Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 3818

Chapter 3818: Eighteen billion catties of force!

Chen Feng looked at himself inwardly, and then raised his head: "I absorbed two half-moon azure glazes in one night. Not only did my speed double than before, but my body turned into a large bronze bone, which has changed from the previous four. It's now a total of seven!"

"Each root means a billion catties of power!"

"Now, with one punch, my strength has changed from 12 billion catties before to 15 billion catties now!"josei

After being overjoyed, Chen Feng immediately hurried away.

So hurriedly and slowly, finally eight days later, that is, ten days after his departure, he came to the valley of death!

At this time, Chen Feng is not strong and has improved, and he has recovered from his injuries!

"Is this the Valley of Silence?"

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking forward, Chen Feng slowly let out a foul breath.

At this time, what appeared in front of him was not so much a valley, as it was a huge mountain basin with an extremely expanded area.

It was originally a continuous mountain range, but just at the foot of Chen Feng, it suddenly sank several hundred thousand meters.

The cliff is straight, straight up and down, and the abyss is wide.

And there are thick clouds and fog below, I don't know how deep it is or what's below it.

When people stand on the edge of a cliff and take a look, they feel dizzy and almost can't help but fall in the meantime.

Of course Chen Feng would not be so.

However, although the fog was not too thick, it was enough to block the line of sight.

Even he couldn't see through.

"It's no wonder that this black market will be chosen in the valley of dead silence. If the valley of dead silence is full of this thick fog, then it is indeed quite convenient."

"You only hear the sound, you don't see the person, you don't even have to cover your face."

"Moreover, it is quite difficult to hunt down and ambush in such a place."

Chen Feng looked forward and saw that in this huge mountain basin, among the layers of mist, a huge behemoth appeared from time to time.

At a glance, I don't know how many there are, they seem to be a stretch of tall mountains.

But Chen Feng knew that this was not a mountain, but a giant tree.

These giant trees are incredible, hundreds of thousands of meters high abound, even more than one million meters.

And in the middle, the most middle position, is a very tall tree.

Even when Chen Feng stood here, he had to look up at the giant tree, whose size already surpassed most of the peaks.

Chen Feng felt that the height of this huge tree was very likely to exceed 5 million meters, which was even bigger than that of the Southern Wilderness Jianmu!

These giant trees are all withered, completely devoid of vitality.

There are no leaves, no flowers, and no vines on the surface. Some are just bare trunks and branches.

And these huge, mountain-like dead trees are also the best sign of the valley of silence.

"There are more than ten days left. Fortunately, there is more than enough for me."

In these days, Chen Feng has increased the number of large bronze bones to a full ten.

Now, his strength has reached 18 billion catties.

A punch is infinitely powerful!

This valley of dead silence is said to be a valley, but in reality it is huge, with a radius of more than a million miles.

It is not easy to find the black market in it.

Even in this valley of dead silence, there are still many powerful forces like the Sirius team, and many places are occupied by monsters.

It can be described as extremely dangerous. If you bump into it like a headless fly, don't say you can't find the ground. I'm afraid one day I was killed inadvertently and I don't know how he died.

But Chen Feng had already learned a lot about it before. He knew that the black market was under the tallest giant tree.

It must be right to go there.

Chen Feng's figure slowly floated down, and he had just entered the range of the mist when he suddenly raised his brows.

It turned out that at this moment, Chen Feng felt that his spirit was suddenly affected.

Not being sealed, not even weakened.

Rather, it was taken astray.

That's right, it's wrong.

For example, there was originally something ten meters in front of Chen Feng's right, but due to the influence of a mysterious force in the mist due to mental power.

Therefore, Chen Feng would think that the enemy was five meters in front of him, or three meters behind him, more likely, he would think it was 100 meters away from his head!

This is the most disgusting point!

Because this being biased does not mean that it is biased in a certain direction, but is random.

Up, down, left and right are possible!

This has a seemingly small deviation, but in fact it is very huge.

If you fight against the enemy, you will naturally be abused to a terrible level.

"It turns out that this fog has such an effect, it can affect my mental power, it's kind of interesting!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

It is important to know that compared to their own eyes, they believe in the detection and sensation of mental power even more for warriors with higher strength.

And this mist invisibly affects people's spiritual power, so naturally this will cause the outsider to be extremely uncomfortable with it.

"But, what does this mean to me?"

Chen Feng sneered, and the golden light suddenly burst out in his mind.

This golden light, vast and peaceful, pure and gentle.

With his mental power, it spread forward instantly.

And when the golden light spread along Chen Feng's mental power to the end of his sight, Chen Feng suddenly felt that a golden light flashed in front of his eyes.

It's like being in a small room full of gentle golden light.

As a result, the vague and biased perception in front of him suddenly became normal.

He felt that his gaze seemed to have turned into a piece of gold, without any influence.

Even the limit distance of his line of sight has changed from less than five meters to 15 meters now.

"This golden mental power is really good, it still has such a magical effect."

Chen Feng was even more happy.

So he continued to move forward and left quickly.

Flying in this mist is a very dangerous thing, so Chen Feng chose to walk on the ground, but the speed is still very fast.

From time to time, there was a dark shadow beside him, swishing over.

Chen Feng couldn't tell whether it was a human warrior or an ancient Ming beast, but no one cared who.

In this mist, fighting for no reason is a very unwise thing.

Chen Feng didn't encounter any mess on the road.

Just after he had advanced for almost two days, a high wall suddenly appeared in front of him.

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