Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 2967

Chapter 2967: Skinny Arhat! Suddenly attacked!

Chen Feng had already lost control of that part of the body, which had been completely corroded.

Chen Feng was shocked: "I have such a strong strength, and I can't do anything with ordinary toxins."

"And this toxin is so domineering!"

"This toxin is really powerful!"

"Moreover, this blue is still spreading forward at an extremely fast speed!"

It was only one moment of zero, and Chen Feng saw that half of his body had lost control.

And the next moment, that half of Chen Feng's body revealed infinite silence.

Chen Feng knew that all his blood vessels, bones, and muscles had been eroded by the original toxin.

Before any toxin touched Chen Feng, Chen Feng always had room for resistance, but this time, he felt that his resistance was meaningless.

He didn't have any ability to resist, so he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

This feeling made Chen Feng unspeakable despair.

The power of the dragon descending Arhat was urged out by Chen Feng, but facing this toxin, the power of the dragon descending Arhat was not high enough, so it was destroyed again.

The original toxin has been driven in for a long time. The next moment, the original toxin has spread all over Chen Feng's body.

Even Chen Feng's head, Chen Feng's heart, and Chen Feng's dantian were all occupied by the original toxin.

At this time, Chen Feng only had consciousness or he could control.

A thought came into Chen Feng's mind: "I'm going to die? Am I going to die?"

It was ecstasy a moment ago, but now it has become a great compassion.

And Chen Feng almost just had the meaning that I was going to die, the next moment he was already occupied.

This original toxin is so overbearing!josei

In Chen Feng's heart, it felt extremely absurd, and even a feeling of wanting to laugh: "That's it? That's the end of my life? It's the end of it easily?"

"How can it?"

But in the next moment, the extremely absurd feeling in Chen Feng's heart, even the feeling of wanting to laugh, turned into endless anger and endless resistance.

There was a voice in his heart that was madly roaring: "How can I die? How can I, Chen Feng, die here?"

"I still have so many long-cherished wishes! I still have so many relatives to save!"

"I have to find the trace of my uncle! I have to rescue Senior Sister and An Lao! How can I die now!"

"Chen Feng! You have so many people's sustenance, you have so many things that you haven't done, how can you die here!"

Chen Feng's heart roared again and again.

And as the roar in Chen Feng's heart sounded, finally, a few golden lights flashed in his body, blocking the original toxin.

Although the original toxin was only blocked for a moment, Chen Feng's heart was immediately lifted up.

This is the first time the original toxin has been delayed.

Chen Feng's thoughts immediately sank, and he soon found the source of the toxin that blocked the original source.

Those seven points of light are the seven great suns.

At this time, the Seven Rounds of Great Sun had been oppressed to the limit.

But because of this, their power of descending the dragon and Arhat is extremely condensed.

Chen Feng even saw that these seven rounds of great sun, at this time, all the power in it was transformed into the essence of the power of the dragon descending Arhat.

You know, it turns out that Chen Feng only had two rounds of the power of the dragon descending Arhat condensed, and the other five rounds were the ordinary dragon descending Arhat power.

Now, under the tremendous pressure of this original toxin, they all transformed into the power of the dragon descending Arhat.

"Evolved?" Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "This is also a blessing in misfortune!"

Seven rounds of the sun, like a seven-point candle, swaying constantly, after all, it is still resisting strongly!

Chen Feng's thoughts sank into his dantian at this time, staring at the seven rounds of the big sun, because this was his last hope.

These seven dazzling candlelights were the last ray of life for Chen Feng to survive.

However, at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt something in his heart.

So, he immediately turned around in amazement and looked around.

The next moment, Chen Feng's pupils contracted and a look of horror appeared on his face.

He couldn't help shouting, "How is it possible? How could this be?"

Chen Feng, who had always been calm and calm, was so shocked, from this it can be seen how shocking things have happened.

It turned out that the place where Chen Feng's eyes were cast was the dark area in his dantian.

In his dantian, that piece of darkness is dead and silent, and I don't know how long there has been no movement.

When Chen Feng looked there, he seemed to be swallowed.

When I want to explore there, it feels like there is a giant beast living inside, there is no bones that can kill myself.

So he never entered there.

However, now, at this moment, that dark area, that dark area, suddenly split directly.

It was not until this time that Chen Feng realized that the darkness was so huge that it had already occupied a full half of his dantian in silence.

At this moment, the darkness cracked, as if the entire space was cracked.

Then, a bit of existence was slowly buffered from it.

After Chen Feng saw it, his pupils shrank instantly.

It turned out that Chen Feng knew this person who rushed out.

It turned out to be the skinny Luohan who had existed in his dantian at first, and then disappeared!

This skinny Arhat had his eyes closed, and there was only one tattered robe on his body.

That tattered robe was not the usual red and gold color, but the color of pitch black.

His body is thin, his face is thin, and the whole is like a few corpses.

The muscles on the body are like dry wood carvings.

Chen Feng yelled out: "It turned out to be you? It turned out to be you!"

Chen Feng knew this skinny Luohan. He had existed in his pubic area for a while, but later disappeared without a trace and his whereabouts are unknown.

Chen Feng searched for a long time but couldn't find it.

But he didn't expect that he was hiding in that dark corner!

At the next moment, Chen Feng exclaimed again after seeing the mount riding under the skinny Luohan.

It turned out that Chen Feng knew the mount riding under the skinny Luohan!

Not only do they know, but they are also very familiar!

This mount is exactly his huge Thunder Dragon!

However, at this time, Thunder Dragon, his eyes were dull, his face was dull, there was no expression in his eyes, but the aura on his body was indeed countless times stronger than before!

The skinny Luohan, riding a huge Thunder Dragon, jumped out from the darkness!

Charge outward a little, and his size will become one point bigger.

Afterwards, it has become overwhelming.

It's huge!

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