Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2424

Chapter 2424: Extremely angry!

Even more, many people were extremely angry at Yun Potian's trip.

But apart from a few people, no one dared to say anything.

After half a month, Chen Feng, who started from the Southern Wilderness, finally saw the tall gate of Tianyuan Imperial City.

There was a look of excitement on his face, he let out a sigh of breath, and said to himself: "I'm back at last."

"This time, it has been almost a year since I left for the last expedition."

This is also true of the facts. It took Chen Feng three to four months to go south to fight the Black Water Black Snake Tribe, to dismember the Black Water Black Snake Tribe, and to rebuild the order of the hundreds of families in the Southern Wilderness.

Later, I went to Jianmu for another three or four months, and then went back and forth for another three or four months.

It is not exactly a year's time after such a calculation.

A voice echoed in Chen Feng's heart: "The reason why I am like this is that I was delayed on the road for most of the time. Now that I have Jinpeng's cross-and-height tactics, my speed is much faster than before."

"In the future, it will definitely be able to greatly reduce the time on the road."

Chen Feng's wings spread out, Jin Peng moved horizontally and at a very fast speed towards the Tianwu Army camp.

His heart was full of joy, and he missed Zhenmeng and others very much, and he was even more concerned about the soldiers who followed him to death, and wanted to see them quickly.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's face changed.

The excitement on his face suddenly disappeared, turning into a trace of doubt.

Because when he was approaching the Tianwu Army camp, he smelled a strong smell of blood in the air.

This **** smell is almost like substance.

Chen Feng's heart trembled suddenly, and at this moment, he felt so distressed that he couldn't breathe.

He secretly asked, "What happened? Why do I have a very ominous premonition?"

He quickly flew towards the Tianwu Army Camp.

And when he came outside the Tianwu Army camp, at this moment, Chen Feng's blood poured into his pupils.

Feeling a buzzing sound, blood rushed straight to the forehead, and the whole person was completely blindfolded.

Even his Jinpeng Longitudinal and Vertical Art had stopped working and fell directly from the sky.

Chen Feng fell heavily on the ground, and he did not throw up any dust, because at this time, his feet were full of mud.

And the reason why the land turned into mud was not because of heavy rain, but because the blood soaked the land!

Chen Feng was stupid.

At this moment, he saw a scene like Shura hell, with wooden shelves everywhere, and on the wooden shelves, there were tortured corpses with only bones left.

He walked in it, staggering, his face was extremely unbelievable, extremely incredible!

"What's the matter? What's the matter? Why is this?"

"Why are so many people dead here?"

Then, Chen Feng distinguished that the clothes on their bodies were clearly dressed as soldiers of the Tianwu Army and other four soldiers.

"What the **** is going on?" Chen Feng had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart, but he didn't want to believe it, he would rather believe that he had guessed wrong!

Chen Feng's whole body was as if he was lost.

He staggered in this **** mud, he was like a madman, like a fool.

He said blankly: "Impossible, how could this be? What is going on?"

Suddenly, Chen Feng trembled, and then stood motionless.josei

He looked at his feet.

At this time, under Chen Feng's feet was a head.

The owner of this head didn't know how much he had endured before his death. At this time, his face was full of savage anger, and his eyes were full of anger and disappointment.

His eyes were hollow, looking at the sky, as if telling his tragic experience.

Chen Feng was stunned, his figure had not moved for a long time.

Suddenly, he slowly squatted down.

He held the head up, and suddenly muttered softly: "Xiao Feng, it's you, Xiao Feng."

"Xiao Feng, why are you doing this? Who did it? Who did it? Who killed you!"

Xiaofeng was one of Chen Feng's guards.

Chen Feng remembered very clearly that this was a young man in his twenties who came from a poor family, but he was very self-motivated, his cultivation talent was good, and his strength was very strong.

During the expedition to the Southern Famine, he killed countless enemies alone and made great achievements.

Chen Feng personally recommended him to be the captain of ten thousand, because Chen Feng remembered clearly that when he went out for a night patrol one night, Xiao Feng accompanied him.

At that time, Chen Feng asked about his dreams. Xiaofeng said that his ninth generation was a poor family member and was looked down upon by his tribe.

Since he was a child, amidst the ridicule of those arrogant clansmen, he swore an oath that one day he would shine on the lintel, be a high official, and make those clansmen who look down on others kneel and tremble in front of him.

Therefore, Chen Feng immediately reported his credit for him.

Chen Feng originally thought that he had already glorified the lintel, had lived in a big house, and had taken his parents over, so that parents who had been serving others for most of their lives could also experience the feeling of being served by others.

Chen Feng had thought that he had already made those people who looked down upon him look at him with admiration.

Unexpectedly, he was here and died here at this time.

The corpse was separated, and the head was held in Chen Feng's hands.

Chen Feng stood blankly.

Suddenly, his body trembled, and then it trembled more and more severely.

In the end, Chen Feng was like crazy.

He murmured: "Why?"

His volume suddenly increased: "Why?"

Then, suddenly, there was a loud roar: "Why!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng raised his head and let out an extremely angry roar towards the sky: "Why? Why is this?"

In an instant, Chen Feng's eyes became red, sillyness overflowed all around his body, and his face was enveloped by murderous aura.

For an instant, the whole person seemed to be shrouded in blood and fire, like a demon from hell.

Chen Feng yelled crazy: "Why? Why is this?"

God, it seemed that Chen Feng's anger was felt.

Above the sky, lead clouds condensed, and the pouring rain fell suddenly.

And seeing this scene, and at the same time Chen Feng's roar outside the Tianwu Army camp, has already been heard by many people in the Tianyuan Imperial City, and has alarmed many of the strongmen in the Tianyuan Imperial City.

Many experts in Tianyuan Imperial City are Huo Suiqi, muttering: "Chen Feng, this is Chen Feng's return!"

Chen Feng screamed and vented wildly, his heart was full of pain.

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly stopped.

He turned around suddenly, looked at one of them, and shouted sharply: "Who? Get out of me!"

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