Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2631

Chapter 2631: unacceptable

The two of them have been in the winner year for a long time, and it can even be said that they grew up watching Win Ziyue.

However, whether it was winning Ziyue, Chaoyang, or the Patriarch, they were secretive about what happened during Ziyue's disappearance, so they didn't know what was going on.josei

At this time, after listening to what Ying Ziyue said, only then did she know, and then she understood why she was willing to pay for Chen Feng so much!

And the next moment, a scene that shocked them even more appeared.

After Chen Feng heard Ziyue's words, there was a deep touch in his eyes.

He knew that Ziyue did all this for herself.

But unfortunately, Chen Feng couldn't accept it, at least now. He has someone who can't live up to it.

Chen Feng looked at Ziyue with a wry smile, and opened his mouth softly and said, "But, you know, Ziyue, I have a wife!"

The emotions of all the people below changed drastically at this moment, from being dumbfounded just now to being full of raging anger.

They were all extremely angry at Chen Fengfeng, and someone immediately shouted: "Chen Feng, you agree!"

"You are stupid, she is the winner's eldest!"

Just now, Xuanyuan Junxiong was in a completely silly state.

He didn't expect that the winner lady, who looked like a fairy in his eyes, would actually ask to commit herself to marry Chen Feng. This Chen Feng, whom he had mocked countless times, regarded as a waste.

And Chen Feng didn't even accept this time!

Hearing Chen Feng's refusal, he struggled out of that stiff state, and shouted sharply, "Chen Feng, you don't know how to promote!"

"What kind of thing are you? The winner's eldest lady is willing to say this, and it has given you a lot of face, but you dare not refuse? Are you looking for death?"

His body surged crazily and his murderous aura was revealed.

But at this moment, winning Ziyue suddenly turned his head, glanced at him with extremely disgusting eyes, and said coldly: "Get out!"

"What are you? I'm talking to Brother Chen Feng, how can you speak? Go aside!"

This slap in the face, but the fan was fierce enough to make Xuanyuan Junxiong like a hell.

Standing in the same place, the whole person was stupid, staring blankly at Ying Ziyue, his face was blue, his mouth was speechless, and he couldn't say a word.

Ying Ziyue's eyes were full of affection, and she looked at Chen Feng: "I know, your wife is sister Yuer!"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Ziyue felt an unspeakable sorrow in her heart. She felt that her heart was hit hard, and she was extremely uncomfortable. Her eyes were sour, and tears almost fell.

However, she was holding it back, even though the tears were rolling in her eyes, the smile on her face was still bright as a flower.

She looked at Chen Fengfeng, her eyes full of obsession, and said softly: "You have a wife, I've always known it."

"I have never dreamed of being your wife, so Brother Chen Feng, can I be your concubine?"

Dead silence, dead silence!

The entire huge Xuanyuan Family Square suddenly became deadly silent.

Everyone stood there motionless, no one spoke, and no one's muscles even moved.

Even, they felt that their thoughts were frozen, their emotions at this time were not even shocked.

Is it shock? Are you surprised?

Not at all, because of the shock and surprise, they couldn't express their emotions at this time.

Because even if it is shocked to the extreme, it cannot be compared with the shock in their hearts at this time.

"God, is this world crazy or am I crazy?"

"How is this possible, she is the winner's eldest lady, she is the daughter of the Ninth-Rank family, she is the nine major forces, and even the most distinguished woman in the entire Dragon Vein Continent!"

"At this time, she actually told a man that she wanted to be his wife, and the most incredible thing was that this man refused!"

And this woman, after his refusal, was neither angry, nor excited, nor even disappointed, but, with tears in her eyes, with a smile, she uttered a hard but determined sentence: "Then I will be you. How is your concubine?"

At this moment, everyone on the square looked at Chen Feng, full of envy and indescribable jealousy.

They are jealous of the young man, how could he be favored by such a girl!

Just as Ying Ziyue said these words, the tall, thin, short and fat two men in black screamed at the same time: "Miss, no!"

"Miss, stop talking!"

The two of them strode to win Ziyue, the complex and embarrassing color in their eyes had disappeared without a trace, replaced by an extremely intense rage.

Before, when they met with Chen Feng in Ziyue and said they were going to marry Chen Feng, they already wanted to stop her.

However, considering Ziyue's face, they didn't stand up in public.

But now, Ying Ziyue said these words, but they had to stop if they didn't stop it.

Their hearts are full of anger.

Because in their opinion, winning Ziyue's remarks simply humiliated the entire winner.

If she said that she was going to marry Chen Feng before, she could also explain that the two of them were very emotional, childhood sweethearts, and committed to marrying. Now, as the winner’s daughter, she actively asks to be a concubine. The entire winner was severely slapped a few times, leaving the entire winner faceless!

The tall and thin black clothes said humanely: "Miss, I two are greatly favored by the winner. If there is no winner, we two would have already become dead bones."

"The winner's matter is the matter of the two of me. If the winner loses a bit of face, I will be shameless and go to see the young master again!"

"How can you marry him as a concubine?"

He pointed at Chen Feng and shouted angrily!

The chunky man in black also said loudly, "Miss, please take back what you just said. If you take it back, the two of us can still be heard."

"But if you don't take it back, the two of us will definitely stop you, take you back to the family, and report this to the family."

"At that time, what kind of punishment the lady will be punished, neither of us knows!"

Hearing these threatening words from the two of them, there was no fear in winning against Ziyue.

She stepped forward and stared at them, her brows raised, her face didn't have any arrogance or even anger, some were just glorious, and some were just unspeakable determination.

Seeing her gaze, both men in black trembled in their hearts.

Ying Ziyue said loudly: "Two uncles, I know you two are for my sake."

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