Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3145

Chapter 3145: I'm playing with you guys! ...

Xing Zizhen, Yu Feiying, and Bian Xingyu all showed complacency on their faces.

"Chen Feng's spirit has not reached 80,000 years, haha, now is the time for us to ridicule him."

"This is the only opportunity to suppress him."

Sachiko's lips moved, and she was about to speak.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly turned his head to look at him, smiled at him and said, "Xing Zizhen, your father hasn't spoken yet. How can you speak here?"

The next moment, Chen Feng suddenly flashed a sly in his eyes, looked at them, and laughed loudly:

"I think my martial spirit is over here, right?"

"I don't think my spirit can be stronger, right?"

"I think my spirit can't surpass 80,000 years, right?"


He looked at the crowd and laughed wildly: "I'm playing with you!"

The next moment, Chen Feng roared: "Ba Snake Wuhun, come up!"

Suddenly, behind Chen Feng, Chen Feng's Ba Snake Wuhun suddenly appeared, traversing the sky and the earth, huge.

After seeing the Ba Snake Martial Spirit, everyone exclaimed: "What Martial Spirit is this?"

"God? This martial soul looks extremely powerful!"

"Such a huge body! Such a heavy aura! What level is Chen Feng's martial arts?"

And before their shocked mood was brewing, they were replaced by a stronger shock.

Chen Feng's martial arts spirit was about to break out! That is to use the last strength!

The power of the martial arts that was stronger than before, poured into Chen Feng's hands, and came to the top of the martial arts totem.

Then the next moment, with a bang, the next section lights up!

The eighth quarter, light up!

Seventy thousand years!

Chen Feng's martial soul has reached 70,000 years!

Then, the next section lights up again!

Seventy-five thousand years!

"Oh my god! Chen Feng's martial soul, seventy-five thousand years!"

Everyone stared at the top ring blankly, and everyone was looking forward to the next scene.

Many people even trembled all over, like sifting chaff.

The extreme excitement caused their pupils to diverge, their faces were blood-red, their foreheads violently throbbed, waiting for the next scene to happen.

And Chen Feng, after all, did not disappoint everyone.

Amidst Chen Feng's laughter, a huge voice sounded.

Then the next moment, the boundless power of martial soul poured into the top ring.

So, with a loud noise, the top ring also lights up directly.

The entire Wuhun Totem, one thousand meters high, 80,000-year-old level, Wuhun Totem, all shone with incomparable brilliance!

At the next moment, there was a loud bang!

Wuhun Totem, blown up!

Broken into countless powders, disappear with the wind!

The 30,000-year-level Martial Spirit Totem was shattered by Chen Feng!

And now, the 80,000-year-level Martial Spirit Totem was also shattered by Chen Feng!

Everyone is stupid, they are all stuck, they are all standing there, they don't even know what to say anymore.

Extremely shocked! Shocked! Even let them lose their voices!

Because they all feel that at this moment, in this situation, all languages ​​are pale, and all languages ​​cannot describe the huge shock they are facing now!

"My God, my God! An 80,000-year-level martial spirit! An 80,000-year-level martial soul!"

"It turns out that Chen Feng didn't speak big words. Chen Feng's martial arts really surpassed 80,000 years!"

"God, what kind of monster is this? How can his spirit be so powerful? How can it be so powerful?"

After a long time, everyone seemed to have regained their ability to speak, and tremblingly said their shocking words.

On the high platform, Xuanyuan Xiaoyue laughed loudly:

"A genius once in a million years! This Chen Feng really is a genius once in a million years!"josei

"An 80,000-year-level martial soul, my Xuanyuan family's inner sect, hasn't had it for thousands of years!"


All the elders also shouted loudly with incomparable shock.

And just now, a few elders who ridiculed and questioned Chen Feng had shocked expressions on their faces, and the shocked expressions turned into bitter smiles and sweat.

"It turns out that we looked down at Chen Feng!"

"Chen Feng didn't lie, he really has the strength of an 80,000-year-level martial arts!"

"This Chen Feng is really a genius! The old man admits it!"

The elder purple robe king, who had doubted Chen Feng before, slowly shook his head, stood up with a wry smile, bent over to Chen Feng, and said with a fist:

"Chen Feng, Lao Yu just questioned you, it was Lao Yu's mistake."

The people below were even more upset.

"Elder Wang, the respected Elder Wang, unexpectedly apologized to Chen Feng?"

"Elder Wang is really a magnanimous person! Chen Feng convinced him with strength."

"Chen Feng is too good."

Chen Feng also smiled slightly, clasped his fists and saluted, and said, "Elder Wang, where did you come from?"

"Just like the kid, it's normal for you to question."

"But at least, you are not maliciously questioning!"

With that, he looked at Yu Feiying, Sachiko Ma, and Bian Xingyu.

Obviously, this is a point.

But Yu Feiying, Xing Zizhen, and Bian Xingyu, now their faces are ashamed.

They are even as soulless.

Bian Xingyu directly sat down on the ground, holding his head in his hands, not allowing anyone to see his emotions.

It's just that his body trembled, and at the same time came the sound of crying and crying.

For a while, his voice was like sobbing, and for a while, his voice was like a low weird laugh.

"Bian Xingyu is crazy!"

"Yes, Bian Xingyu has been stimulated by Chen Feng to go crazy!"

Sachiko really had a pale face and was extremely ugly, sitting there without saying a word.

He didn't say a word, but Chen Feng would not let him go.

He turned around, pointed at the Martial Spirit Totem that had disappeared, smiled and said, "Sachiko Ma, what did you just say?"

"My Martial Spirit, if it exceeds 80,000 years, you will kneel down and call me father!"

"Good boy, shouldn't it be time to kneel on the ground and call me dad now?"

There was a burst of laughter among the crowd.

Everyone looked at Sachiko Ma, and wanted to see what he would do.

Xing Zizhen's face was extremely pale, he looked at Xuanyuan Xiaoyue, he felt that Xuanyuan Xiaoyue should come out as a peacemaker at this time, and expose the matter.

He didn't think he really should call Chen Feng kowtow.

However, a scene that surprised him appeared.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyue stood there and smiled without saying a word, obviously without any intention to help.

As a result, Sachiko's heart sank suddenly.

Seeing him not moving, Chen Feng said coldly, "Xing Zizhen, what are you still doing? Why don't you hurry down and call you father?"

Xingzi really stared at Chen Fengfeng with a hoarse voice, and said incomparably viciously, "You junior, do you know who I am?"

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