Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1712

Chapter 1712: I paid it back!

In fact, Chen Feng was far from being as weak as he showed, but he knew how he should behave so that people would not doubt him.

A surprise voice sounded: "Huh? Chen Feng, are you awake?"

The voice was familiar, cold and arrogant.

Then, a beautiful face full of surprises appeared in Chen Feng's sight. It was Qin Lan.

In the past, Qin Lan, every time she appeared in front of Chen Feng, she was always arrogant, cold, and slightly mocking.

At this time, Qin Lan looked at him with concern, and when he woke up, he was full of joy.

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth twitched, and he said softly, "Where is this?"

"This is my room." There was a hint of shame on Qin Lan's face, and Chen Feng tilted his head and looked around.

In this room, the dressing table, etc., are full of utensils from the daughter's house, delicate and delicate.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and said softly, "Why am I here?"

Before Qin Lan had time to speak, suddenly, the door was pushed open with a creak.

The eldest lady Duan Wanqing walked in fiercely and saw Chen Feng awake, she immediately put a smile on her face and said, "Chen Feng, are you awake?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly and repeated the question just now.

"Hey, don't mention it, this is a mess!"

Duan Wanqing sat aside grimly, sighed, and told the whole story.

Only then did Chen Feng know what happened after he was unconscious.

It turned out that after the arrival of the Supreme Elder, those people in black fled, Duan Wanqing naturally returned to the door of the nirvana. Seeing Duan Wanqing, the lady in charge was crying and laughing again. After a while, I remembered and ordered people to look around.

But it was not to find Chen Feng, after all, in Duan Wanqing's eyes, Chen Feng was nothing, and he would definitely not bother to find him so much.

The main purpose of their search is to see if there are any fish that slip through the net among the men in black.josei

Killed a lot of people in black this time, but didn't catch one, and didn't even know the details of the people, which can be regarded as a very failure.

As a result, they found Chen Feng and the two corpses in the dilapidated temple, and then rescued Chen Feng.

When Duan Wanqing said that sentence: "How could I send someone to search for you?"

When she said this, her expression was not unusual. Obviously, she thought it was a matter of course, and she said it in front of Chen Feng without any scruples. She didn't have any scruples about Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's eyes changed, and he whispered in his heart: "Duan Wanqing is still the same Duan Wanqing, nothing has changed, indifferent and ruthless."

"The reason why she is like this is that she doesn't treat me as a human being at all. Perhaps in her mind, I can't compare to her precious artifact!"

At this point, the two people lived and died yesterday, and the feelings they finally cultivated completely disappeared.

Even after Chen Feng clearly realized his position in the other's heart, his feelings became even colder!

With a smile on his face, he said softly: "Miss, don't you doubt me?"

He was testing, but he didn't expect Duan Wanqing to say grinningly: "How could it be possible, with your strength, even if the two of them are about to die, you will not be their opponent!"

"Where is there any suspicion in your body? I told them when I found you! Besides, you were searched by people when you were unconscious, so where is the treasure?"

"As for the injury on your body, I have also checked it. It is indeed caused by the power of the sect's nirvana, naturally it was Kou Gaoyang's hand!"

"I see, that treasure was probably taken away by another group of people in black, and the elder Tai Shang chased in the wrong direction."

She said angrily.

Chen Feng couldn't help but stunned, with a wry smile in his heart. It turned out that he didn't doubt himself at all, and the work of this nirvana knife gate was really rough.

Duan Wanqing giggled, "I meant to arrange you here."

She blinked suddenly and said, "You are the first man to enter Qin Lan's boudoir!"

Then, he turned around and dropped a sentence: "You two cultivate and cultivate your relationship."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Feng was stunned: "What does this mean? Is he trying to match me and Qin Lan?"

In fact, Duan Wanqing meant this.

Long after she left, neither Chen Feng nor Qin Lan spoke, and they were very embarrassed. After a while, Qin Lan said softly: "Feng Chen, you can see that the eldest lady wants to match the two of us."

"But it's impossible for the two of us."

Chen Feng frowned and looked at her. Qin Lan thought that Chen Feng was a little upset, so she changed the subject and said something not painful or itchy.

After a while, she suddenly said indifferently: "Feng Chen, can you get up? If you can get up, leave here!"

Chen Feng frowned: "Are you going to start chasing people?"

The other party drove people out, and Chen Feng was naturally not a dead skinny person, anyway, his injury was not serious, he stood up pretending to be shaky, and walked slowly towards the courtyard gate.

Qin Lan's expression on Chen Feng's expression changed from the excitement and joy just now, but suddenly became cold again.

Chen Feng frowned, wondering why this happened.

When Chen Feng left, Qin Lan followed, and the two of them didn't say a word.

Qin Lan sent him out of the yard. When Chen Feng was about to say goodbye when he was out of the yard, Qin Lan whispered: "Feng Chen, I'm sorry, thank you for saving me."

"But it's a pity that you are just a handyman, you have no future!"

There was some guilt in her eyes, but what Chen Feng saw behind the guilt was full of determination.

Obviously, Qin Lan is actually a very decisive and assertive person. She believes that it is difficult to change her mind!

Chen Feng looked at her for a moment, then slowly shook his head, the expression on his face also became cold.

He finally knew why. If the eldest lady hadn't made a match, perhaps Qin Lan would still maintain the courtesy of Chen Feng on the surface, and now she had to talk about it.

She felt that Chen Feng would have bad thoughts about her.

And Chen Feng's attitude seemed to anger Qin Lan, the guilt in her eyes immediately disappeared, looking at Chen Feng, her eyes were cold and indifferent, and her voice revealed the alienation that was thousands of miles away:

"You saved me, I am very grateful, I will repay it naturally in the future, but that's the end!"

Chen Feng felt very funny in his heart. Who does this woman think of herself? Does she think she will pursue her hard? She really took herself too high.

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly smiled, and whispered: "Is the handyman, okay, look at it! How long will I stay in this handyman position?"

Looking at Chen Feng, Qin Lan frowned, and said displeased: "Feng Chen, I know that I may make you unhappy and uncomfortable when I say this, but this is the truth. You don't need to be **** your lips. Nothing can be changed if you have a hard mouth!"

"I saved you because of your girly affection for Chen Feng, and now, this affection, I am still in love!" Chen Feng said to himself.

At this time, Chen Feng had only full of disgust towards this woman. He sneered and turned away.

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