Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2075

Chapter 2075: Nine-star Wuwang peak? Spike!

"I am such a proud person! I am so strong, how can I die in this poor country?"

"How could I die in the hands of such a person? How could it be?"

"Ah!" He yelled terribly, but all this he did was in vain!

Chen Feng's fist fell fiercely, directly hitting his fist.

His fist was easily smashed, and then Chen Feng's fist was like a broken bamboo, and again bombarded his chest.

At this moment, time seemed to stop, the sky and the earth were solidified, and then suddenly, time returned to normal, and the clouds in the sky burst into pieces.

Ku Rong stared at his chest blankly, and at Chen Feng's fist that was as white as white jade surrounded by purple lightning.

Then the next moment, his face suddenly showed an expression that looked like crying, not crying, or laughing, not laughing, and with a bang, his whole body was shattered.


With only one punch, Chen Feng directly blasted and killed Ku Rong at the pinnacle of Nine-Star Martial King!


This time, the possession of Thunder Dragon didn't actually increase Chen Feng's strength tenfold!

But it exploded twenty times!

After being promoted to the Purple Aurora Thunder Dragon, the Thunder Dragon can actually increase the effect of possession by twenty times!

It turned out that Chen Feng had the strength to crush the peak of the Nine-Star Martial King!

But unfortunately, Chen Feng stayed in this powerful strength for only a moment, and then returned to normal.

At the next moment, the phantom of the Purple Aurora Thunder Dragon behind Chen Feng shattered directly, turning into countless stars.

In his dantian, the purple aurora thunder dragon was hit hard and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

After Chen Feng punched this punch, he felt all his energy, all strength, and even all his wits, flowing out with this punch.

The next moment, on the surface of Chen Feng's body, the lightning glow disappeared directly.

Then, his body fell back heavily, and with a boom, he rolled towards the cliff and disappeared!

When Chen Feng woke up, he felt that he had been swaying, floating around, just like a boat in the water.

Then, it was just a subtle feeling.

The next moment, when Chen Feng's perception recovered a bit, he felt the pain, the endless pain, the pain to the extreme.

Painful Chen Feng almost wanted to go mad, wanted to let out a scream.

But unfortunately, Chen Feng felt like he opened his mouth, but he didn't make any sound, as if his body was not under his control at all, and he couldn't even complete the simple action of shouting.

Moreover, he felt intense pain in his throat.

The more slowly he recovers, the more painful Chen Feng is.josei

At the end of the day, when Chen Feng's perception gradually returned to his whole body, he also felt the kind of pain no longer in his whole body.

Everywhere, as if to be torn apart.

Chen Feng's sanity at this time was still ignorant, and he was still a bit vague.

But the next moment, when Chen Feng's sanity recovered, when he woke up, Chen Feng was in extreme pain.

This time, it was not physical pain, but heartache.

Because Chen Feng suddenly remembered, he remembered everything, and he naturally thought of Han Yu'er.

"Senior Sister!"

A huge voice echoed in Chen Feng's heart: "It turns out that I am not dead. I am not dead. I should have fallen off the cliff."

"where is this place?"

"I'm not dead, why didn't I die?" His heart was so painful that he was covered by grief, and his heart twitched violently: "Senior Sister died, Senior Sister died for me!"

He was almost immersed in this kind of sadness and pain.

Even, the heartache made Chen Feng almost fainted again in the next moment.

Seeing that if Chen Feng continues to do this, he may fall into a coma again, and even die of heartache.

And at this moment, suddenly, in Chen Feng's heart, there was the sound of Hong Zhong and Dalyu, and Chen Fengfeng was completely awake in an instant, and a cold sweat oozes from his body.

He said to himself in shock: "Chen Feng, what's wrong with you? How can you do this?"

"Senior Sister is dead, and the revenge has not been reported. You have to live and take revenge for him. How can you be immersed in pain?"

"This is the work of a coward, how can you do that?"

This sound like an alarm bell made Chen Feng instantly regained consciousness. He struggled out of the grief and pain, as if taking an oath, whispered to himself:

"Sister, don't worry, I will repay your grudges for you!"

"I've killed the monk named Ku Rong, but not only him, but the ten-point jungle behind him!"

"Then what ten jungles are the culprit!"

"I know that this ten-party jungle should be extremely strong, but what about it? No matter how strong it is, Chen Feng will not be afraid of it, and I will also avenge this deep hatred for you!"

Chen Feng said softly: "In this world, the inheritance of Buddhism is good and bad, as good as the Datianlong Temple, compassionate the sky, and benefit the side."

"The bad ones are like ten jungles, dominating the world, all Buddhism inheritance will have to occupy his home, if you don't follow it, you will grab them and kill them in pain."

"This kind of scourge, Chen Feng, I must destroy it!"

Chen Feng said, as if he had discovered the most solemn oath!

At this time, Chen Feng had broken the demons and was no longer immersed in sorrow. He immediately began to regain his sensitivity and began to feel the surrounding situation.

In the next moment, he felt that he seemed to be in a piece of water at this moment, and he fell together.

Only at this time, the coldness of the water penetrated deeply into his bone marrow, making him tremble all over.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly in his heart: "The temperature of this water should not be high, but I feel cold to my bones, obviously because of my poor strength now."

Sure enough, he felt it for a while, and then felt that his dantian was empty, and there were even countless tears in the dantian.

And on the barriers around that dantian, there were countless gaps that were deeply torn apart, and his dantian was already full of holes!

Before, the extremely powerful Purple Aurora Thunder Dragon had disappeared.

Chen Feng was hit hard and his cultivation almost completely disappeared.

Chen Feng tried to make a sound, and finally made a trace.

His voice was hoarse, as if two pieces of rusty iron were rubbing against each other, but he was able to make a sound after all.

Then the next moment, Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes, and there was a dazzling white light in the eyes.

The sun was shining down, and Chen Feng sighed softly: "Fortunately, it didn't fall into the ground, it should still be on the surface."

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