Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2816

Chapter 2816: Windfall

Chen Feng wanted to test the capacity of this natal knife case.

At this time, the Zihuo True Spirit next to him quickly said: "Master, don't be like this."

"This natal knife case cannot hold other things, only the knife."

"Because he has his dignity, his pride!"

"If you take him to absorb the rubble, he will not be able to bear it."

Chen Feng was shocked in his heart, nodded solemnly and said: "Don't worry, I remember it!"

This time Chen Feng had already finished the sacrifice of this life knife box.

At this time, he was already quite weak.

Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief: "Unexpectedly, the life-saving knife case of sacrifice is really consumed."

At this time, Chen Feng's body had little strength left.

And even though he only seemed to have lost a little blood just now, in fact that little golden blood was the essence of his blood.

This also hurt Chen Feng a lot.

However, feeling the breath of the natal knife box, Chen Feng felt that these things and these efforts were all worthwhile.

"But today, I am not suitable for cultivation, my body can't bear it, so let's go back and rest first!"

Chen Feng muttered to himself and walked back.

At this time, beside this hut, there were already two more small huts.

Naturally, Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan lived in these two small huts.

Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan both wanted to get close to Chen Feng. If they were alone, they would not be living in Chen Feng's room tonight.

But Chen Feng's mother is here, and the two of them didn't want each other to feel too casual, so they each built a wooden house.

At this time, he was already asleep.

Chen Feng was light-handed and did not surprise them.

He returned to his room, suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I haven't seen this thing yet!"

Speaking of Chen Feng, he came up with three golden thread tips.

He got these three golden thread tips from Zhou Yangbing.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth and said, "Zhou Yangbing, since you dare to fight with me in the auction, you must have a very rich family background."

"Let me see how many there are!"

Let's talk about it, Chen Feng flicked these three gold thread tips.

In an instant, countless white crystals poured down like a waterfall, shining with a fascinating purple light, illuminating the interior and exterior of the room transparently.

The endless white crystal instantly flooded Chen Feng's house, almost to the roof.

Chen Feng laughed: "There are really a lot of them."

He checked carefully and found that there were a total of 1.9 million dragon blood amethysts in the three golden thread kits.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I spent 400,000 dragon blood amethysts in the auction room to buy the zombies knife case, and also spent 2.4 million to buy this royal sword true spirit art.

"A total of 2.8 million was spent, but now I have earned back 1.9 million!"

"Hahaha, really a windfall!"

The second day.

In thatched cottage.

Chen Feng talked about what she had seen and heard during this period, and Xuanyuan Ruolan couldn't help but be surprised after hearing it.

Chen Feng asked: "My mother, I don't know if you can guess who is the owner of this Purple Fire True Spirit?"

Zihuo Zhenling couldn't speak, but his mother could still speak if she knew.

Xuanyuan Ruolan pondered for a moment, looked at Chen Feng and said, "Through what you just said, I can roughly know who the existence is."

"But I can't say anything."

"Can't you say mother?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Zihuo True Spirit has a lot of restrictions, it's nothing, but mother can't even say?

That really shocked him!

Xuanyuan Ruolan sighed softly and said, "Feng'er, you may not believe it, but the one thing I want to tell you is..."

"Now, after revealing his news, it is possible that he can perceive it in the dark void, and will be furious because of it, do you understand?"

"Why are you angry?" Chen Feng couldn't help but asked in shock.

But when he asked, he immediately understood in his heart and lost his voice: "Could it be that he wants me to know this naturally, rather than through someone else's mouth?"

Xuanyuan Ruolan nodded and said, "Yes, it is."

Chen Feng couldn't help feeling even more shocked: "Where is that existence? How could he know the news when you mention his name?"

This makes Chen Feng a little incomprehensible.

This is too powerful!

Xuanyuan Ruolan said softly, "That person should not be in the Dragon Vessel Continent now."

"His Law Bodies should have gone into the endless starry sky!"


It's Dharmakaya again!

Chen Feng looked at his mother and asked, "What is going on with this Dharmakaya?"

Mother glanced to the side and saw that Ji Caixuan and Chen Ziyuan looked at herself expectantly, smiling and said:

"Well, since you all want to know, then I will tell you something about this law body!"

She sighed gently, and said in a deep voice: "A master who has surpassed the Martial Emperor Realm, after entering the Martial Emperor Realm, if there is a great opportunity, he will be able to enter a mysterious realm called the Dharma Body Realm."

"This is not beyond the realm of Emperor Wu, but a state, similar to an ability, do you understand?"

Chen Feng nodded: "The child understands that if you can condense the Dharma body, you can become a master Dharma body. However, becoming a Dharma body master does not mean that you have crossed the Martial Emperor realm."


Xuanyuan Ruolan said, "Above the Emperor Martial Realm, there is also a normal realm. You can regard the Law Body as a branch of the Emperor Martial Realm."

"If you want to enter the realm of the Dharma body, of course the prerequisite is to condense the Dharma body."

"The law body is the huge phantom, because when the realm reaches the Emperor Wu realm or even a higher realm, this Dragon Vein Continent has reached its peak in this Dragon Vein Continent, and it can no longer be crossed."

"So, many powerhouses of this level will choose to cross the void and go to other great worlds."

"What? Go to other big worlds?" Chen Feng was shocked fiercely.

His heart seemed to be clenched, almost unable to breathe, unspeakable excitement, excitement, and hope for the future enveloped him.

It was as if the fog in front of him had been removed, and a brand new world appeared in front of him.

"Yes, it's going to other big worlds!" Xuanyuan Ruolan smiled slightly, but did not continue to tell him about the big world as Chen Feng expected, but changed the topic.josei

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