shining with strong animality and violence.

He stretched out his right hand abruptly, swiped it, and grabbed it in the air.

At the same time, something flew over from the outside quickly, and it happened to be caught in the palm of his hand.

He slowly opened his palm, and saw a white fang lying in his palm at this time.

There was a look of sadness in his eyes, and he slowly said in his mouth: "Green wolf, dead!"

He suddenly stood up, strode out, and said loudly, "Green Wolf, your father and I are close friends."

"The two of us, once adventured together, fought together, and smashed the world together!"

"He doesn't know how many times he has saved me. He only has you as a son, and you have been killed now. I must avenge this grudge!"

"Don't worry, the one who killed you, I will definitely send him to hell, and let him take care of you down there!"

He is extremely fast, and every time he utters a word, he seems to have to span tens of meters.

In a blink of an eye, he has come to the entrance of the cave.

Seeing him coming out, all those half-human and half-beast monsters fell to the ground, respectfully and loudly said: "I have seen the tiger rudder master!"

The tiger rudder nodded slightly.

One of the young people who seemed to be of high status smiled and said, "I don't know what the tiger rudder master is going to do this time?"

The tiger rudder smiled coldly, and two words popped out between his lips and teeth: "Kill!"

The voice was extremely cold, full of fierce killing intent.

Chen Fengfeng was very fast, and in the evening, he had already arrived at a place no more than a thousand miles away from Danyang County.

At this time, as the sun sets, Chen Fengfeng is walking on the official road.

Suddenly, he felt a bitter murderous aura forcing him.

Chen Feng immediately jumped into the air and jumped back several tens of meters.

Then, he saw that, with a stroke, he had nailed an extremely long golden feather arrow where he stood just now.josei

Chen Feng looked again, this was not a golden feather arrow at all, it was actually a three-foot-long golden hair!

This long hair is actually as hard as gold and iron!

At this time, the golden long hair has completely penetrated into the stone ground and is still humming, showing its extremely strong strength!

Chen Feng twisted his brows and looked forward, with a sharp expression in his eyes, and said lightly: "Who?"

"Come to kill you!" an old hoarse voice sounded.

This person is extremely fast, every time he speaks a word, he approaches a large distance here.

When they finished speaking these five words, they had come to Chen Feng from a far distance.

After Chen Feng looked at it, his brow raised suddenly.

It turned out that this person did not come here. His body was suspended about three to four meters above the ground.

And under him, there are a total of 70 or 80 ghosts, and they will be carried on their shoulders.

It looks like he is like a traveling noble, and those ghosts are his servants!

He lay lazily, looking at Chen Feng's gaze, showing a sense of contempt, and said lightly: "Are you Chen Feng?"

"Yes, I am Chen Feng!"

"You killed the blue wolf?"

"Yes, I did kill the Blue Wolf!"

Chen Feng knew why the other party came here.

The lord of the tiger rudder, a look of hideousness suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he shouted loudly, "Then you should die!"

Chen Feng smiled and looked at him: "There are too many people who say I deserve to die, and there are many people who think I deserve to die, and there are even many people who want to kill me."

"But, without exception, they are all dead now, but I'm still alive and well."

The tiger rudder master was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a wild laugh, full of disdain and contempt.

The tears of his laughter almost came out, pointing at Chen Feng, leaning forward and then closing: "Hahahaha, bastard, you are crazy!"

"How dare you say this to me? Do you know who I am?"

Suddenly he stood up, his body surged crazily, overwhelming, and extremely tyrannical.

Those ghosts were frightened by him and fell directly to the ground, shaking.

He looked at Chen Feng and roared violently: "Chen Feng, I am the master of the Qingzhou branch rudder of the wild beast door, Tiger!"

"I came here today to kill you!"

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, and said in his heart: "This crazy beast gate really got on the bar with me, and has had countless conflicts with them."

He smiled and looked at the helm of the tiger, and said: "Okay, a blue wolf, a tiger, just right, you two will be company, don't let him be too lonely."

The lord of the tiger rudder looked at Chen Feng coldly: "Do you think you can kill me? Do you think you can kill me if you kill the blue wolf?"

"Tell you, you are really superficial and ignorant! The strength of the green wolf can't be compared with me at all!"

He stretched out a finger, looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, one move, I use one move, and it will end to you!"

Chen Feng said coldly: "If you don't have a trick, what will happen to me?"

"If none of the tricks will result in you..." the tiger rudder master groaned, lowered his head, as if lost in thought.

Suddenly, he laughed loudly: "Nonsense, if I can't get you in one move, I will naturally use the second one!"

As he said, he looked at Chen Feng and laughed jokingly and said: "Chen Feng, did you have hope in your heart just now, counting on me and saying, if I don’t have a single trick, I will let you go? ?"

"Hahahaha, you pedantic humans, do you think I would do this? I just played you just now!"

"I just want to give you a little hope, and then let you see that hope is dashed! Haha!"

Chen Feng looked at him coldly: "I didn't think this joke was funny."

"Sorry, I would never say such a thing, because I would kill you directly."

With that said, Chen Feng let out a violent roar, and the Dragon Saber slashed forward frantically!

The tiger rudder master smiled coldly and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Below him, those seventy or eighty ghosts suddenly whizzed out, rushing towards Chen Feng in the air.

Their bodies swelled rapidly, and each of them changed from the size of ordinary people to the size of seven or eight meters.

Grimace is hideous, eyes full of resentment, and screams in his mouth.

If you are a little courageous person, I am afraid you will be scared to death.

But Chen Feng stood there, motionless.

He slaying the dragon knife slashed out, this time, he used all the power of the Fire Dragon Nine Heavens and Thunder!

Nine fire dragons roared out, with an incomparable vigor.

The entire sky instantly turned into the color of the setting sun.

The tiger rudder master was shocked, and his face was full of horror: "How is it possible? This is obviously a trick to condense the seven powers of the soul realm!"

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