Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2754

Chapter 2754: Crazy Blade King Kong!

Kakaka's chewing sound is endless, and he eats like candy.

In a blink of an eye, what he eats is bigger than his body.

But he didn't feel full.

He is already a third bigger than before, but he continues to eat without any signs of stagnation.

After eating for almost a cup of tea, he had already eaten half of this rib.

At this time, his body was completely restored to what it was before, and he continued to eat.

Chen Feng waited beside him, and couldn't help sighing: "This guy is probably a pig, so he can eat it!"josei

While eating, Zihuo Zhenling didn't forget to turn his head and sneered:

"Master, if there are pigs in the world that I can eat as much, then this Dragon Vein Continent is about to be eaten up."

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "You guy!"

Soon, the true spirit of Zi Huo ate up this whole rib.

Then, he jumped down from above, hiccuped, looked at Chen Feng and said, "Okay, Master, I can answer your questions now."

"What kind of question can you answer me?" Chen Feng asked.

"I can't say that, anyway, I will answer if I can answer, and I will shake my head if I can't answer, and you will naturally change the question." Zihuo Zhenling said with a smile.

He seemed to be very excited at this time, and he flew to Chen Feng's side, putting a piece of silk on Chen Feng's shoulder, looking like a hook on his shoulders.

"Furthermore," Zihuo Zhenling looked at Chen Feng and said with a smile: "Because the bones you found have something to do with my master, so I can tell you some more secrets after I swallow them, that is... "

He looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "Are you looking for a serial clue now? Have you found the first ring?"

Chen Feng's pupils shrank, staring at him, and said coldly: "You actually know my mind?"


The true spirit of Zihuo smiled triumphantly: "I don't know few things that happened in the Zihuo swamp."

"But don't worry, although I know, I won't do anything messy. After all, you are my master now!"

After speaking, he patted Chen Feng's chest, showing a nice expression on the brothers.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, the power of the dragon descending Arhat appeared in his hand.

Seeing the power of this golden dragon descending Arhat, Zi Huo Zhen Ling suddenly shuddered, thinking of the intense pain and the shadow of death.

He quickly flattered and said: "Oh, I'll just make a joke, I'll make a joke."

Chen Feng said coldly: "Don't play these tricks, just say it!"

Listen carefully to your Zihuo Zhenlinger and quickly said: "This is the question you asked me, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Chen Feng nodded: "The question I asked you is: Is this clue left by your master? How many rings are there? What is your master's origin? What is your master's name? ?"

When Chen Feng asked this question, Zihuo True Spirit immediately widened his eyes, with a dumbfounded look: "Huh? Master, you are playing tricks with me? You even cheated me?"

"You clearly have three problems!"

Chen Feng said, "Stop talking nonsense, and answer quickly."

The true spirit of Zi Huo shook his head desperately, even a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

Therefore, Chen Feng knew that there must be some questions he couldn't answer.

Therefore, Chen Feng tentatively reduced the question and asked: "Is this clue left by your master? How many links does this clue have? What is your master's origin?"

He removed the last question of these four questions, "Your Master's Name", and then waited for the reaction of Zihuo True Spirit.

As a result, Zihuo Zhenling still shook his head vigorously.

Chen Feng sighed softly, and said in his heart: "The rules are really strict."

"This former owner of the Purple Fire True Spirit is extremely powerful. It has reached an unimaginable level. The restrictions imposed on the Purple Fire True Spirit are so complicated and sophisticated."

Chen Feng's four questions are actually increasing in difficulty.

The further you go, the more difficult it is to answer.

Therefore, Chen Feng removed the third question again.

This time, Zi Huo Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I can answer this question."

"The first question, this clue, is indeed left by my master."

"The second question, there are nine rings in total."

Chen Feng nodded, as he got a more satisfactory answer.

He was even more shocked, but at the same time more excited.

"The first ring of this clue gave me so many benefits. There are still nine rings! So what are the huge benefits of the following rings? I look forward to it!"

Chen Feng then asked, "So, what is the relationship between this bone and your master? What is the name of this bone?"

"Can you answer this question?"

He felt that this problem should not cost anything.

Unexpectedly, the true spirit of Zihuo snapped his fingers, looked at Chen Feng thiefly, and said, "Master, I can't answer you this question."

"After I swallowed that rib just now, all I got was enough to answer your question just now."

"It's all right." Chen Feng pointed to the side angrily and said: "Then you can continue to eat!"

The true spirit of Zi Huo let out an excited whistle, and then threw himself to the side, and quickly ate another rib.

After he finished eating that rib, he wiped his mouth, smiled with satisfaction, and said, ‘this giant, he is one of the twenty mad sword kings that my master sat down. "

"Crazy Blade King Kong?" Chen Feng raised his brows, awe-inspiring in his heart.

And then, it turned into a burst of ecstasy: "The bones of this giant have decayed here for years, but they are still so powerful."

"The knife in his hand has reached at least the rank of the fourth rank emperor's soldier. It can be seen that his strength has already broken through the martial emperor realm, and he has reached the half-step martial emperor, even the martial emperor realm!"

"And this kind of powerful master, coupled with his incomparable racial talent, huge physique, can only rank among the twenty masters under the command of the owner of the Purple Fire True Spirit."

"It can be seen, what a powerful ancient power is the owner of the Purple Fire True Spirit, and how precious will the treasure he left behind?"

This made Chen Feng even more happy!

Chen Feng asked: "How to kill those long-sword monsters outside?"

Zihuo Zhenling said: "Actually, if you pay a high enough price, Master, I can kill the monsters outside."

"You?" Chen Feng looked at him and said, "But I remember your strength is average!"

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