Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3189

Chapter 3189: Close to destination

"But, here we are, first, keep the information of the owner absolutely confidential, no one knows that you brought it."josei

At this moment, his face was full of seriousness, and there was a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes, and he was not as scared as Chen Feng just now.

When talking about business, this guy is a very qualified businessman.

Even if Chen Feng beat him so miserably, even if he was extremely scared of Chen Feng, it did not prevent him from promoting this proud underground black market.

He went on to say: "Secondly, their auction house must have a certain amount of precious things in order to open an auction, but here, as long as you come here, we can hold an auction for you."

"Shoot on the spot, give Dragon Blood Amethyst on the spot, and leave on the spot. It's so fast."

Chen Feng nodded, smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."

After speaking, Chen Feng wanted to leave.

And he just took two steps, suddenly turned to look at the seven-tailed scorpion, and said: "I know, you must be very unconvinced today, and you must be thinking of revenge."

"It's okay, you can retaliate as much as you can. Even the next time I come to buy news from you, you can find a few people to lie here and kill me. It's not impossible."

"But remember!"

"If you do this, the consequences will be serious!"

Chen Feng smiled and said this, then turned and left.

The seven-tailed scorpion shivered violently.

Chen Feng's last smile fell in his eyes, no less than a devil's smile.

The strange thought that had just emerged in his mind also disappeared without a trace. There was only one thought in his mind: "This person is terrible!"

When Chen Feng left here, Zhong Fenglin also came to Yingzhou City.

He was much slower than Chen Feng.

After he came here, he looked around, his expression very anxious.

However, it is clear that he is not here for the first time, and he is quite familiar with it.

Those who turned seven and eight quickly disappeared from the crowd.

When he appeared again, it was already half an hour later.

With a smug smile on his face, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "It turns out, Chen Feng, you really came here."

"Moreover, I'm still asking for news around here!"

"Okay! In this case, I understand. Then I don't need to stay here anymore. Anyway, you must leave here. If you want to go to the Sea of ​​Death, there is a way to go, and I will be there. Just waiting for you."

He smiled slightly: "Just wait for the rabbit!"

After speaking, his figure flashed and he left Yingzhou City directly.

Chen Feng didn't stay in Yingzhou City much. After receiving the news, he soon left.

Outside Yingzhou City is a high mountain.

Chen Feng came to this mountain forest and found a towering cliff. The top of the cliff was a hidden stone crack, and at the end was a cave.

Chen Feng came to the stone cave, sat cross-legged, and sighed softly. After confirming that there was no one around, he took out the scroll.

Take it in your hand and look closely.

This scroll is extremely long, three meters long when unrolled, and two feet wide.

The front is a topographical map, but one after another, showing the terrain around the sea of ​​death, and even the route needed to enter the sea of ​​death.

Chen Feng watched it once, and remembered all these routes in his mind.

Then, he looked to the right again.

On the right is a large paragraph of text.

Chen Feng discovered that these words were not written by one person.

Look at the size of the handwriting and font, and even the tone of the statement, it is completely different.

Chen Feng roughly counted it, and found that the text, which had about 10,000 words, was written by a total of 16 people.

He read it again, and it was clear to his heart.

"It turns out that this text is a summary of these sixteen people's notes on the sea of ​​death."

"They have all entered the sea of ​​death, so the experience they have gained is extremely valuable."

Chen Feng emphatically read these words carefully several times, until the melon is overripe.

Then, Chen Feng closed his eyes, thought through the contents of the scroll, and made sure that there were no omissions. Only then did he lightly wipe with his right hand.

Suddenly, this scroll turned directly into powder.

Chen Feng got up. At this moment, he saw a stone crack at the end of the cave. Chen Feng walked forward along the stone crack.

All the way to twists and turns, for more than thirty miles, there is light in front of him.

A moist breath of the ocean penetrated straight into it, and Chen Feng walked to the end of the stone crevice.

In front of him, there is already that endless ocean.

It turned out that this rock gap led directly to the cliff.

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "This is really suitable for me!"

He did not leave in a hurry, but sat cross-legged again, recovering here for an hour.

An hour later, Chen Feng's ninth round of the big day has become complete again, and he can start the Sun-Raising Golden Crow Footwork again.

Only then did Chen Feng leave.

However, when leaving this time, Chen Feng didn't go directly towards the direction of the sea of ​​death as before.

Originally, if he were to go directly to the Sea of ​​Death at his current location, he would have to go to the true north, but Chen Feng's direction at this time was a little bit west of the true north.

Only then did Chen Feng realize how hasty his preparations were.

I didn't even prepare the island map of the overseas islands before, so I came hastily.

You know, with his abilities, he can never fly on the sea for so long, and reach the sea of ​​death.

There must be a place to rest in the middle.

If his day-by-day Golden Crow footwork reaches the time limit, there must be a place for him to rest and recover.

However, Chen Feng didn't even have an island map in his hands before, and it was actually difficult for him to find a place to recover.

Take the previous example, if he didn't come to Yingzhou Island by chance, I'm afraid the consequences would be really unthinkable.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng trembled in his heart, and secretly warned: "Chen Feng, you can't be so careless next time you do something."

Therefore, this time Chen Fengfeng was on Yingzhou Island. In addition to the news that Seven-tailed Scorpion was coming to the Sea of ​​Death, he also obtained a very detailed island map from him.

This extremely detailed island map is of course very precious, but it is much worse than the news of the Sea of ​​Death.

The seven-tailed scorpion has to give if he wants, and he has to give if he doesn't want to.

Now Chen Feng has a clear idea of ​​the islands on the route from Yingzhou Island to the Sea of ​​Death.

At this time, the direction he was heading was an island 170 million miles away.

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