Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3695

Chapter 3695: earned a lot

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and stroked the thick and solid mask, his hand can easily be worn from the inside out.

But the power from the outside can never come in.

He smiled softly: "It's a Wild Grade Six Martial Skill!"

"If you don't have this mask, then it can only be regarded as the pinnacle of the fifth-rank barren rank, but now, the sixth-rank barren rank is worthy of its name!"

"This khaki mask is the finishing touch to this martial art!"

The scope of this martial arts is so huge, and the power is so terrifying, so naturally it will find a way to protect the people who use the martial arts to a certain extent.

And this mask is to protect those who use martial arts.

This light mask is dominated by the defensive power of ocher, but around it, the five rays of white, blue, black, red and yellow are constantly circulating, and each ray of light represents one of the five elements.




Red fire!


It turned out that there was the power of the Five Elements on this mask.

And whenever an offensive fell, seeing that it was about to hit the mask, correspondingly, a light of the same color was scattered on the mask.

Above this mask, power of the same attribute appeared.

The same **** repels each other, so the offensive of this magic weapon will be drawn slightly away and hit the other side.

This is a very clever approach.

Because, if such a mask is forced to appear, and if it is forced to hold these magic weapons to attack, then how strong is this mask?

Then, inadvertently a large part of the power of this martial art was consumed on the mask that protected the caster, which of course was an extremely uneconomical choice.

But now, using the power of these five elements to deflect it, then it doesn't need much power to protect the operator.

At this time, Chen Feng was walking leisurely, but he was not afraid of any mistakes.

After reaching out and holding the two spars in his hands, Chen Feng smiled and looked to the side.

Just a hundred meters away from him, the other of the three misty birds, after using up his two abilities in succession, was also beaten to pieces by a platinum long sword.

Chen Feng's figure flashed past, and he took the two crystals in his body again.

At this time, on this land, such killings were repeated and appeared constantly.

The boundless magic weapon fell, and every second, a large number of misty birds were killed!

Yunwu Shenniao kept screaming and was slaughtered one after another.

They are strong, but they are strong in their teleportation ability and their atomization ability.

Their offensive power is not particularly strong, as for their defensive power, it can only be described as weak.

Think about it too, their atomization ability and teleportation are already so terrifying, if the defense is also extremely strong, then the human warriors in this desolate ancient ruin, I am afraid that they will kill them all!

However, these magic weapons cover a range of tens of miles.

No matter how large their teleportation range is, it is only a few hundred meters!

Some of the weaker clouds and mists are only about 100 meters away.

And their atomization ability and teleport ability, after using it once, it takes a while to recover before they can be used again!

This also means that after they use one teleport and one atomization, they are easily hit!

With their defensive power, as long as they are hit, there is only one dead end!

Chen Feng's Six Suns Zhutian Killing Array is their nemesis!

Chen Feng even found a small mound and lay down leisurely, looking at the sky.

At this time, within a radius of tens of miles, this huge valley had already been reduced to a Shura Field.

Countless misty birds flew in it, screaming frantically, trying to escape.

However, the hundreds of thousands of huge and extremely powerful offensives that kept falling from the sky smashed them one by one! Kill!

Broken feathers mingled with blood splattered everywhere.

Above the ground, there was a huge flame burning and freezing ice, forming a cold glacier.

Some were turned into a dead zone by that Yin Ming Qi.

Only Chen Feng, while walking leisurely, stretched out his hand from time to time to connect two black or emerald green spars, and stretched out his arms in a leisurely manner.

Just like Eguan with wide sleeves, a romantic good son, walking slowly on the wooden clogs in the bamboo forest after the rain, occasionally bowing his head and sniffing the dew on the bamboo leaves.

In this slaughter, it seemed unspeakable leisurely and poetic.

Finally, Chen Feng turned around.

At this moment, his face was full of smiles.

In just a cup of tea, he was already full of pots.

In his arms, there are already more than a hundred atomized spar and more than 130 life gems.

At this time, Chen Feng learned that not all the misty birds produced atomized gems.

For example, some have weak atomization ability, and there is no such atomized gem.

However, this kind of life gem is produced in the body of all the misty birds.

After going around, Chen Feng came back and saw the dead snake again.

At this time, he was already embarrassed and extremely miserable.

The huge bronze spear that first attacked him was directly hit by the dead snake.

This dead snake really deserves to be a mid-stage four-star Wudi master, and for him, such an offensive is quite easy to pick up!

This offensive was smashed into the air by a fist, but he only took three steps back, feeling a little blood surge.

However, even minor injuries were not caused to him!

At this time, another long ice axe severely chopped down.

There was a sneer at the corner of the dead snake's mouth. At this time, he had recovered. It was already from the shock that Chen Feng brought him here and summoned these thousands of huge and incomparable weapons to attack. Come here.

He stared at the chilly long axe, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"Boy, these offensives are only about Emperor Wudi, do you think it won me?"

"Your offensive looks like Xuanhe, but it is also useful for these flat-haired beasts!"

This extremely huge, a hundred-meter long ice axe fell down fiercely and slashed at the dead snake fiercely.

On this long ice axe, there is infinite ice.

Behind the axe, the ice made a long white trace in the air.

Obviously, on this ice long axe, there is a strong ice power.

Facing this blow, the dead snake was still undaunted, greeted him, and slammed it out again.

This punch still hit the ice long axe, and still smashed the ice long axe into the air.

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