Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2505

Chapter 2505: The secret room under the coffin!

Obviously, this is indeed the last floor of the entire tomb, and there is nothing else.

Yin Guang was disappointed and said: "We came in this time and found nothing."

Chen Feng frowned, he always felt a little disbelief, and Chen Feng faintly felt a few powerful auras lingering around this Wu Emperor's tomb.

Chen Feng said softly: "Something's wrong."

And at almost the same moment, another faint voice rang: "Something's wrong."

Chen Feng looked to the side and saw that the person speaking was a seventeen or eighteen year old girl.

The girl wore a purple robe, she was very beautiful, but her face was full of shyness, as if she would be shy when she saw others.

Chen Feng looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

She was a little afraid to look directly at Chen Feng, lowered her head, and said, "I, I think something is wrong."

The voice is as thin as a gnat.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said encouragingly, "What do you think is wrong? Just say it."

"What you want to do, just do it directly, and we will support you."

Chen Feng looked at him with gentle eyes.

Chen Feng's actions and these words made the purple shirt girl seem more courageous.

She looked around, then pointed to the bottom of the coffin and said, "There seems to be something wrong here."

She was referring to the innermost side of the coffin, the bottom plate of the coffin.

Yin Guang exclaimed excitedly: "Ziling, have you found any problems? I know that if there is a mechanism inside, it must be hidden from you."

With a low smile, Zi Ling walked into the coffin. On the inside of the coffin, there were many various patterns carved, each of which was extremely grand.

She clicked here, touched there, tossed here for half an hour, at least touched dozens of places.

Before each touch, she would think about it for a long time, very cautious.

In the end, she solemnly pressed the right eyeball of one of the giant tiger heads carved on the wall of the coffin.

Then, he gently moved one of its teeth, and finally, he pulled its tail for a while.

Then, a magical scene appeared.

With a bang, there was a huge shock at the bottom of the coffin.

Then, the huge coffin board began to tremble slightly, and moved aside.

Countless metal dust rustled down, and finally, the coffin board moved a gap about one person wide, exposing the steps below.

"Hahahaha!" Yinguang smiled triumphantly: "Ziling, you really found out, you are really amazing!"

They all smiled and praised Zi Ling.

Zi Ling seemed a little proud, and she looked very cute, and Chen Feng also gave her a surprised look.

This Qingqiu fox clan is really talented, and this time Ling is actually proficient in organs.

Chen Feng went down to investigate first, and felt that there was no danger inside, and there was not even a breath of living creatures inside, so he relaxed and said, "Let's all come in!"

Everyone filed in.

After the last person entered, the coffin board closed directly with a bang.

Then, everyone moved forward, down the steps, and down.

The steps seemed endless, as if they were going to hell.

In the end, after tens of thousands of levels, this step reached the end, and in front of it, a stone chamber appeared.

This stone chamber is very small and very crude, it seems to have been opened out of the rock. Compared with the previous magnificent halls, it is not comparable at all.

It can even be said to be shabby.

And here, there are no treasures placed here, only a small table, a small futon, and a few large tea bowls and a few teacups.

On the side wall, there is also a small wooden sword hanging, which is like an ordinary child’s residence.

Moreover, it is not the kind of home for wealthy or martial arts, but just a residence for ordinary civilian children.

The little table, the little stool, and the little wooden sword are all for children.

"What is this? How could there be such a simple place here?" Everyone asked.

After Chen Feng watched it, his heart suddenly moved. He remembered the pictures he had seen.

Isn't it true of one of the pictures?

Isn't this what the room that Emperor Wu Beichen lived in when he was young? Isn't it the things he used?

Exactly the same, there is no difference.josei

Emperor Wu Beichen, he himself was born as an ordinary farmer, and he was from a poor family!

It turns out that this is Emperor Wu Beichen, the deepest, heaviest, and also his most precious memory!

He put his childhood here.

Chen Feng felt a little emotional. He walked here lightly, as if he was afraid of ruining it.

But at this time, the picture of listening to the scriptures in front of the Buddha suddenly flew out. He turned around in this stone room, and Chen Feng could even feel a hint of nostalgia from it.

It seems that his whole emotions have become gentle.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved. This picture of listening to the scriptures before the Buddha is definitely not that simple. It is very likely that he was not left by the predecessor of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, but came from Wudi Beichen.

The predecessor of the Qingqiu Fox Clan got this strange treasure from the tomb of Emperor Wu, but he just added a little bit!

The picture of listening to the scriptures in front of the Buddha flew back again, and it seemed that his remembrance ended here and returned to normal.

At the next moment, light flashed suddenly on the listening scriptures before the Buddha. The patterns on the listening scriptures before the Buddha collapsed one after another. After they collapsed, they turned into countless rays of light, which suddenly spilled out. It was like illuminating this huge underground stone chamber.

Then, the next moment, as the light shone, on the stone room and on the wall, there were countless places that seemed indistinguishable from other stones, but they suddenly shook violently.

The next moment, the entire stone chamber began to collapse, and countless boulders fell downward.

Chen Feng said loudly: "Everyone, come to me!"

With a roar of anger, his power surged out, and he lifted a huge rock as big as a hill to block everyone's heads.

Chen Feng is as tall as the sky standing on top of the ground. This small mountain-like boulder weighs 600 million catties, which is almost too much for Chen Feng to bear, but he still gritted his teeth!

And as these big rocks fell, the entire tomb seemed to begin to collapse, the passage also collapsed, and the main hall in front also collapsed.

In the end, almost the entire mountain collapsed.

When the whole mountain collapsed, Chen Feng and others saw the sky outside all at once.

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