Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3499

Chapter 3499: I am not convinced!

At this moment, Pu Xingzhou, who was on the Longcheng General's Mansion in the distance, looked at Chen Feng, with a flash of expectation in his eyes.

He whispered softly: "Chen Feng, work hard! Don't give up!"

"You only need to break free of this imprisonment anymore. He has come over a billion li, no matter how strong he is, it will be limited here!"

"He has no power to imprison you again!"

He has great strength and broad knowledge, so he can see clearly.

But at this time, where can Chen Feng break free?


Even if Chen Feng is angry, even if there is a trace of luck burning, it is useless!

Not only can't stop that giant hand, it can't even break away from the control of that giant hand!

Chen Feng, break free!

The giant hand covering the sky, continue to press it down!

At this time, no one can help Chen Feng.

Xianyu Gaozhuo and Hou Zhuohong have become useless and can't even move.

The two women of Wu Bingshuang were lying there, they were able to move, but they had no power to do anything now.

They couldn't even kill Chu Shaoyang who had only a little strength left, let alone block this terrifying blow!

That big hand, slowly depressing, the force sinks!

The giant hand covering the sky almost seemed to cover the entire God of War Mountain Range.

And so is its actual size!

What a horror is this?

With such a big hand, even if it is like a snake, you can grab it with one hand and tear it apart with the other!

How terrible?

As the big hand pressed down, that boundless pressure followed.

Chen Feng felt that the sky seemed to be falling, pressing down on his body!

Kakaka, some mountain peaks have been directly pressed into powder.

Even this green mountain cliff is crumbling!

Chen Feng felt the boundless pressure squeezed toward him, and wanted to squeeze himself into a mass of mashed flesh, turned into powder, and wipe it out directly in the world! disappear!

Facing the blow of this giant hand covering the sky, even in the great general's mansion in the distance, Pu Xingzhou was full of shock.josei

He rose into the air, looking at the falling giant hand, a huge shock that could not be concealed on his face.

Amidst the shock, there was also unspeakable fear.

This kind of fear rarely appeared on his face.

He muttered to himself: "Is that the existence? Is it the attack by the terrifying existence?"

"God, he is several billion miles away from here, and with such a long distance, he can launch such a tyrannical attack!"

"I feel that under this blow, most of my Sky Dragon City will be destroyed!"

"so horrible!"

He was shaking slightly all over!

This kind of fear, this kind of extreme suppression of strength, even if it caused him to give birth to unspeakable horror.

He was so far away, in the very center, what kind of situation was Chen Feng being attacked?

As you can imagine!

At this time, Chen Feng's situation was extremely bad!

The vigorous pressure kept pressing down, and as the pressure changed, the confinement around his body was constantly changing shape.

Finally, with a boom, the tremendous pressure directly pressed Chen Feng to the ground!

Chen Feng felt that every inch of his body was under unparalleled weight!

At this time, Chen Feng was lying on the ground, his body was directly pressed into the ground.

His face was stained with mud.

His body became stiff, and Chen Feng felt even more that his body was almost turned into mud.

Countless blood poured out from his internal organs.

Chen Feng's vision was blurred, and his eyes were red, because blood was already flowing out of his eyes.

Chen Feng's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were all full of blood pouring out.

He gulped blood, and the ground in front of him was already wet!

At this time, Chen Feng was already crushed into the dust!

It turned out that the owner of this giant hand not only wanted to kill Chen Feng, but also to extremely humiliate him and humiliate him before he died!

Chen Feng felt that there was someone stepping on him, grinding back and forth, crushing his internal organs and crushing his body into mud.

Chen Feng felt that he was about to die now, and even his consciousness was blurred!

A voice in his heart muttered: "Is it dead? Am I going to die now?"

He felt that there were countless lines of qi luck involved, and countless qi luck entangled.

Chen Feng felt even more that in the darkness, countless emotions came from the ends of countless lines.

It seems that there are countless people who want to save themselves, are involved with countless luck, and want to pull themselves out of their current fate.

But it's useless!

It's all useless!

All the luck that tried to save him was involved, and in an instant, they were all broken!

The master of the giant hand that covers the sky is terrifying to an unimaginable level. He can even tear his luck and Chen Feng's fate to pieces!

His strength has reached another level!

No fight back, completely crushed!

The difference in strength between Chen Feng and the master of the giant hand is too big!

Chen Feng now exhausted all his strength and took out all of his hole cards, but facing the light blow of this giant hand, it was useless at all.

This giant hand that covers the sky didn't do any movement, but slowly pressed it down as before, and all his resistance and all his powers were smashed!

Above the ground, Gui Qingwen, Shi Yebai, Shi Hongbo and others looked at Chen Feng with worry.

And Bai Jingwan, as if going mad, let out a stern shout, and ran towards the direction of Qingshan Cliff.

But how did she get here!

Above the sky, the pressure was slightly reduced, and she was directly crushed to the ground.

Blood spurted wildly, and couldn't stand up.

Where can she help Chen Feng?

Looking at Chen Feng on the green mountain cliff, she let out a miserable cry full of anger and helplessness!

She wanted to help Chen Fengfeng, but she was unable to do anything at all!

The current situation is that not only can Chen Feng not kill Chu Shaoyang, but he will directly die under the blow of this giant hand.

Chen Feng couldn't do anything at all in a blow that was so powerful that it could tear the world apart.

He stiffened there, watching the giant hand press down on him!

Only then did he realize that everything he had done before seemed to be in vain and was so ridiculous.

In front of the absolute power of this giant hand that covers the sky, there is no effect at all!

At this moment, Chen Feng felt a tremendous sense of frustration!

But the next moment, this frustration was completely dispelled by Chen Feng and disappeared without a trace!

Chen Feng looked up, looked at the huge and old giant hand covering the sky, angrily spit out three big characters: "I don't accept it!"

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