Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3064

Chapter 3064: Three hundred thousand years of ice fine gold!

The chunky guy couldn't say a word.

He suddenly thought of something, and then yelled frantically: "My master, Master Flying Bear, you can't kill me!"

"If you kill me, my master will never forgive you, you will definitely die under my master!"

The voice just fell and stopped abruptly.

It turned out that Chen Feng had stretched out his hand and broke his neck.

The short and fat man showed a look of horror on his face, his eyes fixed on Chen Feng, as if he couldn't believe that Chen Feng actually killed himself like this.

In his gaze, the expression gradually disappeared, he hummed in his throat, exhausted the last bit of strength, and squeezed out a sentence: "I, I regret it!"

Looking at him, Chen Feng showed a thoughtful look on his face.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Now, after arriving in the Nei Zong, my original fighting method is no longer good."

"I hadn't practiced powerful punching for a long time. Basically, I was forced to crush by force, without any skills."

"And now, after coming to the Nei Sect, many people are extremely strong, and I can't do it by forcefully crushing them."

"Therefore, it is necessary to practice one or two hand-to-hand fist techniques to improve strength."

"At this point, my Yueyong Dajiang Fist should be satisfied."

"In addition to this palm technique, I still need a sword technique or sword technique for daily use. At the same time, I also need another sword technique with extremely powerful power as my trick to press the bottom of the box."

Chen Feng thought for a moment, and his whole thoughts immediately became clear.

A light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, Elder Xiaoyue is right!"

"This way, I still have to explore it myself. I have fought a lot during the period when I came to Nei Zong, so I found out such a path that suits me."

"Since the path is clear, the goal is much clearer."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Next, I will look for such martial arts techniques."

"Nanhuang, it seems that I must go there as soon as possible, to unearth the secrets that may be hidden in the second floor of the Great Emperor Yin and Yang's Tomb."

"After all, when I test my spirit, I may not be able to use too much strength, just use my spirit to crush it."

"However, when fighting Yu Taihong, it is necessary. I am still not Yu Taihong's opponent!"

Suddenly, Chen Feng turned his eyes and saw the black bug next to him.

Just now, during the conflict between Chen Feng and the short and fat man, the black female worm stayed quietly beside him.

Chen Feng smiled and looked at him and said, "You did a good job, you didn't get into trouble."

The black female worm said honestly: "I can tell from a glance that he is definitely not your opponent, how could I do such a stupid thing."

Chen Feng was taken aback, then laughed and said, "You fellow, you are honest!"

"Never mind,"

He sighed softly and said, "The purpose of my coming here this time is to discover this treasure, and to perceive its breath, will I break your lair."

"Now that I think about it, I actually did something wrong. After all, I ruined your home for no reason!"

"So, I won't act on you, you can rest assured."

After hearing these words, the black female worm breathed a long sigh of relief, completely relieved.

Chen Feng looked at her, smiled and said, "But, although I won't kill you, you have to do something for me."

The black female worm hurriedly nodded her head again and again: "My lord, just say it, just say it."

She was in awe of Chen Feng in her heart.

Chen Feng is extremely powerful, and the Poison Orb has great restraint against them. She knows that she has no power to fight back in front of Chen Feng, so where can she dare to resist?

Chen Feng said, "I am not familiar with this Valley of Thousands of Flowers and Poison, so you have to be a guide for me and take me there."

"Okay, what are you looking for? I will definitely take you there." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Look for the Nimie Sky Grass, the 90,000-year-old one." He added.

The black female worm thought for a moment, and a touch of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Chen Feng frowned and said, "What? You don't want to?"

"It's not unwilling."

The black female worm quickly explained, and said: "Actually, I know where the Silent Skyweed is, and I am very willing, but that place is very dangerous. For your sake, you better..."

Chen Feng said, "What's dangerous?"

The black female worm said, "There is a very strong monster guarding there."

"Oh, isn't it?" Chen Feng said: "You don't have to worry about these things, you will just be able to act accordingly when the time comes."

The black female worm nodded!

Chen Feng pointed to the silver-white metal again and said, "What is this again?"

Looking at this piece of silver-white metal, the black female worm's eyes flashed with a hint of regret.

She didn't regret that the lair was destroyed.

She herself was caught by Chen Feng, and she did not regret it, but she felt it was a pity that Chen Feng got this thing.

When Chen Feng saw Ran's look, he immediately knew that this thing was probably not only a rare treasure that could be described in four words, it should be a rare treasure.

The black female worm sighed faintly, and said, "You are really lucky."

"This thing is the treasure of our clan!"

"Oh? The treasure of your clan?" Chen Feng was slightly moved: "How do you tell?"

"The name of this object is 300,000 Years of Ice Fine Gold!" She said solemnly.

Chen Feng listened and took a breath!

Three hundred thousand years?josei

The black female worm said, "Did you see those tiny black worms?"

Chen Feng nodded: "I saw it, I also killed a lot!"

"Do you know what they are feeding on?" the black female worm asked.

"What to feed on?" Chen Feng was stunned, he really didn't think of this question.

The black female worm said: "Although they are small, they don't eat ordinary food. Their food is not other things at all, but extremely precious and rare fine gold, ores, various rare metals, and gems. They all eat. "

"The more rare, the higher the quality, and the more delicious it is to them."

Chen Feng nodded slowly, waiting for her to continue.

The black female worm glanced at this huge space and said: "This mountain was originally a huge fine gold mine. It was only when they gave it a hard time to eat, and it became empty."

Chen Feng noticed that the black female worm was talking about them. When talking about her family, they were used instead of us.

This also means that she is not the same species as those poisonous insects.

This is also normal. After all, one has strong wisdom, while the other does not even have his own consciousness.

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