Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2765

Chapter 2765: Magical Robe of Shadow!

"I still have this trick!"

"I am now directly in front of you, I see how you run!"

Chen Feng's pupils shrank sharply.

With a distance of hundreds of miles, it took quite a long time for the Shadow Gang to come over.

And now, he actually stepped through it in one step, and it took less than a hundredth of an instant to step out.

"What powerful martial skill is this!" Chen Feng was shocked!

This trick is too strong!

While the shadow gang leader was proud at this time, the corners of his mouth were still twitching, and his heart was very painful.

It turned out that the golden robe he wore was really a treasure.

The name is the Shadow Robe, and the level is incalculable, but among the soldiers of the emperor, it is absolutely extremely high.

Even if it is placed in Chaoge Tianzi City, it can be regarded as an upper-middle treasure, but it is the robes passed down by the shadow gang masters in the past.

The shadows on the above were not embroidered at all, but the shadows that actually existed in the void, were branded on it.

This shadow robe was made by the first generation of shadow gang leaders.

The first generation shadow gang leader is a powerful casting division. The alchemist was also a strong one above the Dragon Vein Continent, with a reputation.

Both he and the Nine-Rank family have had contacts with each other.

Before he died, he solidified his strength and tried his best to make this shadow robe.

On this shadow robe, a total of nine shadows were solidified.

And he left a unique mentality.

With this unique mind, you can control the shadow on the robe.

Each time it is used, the user's body can move five hundred miles instantly!

But correspondingly, if you want to move these five hundred miles, once you use it, you will consume one shadow above it.

And this shadow, after being consumed, cannot be replenished at all.

because. These disciples and grandchildren of his, none of the shadow gang leaders of the past generations has the same level of cultivation as his original strength!

Five hundred miles, it doesn't seem to be much, but when the battle is critical, it can almost be said to be a killer to turn the tide of the battle!

With this teleportation of five hundred miles, you can calmly come to the back of the enemy and outflank.

With this teleportation of five hundred miles, you can catch up with the escaped enemy and kill it.

And retreat ten thousand steps, even if it is not the enemy's opponent, with these five hundred li, he can escape the pursuit of others.

This shadow robe can almost give the user nine lives!

Of course, there are only four shadows left on the shadow magic weapon.

The previous five shadows were all consumed in the past tens of thousands of years, and now there are only four remaining.

For each of these phantoms, the shadow gang leader looked at his own life and cherished it extremely.

And now, because of Chen Fengfeng, he was forced to use one, which made him even more angry to the extreme, and hatred to the extreme.

He stared at Chen Feng with an extremely cold voice: "Boy, because of you, I lost one more phantom. This is killing me!"

"Only your life can make up for what I have consumed!"

"No, your life is not enough!"

His hand points to Chen Feng, Ji Caixuan, and Chen Ziyuan: "You three lives, the total is enough, and you have to add this little thing!"

With that said, he clicked on Zihuo True Spirit again!

Chen Feng was walking forward frantically just now, and suddenly he saw that the shadow gang leader, who had been far behind him, appeared in front of him at this time.

This also shocked his heart.josei

After listening to what the shadow gang leader said, he glanced at the shadow robe above him, and Chen Feng immediately moved in his heart.

He almost never forgets.

And just now, he remembered very clearly that there were four shadows on the shadow robe, but now there are only three left.

This shows that a shadow has been consumed just now, and when he thinks about the wonder of the world that just appeared, Chen Feng suddenly understood.

"It seems that he relied on the shadow on the shadow robe to open a passage in the void and catch up with me."

"However, he can only use it three more times! Only three chances are definitely enough for him to kill me!"

"After all, his strength is far better than mine!"

Chen Feng's heart was transferred.

At the same time, the shadow gang leader had already killed him fiercely.

Only this time, it was not Chen Feng that he attacked, but Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan, who were both left and right.

With his strength, attacking Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan at the same time was still more than enough.

Because he could see that Chen Feng valued these two people very much.

This is a person of love and justice!

Attacking the two of them is attacking his biggest weakness.

Sure enough, his choice was correct.

Facing his attack, Chen Feng was at a loss for a while.

His planned plan was broken, and he was a little flustered at this time.

However, the shadow gang leader had already killed him fiercely.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and said coldly, "Despicable!"

As soon as they loosened their hands, Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan fell down quickly.

And Chen Feng screamed, and the power of the dragon descending Arhat surged wildly.

In his dantian, three thousand orange power of heaven and earth surged.

The immense power poured into his body, poured into his hands.

Then, Chen Feng folded his hands together, his hands were like a knife, cutting down frantically.

Chen Feng used the strongest move he could use now, the second move of the Buddha's Demon Sword.

This move formed a huge golden light knife directly in the sky, which was a thousand meters long, and fell fiercely towards the shadow gang leader.

This trick fell in the eyes of other first-level elders, and they all screamed: "This kid is so strong!"

"That's right, we can take it out by anyone alone, I'm afraid it is not his opponent, and only the helper can completely crush him."

Facing this palm, the shadow gang leader just smiled coldly.

He also stepped forward, roared, and punched out.

This punch was flat and straight, and seemed to have no twists and turns, and it was not deep, but it was just such a punch, it seemed to be able to break the world.

After the punch was blasted, it slammed into the huge sword qi, and directly smashed the sword qi with a bang.

The Shadow Gang lord leaned back slightly and let out a muffled snort.

But he did not stop and continued to move forward.

This punch came in front of Chen Feng again and bumped into Chen Feng's hands.

With a loud bang, Chen Feng's body flew back several tens of meters, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was pale, his expression was dazed, and he was already seriously injured.

The shadow gang leader just had blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

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