Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1630

Chapter 1630: Made this bowl of men's wine

The soldiers laughed loudly: "If you don't get drunk, you won't return."

However, unexpectedly, they did not toast and drink immediately, but stood up one after another under the leadership of their generals.

Qing Rongyue was under Chen Feng, at the very front of her seat. She raised her glass high, turned her head to face the crowd, and then said loudly, "Everyone, you are all my father's old men, and you all call me Young Master."

"But here, I want to say, I can't help you, at the beginning, if it were not for my cowardice and incompetence, you would not have died so many people."

"It's because Chen Feng is here that I saved everyone and saved you and me. If not, we are all withered bones now."

"So, here, we have to congratulate Chen Feng and the commander-in-chief!"

Headed by four ten thousand chiefs including Zhao Guang, all of them raised their wine glasses and shouted: "Hey the commander-in-chief!"

Chen Feng took a deep breath, a heartstring beating inexplicably in his heart, picked up the wine glass, did not speak, just drank it!

After doing this bowl of wine, everyone just took their seats.

Chen Feng sat there and decided for himself. For Chen Feng, these soldiers, including Zhao Guang and Qing Rongyue, all had a trace of awe, and no one dared to bother them.

Chen Feng was also happy.

Suddenly, Chen Feng saw a sturdy man standing up on a certain seat.

Then, he said something loudly to those under him.

The people under him shouted yes, and stood up with him.

These people came to Chen Feng with their wine glasses, and Chen Feng raised his brows: "Oh, is this coming over to toast me?"

There were about hundreds of people who walked by, and they looked like half a thousand people paired up. The leader was a sturdy man with a rather rough appearance.

This sturdy man had his face as usual, his eyes were clear, and he obviously didn't drink much.

But when he walked in front of Chen Feng, his emotions were extremely agitated. He picked up his wine glass and just wanted to open his mouth. This mouth seemed to be out of control.

His lips moved, the muscles of his face trembled, and the circles under his eyes turned red in an instant.

Tears flowed down, and before he could speak, he was already in tears.

Not only him, but other people's faces also showed sadness. Chen Feng showed a solemn expression on his face. He slowly stood up without speaking, but changed from holding a wine glass with one hand to holding a wine glass with both hands. .

After a while, the big man calmed down.

He looked at Chen Feng and said, "Master in command, I am Liu Yunsong, the commander of thousands."

"Today's glass of wine, I must bring my subordinates to come to respect, anyway, I must respect it."

He took a deep breath, his eyes flushed, and said, "Because, if it weren't for you, all of us would be dead!"

"When the blood-clothed guards came, I didn't dare to resist, and let them insult me ​​and insult my soldiers. Many soldiers were taken out and killed."

"There are also many soldiers who can't stand bullying and commit suicide directly, and those bastards..."

At this point, he flushed with anger, trembling all over, and tears rushed out again: "Those **** actually hang their bodies outside the camp, let the sun be exposed, and the crows peck at them."

"When I killed the blood-clothed guard and collected their bodies, I found that their bodies were broken."

Having said that, he wept and cried again, and suddenly fell to his knees, facing the direction of Daying.josei

He cried loudly: "Brothers, I can't help you, brother!"

"Big brother really wish he would die too, so he can be at ease by going to Jiuquan with you!"

"I can't help you, it's my incompetence!"

He screamed and banged his head. He used a lot of force, but after a few clicks, his forehead was already dripping with blood.

Chen Feng couldn't help being silent, a sense of hatred, killing, and anger burst out in his heart, filling his heart and lungs.

And at the lively scene just now, crying and killing sounded in an instant.

Their resentment towards the court reached the extreme!

After taking a bath, Liu Yunsong stopped crying.

He turned around with red eyes, looked at Chen Feng, and said, "So, I must respect this glass of wine!"

"My old Liu's life is the commander-in-chief. Even if you let me commit suicide, I won't frown!"

He glanced back and said proudly, "My thousand-man team, now there are only 457 people left."

"But I dare say that these four hundred and fifty-seven of us are all great men in the world. They are all loyal to the commander. We can die for you without frowning!"

With pride surging in his heart, Chen Feng walked to Liu Yunsong personally, and touched him with the glass in his hand.

Then, he walked behind Liu Yunsong, and each of the remaining thousand-man team touched a glass of wine with them, and shouted: "Did this bowl of men's wine!"

Tens of thousands of people in the court stood up, raised their glasses, and shouted: "Did this bowl of male wine!"

Even Qing Rongyueye was no exception. At this time, a thought surged in her heart: "Do you hate being a man in this life!"

Drink all night, sleep all night.

The next morning, Chen Feng led a specially selected team of thousands of people, looking for the treasure of the city lord of Battle Dragon City in the city.

The treasure of the city lord of the battle dragon city, the location shown on the map, is not in the city lord mansion of the dragon city at all.

Chen Feng admired this, because according to ordinary people's thinking, it would be more at ease to bury the treasure in his yard.

However, the Lord of Battle Dragon City was also an idea, he buried a lot of wealth in the southwest corner of Battle Dragon City.

That place is a slum, and nobles like the City Lord of Battle Dragon City can't beat them at all. Who would have thought that he would bury all the treasures there?

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "That's right, if he were really buried under the city lord's mansion, I'm afraid he would have been taken by the rebels a long time ago. Where can I get it?"

Chen Feng led this thousand-member team all the way to the southwest corner of the city. This was originally a large slum area. There were no continuous houses or mansions at all. Instead, it was full of dilapidated low-rise houses everywhere.

The streets are narrow, sewage is flowing, and there is mud everywhere, even the rebels are not very interested here.

Therefore, although part of it has been destroyed, it is still far from the ruins.

Inside, there are still a large number of residents who originally lived in it. Hearing the noise of the army outside, they were afraid to go out of the door. They just glanced at the crack in the window and the crack in the door, and then quickly closed the crack in the door. Shaking behind the door and window.

They have already seen how terrifying the army is, and seeing this army appear here at this time, naturally they are worried and terrified in their hearts.

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