Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2959

Chapter 2959: It's now!

The huge trees around the platform, those huge branches, and those huge leaves changed from emerald green to withered yellow in an instant, and even burned directly.

And they are tens of thousands of meters away from the golden flames.

This shows how high the temperature of this golden flame is.

What a realm of power overbearing!

Even on the wooden platform, countless huge wounds were cracked out.

The wooden house slammed and burned directly.

Yuechan hugged the Black Water Profound Snake Queen, backed frantically, and stepped back behind a huge branch before stopping.

And the leaf where Chen Feng's body was, immediately burned.

The flames burned Chen Feng's body, but Chen Feng was there motionless, without making any movement, but staring at that part of Teng Snake's body unblinkingly, and his heart was extremely excited.

He clenched his fists, almost couldn't help yelling.

The golden flame exploded, and it was affected within a radius of 10,000 meters, let alone the body of the snake that was just above the golden flame.

With a loud bang, Teng Snake's body was directly exploded with a huge scar with a length of several thousand meters and a width of hundreds of meters.

The golden flame ignited directly, burning it to a scorched black surface.

The flesh and blood on it had been directly burned into coke, and there was no flesh and blood in the place where the huge wound was located, and such a void was directly formed, and even the blood had not flowed out.

Because it has been roasted by the heat!

And the golden flame hadn't completely disappeared at this time, it rushed to the side frantically.

With a bang, another wound burst open.

This wound was the wound he left here last time, and it was the biggest wound on his body that Chen Feng had seen before.

Originally it was not good, it was just a layer of blood scab, now it is burned away again.

And this wound and the wound just formed just now formed a huge cross, almost completely cutting his belly.

At this time, the golden flame finally disappeared.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that the imprisoned space was finally released, and everything returned to normal.

So the next moment, he heard a stern, terrifying roar.

Teng Snake let out a crazy roar, he opened his mouth, and the mouth was wide open to the limit, the snake body twitched crazily, and the throat screamed crazy.

It was full of pain and violence.

His body was twisting wildly, and the pain was extreme.

Every scale, every muscle on his body was trembling.

Even if he has been fighting with Yellow Bird for so many years, he has never suffered such a serious injury, and he has never been in such pain.

He was almost crazy.

At the same time, he tightly bound the body of the yellow bird, and couldn't help but loosen it.

The yellow bird, on the other hand, made a cry and flew away.

She let out a crisp laugh: "Haha, now you know how good I am?"

"Do you think I'm so easy to be fooled? I just pretended to just wait for this moment!"

Teng Snake let out a bitter howl: "You bitch, how dare you hurt me like this!"

"I killed you! I must kill you!"

The yellow bird curled his mouth in disdain, and said, "You have said this countless times, haven't you done it once?"

At this time, the yellow bird's body was ascending, it was about to fly far, and then waited for the opportunity to attack the snake again.

But Teng Snake was so painful that he was unable to launch any attacks for a while.

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly became bright.

A voice in his heart roared frantically: "This is the moment! This is the moment!"

At this moment, Chen Feng saw an opportunity!

To be honest, Chen Feng did not expect that the opportunity would come so soon!

He also didn't expect that the battle between Teng Snake and Yellow Bird would turn into a fever when it came up!

But this did not catch him off guard.

In the past twelve days, Chen Feng has imagined today's situation countless times.

In his mind, the scene of the battle between the snake and the yellow bird has been rehearsed hundreds of thousands of times, hundreds of thousands of times!

Chen Feng has exhausted his brain power for this, but the gain is also huge. Now he can make the most accurate and quickest response immediately according to almost any situation!

Therefore, he immediately made a decision!

In the next moment, the leaf where Chen Feng was hiding suddenly burst open!

Chen Feng's figure appeared directly.

But after Chen Feng's figure flashed out, he didn't hesitate at all, and rushed towards Teng Snake madly.

At the same time, he looked at the yellow bird and shouted: "Yellow bird, you are now attacking the wound of the snake!"

"You attack his cruciform wound now! Furious attack! Leave the rest to me!"josei

"Crazy attack, have you heard it!"

He roared out his loudest voice!

Chen Feng's voice at this time successfully attracted the attention of Teng Snake and Yellow Bird.

And almost the moment I saw Chen Feng, Teng Snake's face became even more ferocious, and he roared frantically: "Puppy boy, is it you?"

"How dare you come back? This time, I must make you die from the pain in the world!"

"This time, I must smash you into pieces!"

Huang Niao looked at Chen Feng, feeling a little surprised, and said crisply: "So it's you, why are you so old?"

Although Chen Feng's appearance changed drastically, they still recognized him from Chen Feng's aura.

Chen Feng shouted loudly: "Don't worry about anything else!"

"Yellow Bird, if you still want to kill Teng Snake in your lifetime, then just do as I said!"

His words are full of endless confidence, there is no commanding tone, and he can't command the yellow bird.

But after the yellow bird listened, he couldn't help being convinced.

She felt that by doing what Chen Feng said, she would definitely be able to achieve her goal!

So, he didn't hesitate, the body that was about to fly sank again.

Then his two huge claws grabbed the two sides of the cross-shaped wound fiercely, yelled, and tore it fiercely in the middle!

Teng Snake's body suddenly jumped straight, and his body was like sifting chaff, and once again let out a scream.

He screamed frantically: "Sick bitch, I'm going to kill you! I'll kill you!"

As he said, his huge snake mouth bit the Yellow Bird's neck fiercely.

At this time, the yellow bird was already unable to resist him.

A huge wound was directly torn open on her neck.

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