Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2866

Chapter 2866: Does your face hurt?

Two completely different forces entangled the Wentianzhan Divine Sword, pulling on the Wentianzhan Divine Sword.

Actually, the power on Wentian Slash Divine Sword was gradually offset.

Wentian Zhan Shendao kept advancing, but the speed was getting slower and slower.

Finally, with a bang, the two cyclones exploded directly, and Wentian Zhan Shendao also stopped!

Chen Feng raised his brows. This was the first time he came home after he had the Shentian Sword Sword!

Master Luo's strength this day is really strong!

After receiving Chen Feng's knife, Master Tianluo also had a hard time, stepping back a few steps, sweating coldly on his forehead.

Above his head, white gas was steaming, and he was gasping for breath.

Obviously, this is also extremely laborious for him!

He stared at Chen Feng, with a shocked expression on his face, and said, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Chen Feng secretly said in his heart: "I now use Wentian Slashing Sword, even if I don't use the Buddha's Demon Slaying Sword, I can still kill the average Nine-Star Martial Emperor mid-stage powerhouse."

"This shows that my strength is probably a little stronger than the mid-stage Nine-Star Martial Emperor."

"And I just used ordinary moves with the Wentian Slash Divine Blade, but it didn't hurt the Heavenly Master."

"Our two strengths should be similar."

"Now, if I want to kill him, I can only..."josei

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and a voice in his heart replied: "I used the Buddha to destroy the magic knife!"

And at this time, the expressions on Mu Xingwen, Sang Youhan, and Chao Yuanjia who had been watching by the side indirectly transformed into extremely shocking expressions.

Chao Yuanjia shouted in shock: "How could you have such a strong strength? When did the Lin Family come out of you as a master? Why don't I know?"

Chen Feng turned around, looked at him and said with a sneer: "There are so many things you don't know!"

And Sang Youhan was shocked first, and then trembling all over.

An extremely complicated emotion surged in her heart. Looking at Chen Feng, her face was red and white.

A crazy voice echoed in her heart: "How is it possible? How could his strength be so strong?"

"Why didn't he show such a strong strength sooner?"

"God, what did I do in the previous day or two!"

"I am about to regret it!"

And Mu Xingwen, the whole person is already completely stupid.

He reacted a bit slowly. It was a while before he stared at Chen Feng and called out in shock: "Why are you so strong? You didn't use all your strength that day?"

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

At this time, Master Tianluo finally gasped.

He looked at Chen Feng with a touch of confidence on his face, and said in a deep voice, "Little boy, I admit that your strength is indeed good, and you have the strength to fight me."

"No, it should be said that the two of us are similar, but unfortunately, you are still not my opponent."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Why do you see it?"

"Okay, kid, don't pretend, can't you tell?"

Master Tianluo looked like he was holding the winning ticket and said: "Your move is very powerful, but unfortunately, it consumes a lot of money every time."

"How many tricks can you use? And me, just like the defense, I can use at least five tricks."

"You can't consume me at all!"

As he spoke, he let out a smug laugh.

Obviously, he thought he was already a stable victory over Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly laughed, his eyes swept across everyone's faces.

He first looked at Chao Yuanjia and said: "Before, you thought I was not your opponent, but unfortunately, I slapped you in the face."

"In fact, I want to kill you easily."

He looked at Mu Xingwen again and said: "You thought you could beat me, but I slapped you in the face and left you injured."

"Just now, you felt that I was not an enemy of your master at all, but now, I am obviously taking the initiative."

"I slapped you and your master in the face again! As for you..."

He looked at Sang Youhan and smiled contemptuously: "I don't know how many times I hit you in the face."

He waved his hand gently in the air twice and looked at Sang Youhan and said, "How about? Does it hurt to hit you in the face?"

"Since we met you, I seem to have slapped you in the face more than three or four times, right?"

"You think I can't beat this Chao Yuanjia, but I am much better than him. You think I am not an opponent of Master Tianluo, and I will win or lose with him."

When everyone heard what Chen Feng said, their faces were red and white.

They were naked and humiliated by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng made it clear to humiliate them, but they couldn't say a word.

Because, Chen Feng said nothing wrong.

Because they were slapped severely by Chen Feng.

Especially Sang Youhan, whose head was already buried on his chest, did not dare to raise his head.

The emotions in her mind are extremely complicated.

Seeing their expressions, Chen Feng laughed, very happy.

"Your face, it hurts to be beaten!"

"And now!"

Suddenly, he turned his head, stared at Master Tianluo, and said coldly: "I will slap you in the face!"

With that said, Chen Feng let out a violent roar, and Wentian Zhan Shendao flew in front of Chen Feng again.

In Chen Feng's hands, a mysterious arc was drawn.

His hands were like knives, slowly passing in front of him, and the profound meaning of the third stroke of the Buddha's Demon Sword passed through Chen Feng's heart at an extremely fast speed.

Chen Feng leaped a hundred meters high in the air.

As he lifted into the sky, the Wentian Sword Sword also lifted into the sky.

Then, Chen Feng stood in the air, with an extremely graceful posture, raising his right hand, just like a crane suddenly raising its long neck.

Then, a little golden light shone from his pubic area.

It's like a big day, rising from the pubic area, reflecting the world, brilliant.

That round of golden sun rays crazily upwards, and in a blink of an eye it came to Chen Feng's hand, overflowing from the palm of Chen Feng's hand, and being held by him.

After this golden light appeared, behind Chen Feng, a ghost of an Arhat appeared quietly.

This Luohan phantom, low eyebrows and eyes, silent and compassionate.

The phantom flashed suddenly, and the next moment, it collapsed, turned into a light spot, and disappeared instantly.

Those light spots merged into Chen Feng's palm.

As a result, that round of golden light instantly became ten times hotter than before.

Then, Chen Feng held up the golden light with great difficulty, a little bit upward.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt dizzy and all his power seemed to be drawn in.

He felt that his strength was weakened to the extreme at this moment, and his body was like a dry pond.

He trembled all over, and his body could hardly bear such a huge load.

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