Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4095

Chapter 4095: God against the sky! Time and space traceability!

Named: Time and Space Traceability!

With the power of stepping on the gods and the deity, turn it into the power of time and space traceability!

After activation, the state of the strong who was shrouded in it can be restored to a certain time ago.

And how long before the specific recovery is determined by Chen Feng!

Now, his Heavenly Stepping Idol War Sovereign has just condensed, and this time is quite short.

The shortest, can let the person being attacked return to a moment ago.

And the longest is to let it go back to before the time of a stick of incense!

Chen Feng can go from an instant to a stick of incense. During this time period, choose any time to restore the enemy to the state at that time!

When Chen Feng just learned about this ability, he suddenly realized that this ability is extremely scary!

In particular, this ability is strong in the future, strong in plasticity and upgradeability!

Because this ability can be continuously improved with the gradual increase in the strength of the Heavenly Deity Battle Venerable!

The time range in which it can trace the enemy to the source is also constantly expanding.

Even in the future, this time-space tracing can bring the enemy back to the state it was in a few years or even decades ago!

This is terrible!

For example, let a strong man directly return to his childish state where he has no resistance. Wouldn't it be easy for Chen Feng to kill him?

However, although this ability is extremely powerful in the future, it is actually quite embarrassing now.

Because generally speaking, the enemy's strength will generally not change much within such a short period of time within an instant, as long as a stick of incense.

This ability is actually suitable as an escape in the initial stage.

Being chased by the enemy close to him, he suddenly activated to restore the enemy to the previous distance.

Stay away from yourself, easy to escape.

However, Chen Feng suddenly discovered that there was a hint of opportunity in it!

Because, Yue Yangwen, his enemy, was still in a state of serious injury before dozens of breaths!

Raise your head and open your arms, laughing!

"Now, time and space traced back! Seventy breaths ago!"

In Chen Feng's heart, a huge voice echoed!

So, at this moment, the black and white light swiftly revolved, directly covering the Yueyang writing.josei

After that, Yue Yangwen trembled all over his body instantly, and his face trembled.

It's like being thrown into a space-time tunnel!

He was so shocked that he stared at Chen Feng and let out a terrified scream: "You, what are you doing?"

But then, a scene that horrified him happened.

He found that time was going backwards, he just said the seven words "what are you doing?"

As soon as I finished speaking this sentence, I actually returned to the state before I said this sentence!

The next moment, instinctively, he will utter the word'you'.

Instinctively, he would say that sentence again.

At that moment, his mind, his thoughts were all disturbed.

At the same time, he also felt his own power go by like crazy.

The next moment, his eyes went dark.

And when he woke up again, he saw that the stepping idol Zhan Zun above the sky had disappeared.

The black and white light had also disappeared.

He was just about to be happy, but the huge pain of extreme weakness, extreme pain, almost to be torn apart, came out suddenly!

At the same time, he felt extremely weak.

And it was not this that surprised him the most, but...

He screamed sharply: "Ah! This, this pain! This feeling!"

"I, I just experienced it!"

"Isn't this the state I was just now? How could it? What's the matter?"

He struggled to look at his body, at his hands.

The scream is even stronger!

"This, me, how did I return to the state I was just now? How did I return to the state I was just now?"

He was stupid and dumbfounded!

In fact, his current state is even worse than before.

Because of this time and space backtracking, it is meant to make people go back some time ago.

It will cause great damage to human spirit, soul, and thinking!

There is a mess in his mind now, he can't figure out anything, he can't understand anything, like a walking dead.

Seeing the state of Yueyang Wen at this time, Chen Feng felt relaxed and pleasantly surprised.

He looked at his hands and sighed softly: "Trace to the origin of time and space, really can be said to be a miracle!"

"There is such a terrifying power, which directly turned Yueyangwen, the early power of the six-star Wudi, into a waste without combat effectiveness!"

The reason why Chen Feng was so happy was not only because he had relieved the disaster of Yueyang Wen.

It is more because he got this ability.

And he got this ability, so that countless thoughts appeared in his heart in an instant.

Chen Feng suddenly thought of countless possibilities!

"With this ability, my combat effectiveness can definitely increase drastically!"

"This ability does not directly improve my combat effectiveness, but it is definitely an auxiliary magical skill!"

"Even, let me now, even if I face the Six-Star Wudi, I have the power of a battle!"

"More importantly!"

Chen Feng slowly clenched his fists, dizzy for a while: "This feeling of touching the law of time is really wonderful!"

Time and space are the most mysterious laws!

And Chen Feng felt that he had touched a bit now.

And Hua Lengshuang was beside her, completely stunned.

She stared at this scene blankly, even with his cultivation base and her strength, she couldn't even understand what had happened.

The next moment, he looked at Chen Feng and said in a daze: "Brother Chen, he, is he back to the situation just now?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "That's right."

Hua Lengshuang was dumbfounded. After a while, she shook her head and exclaimed: "This ability is simply too, too bad!"

Pei Muyu, Lu Yangbo, Xing Xiangyu and others who were next to him were completely silly.

They looked at Chen Feng's eyes as if they were looking at a deity.

At the same time, only one thought came up in his mind: "What kind of people from Dragon Vein Continent. Are they terrifying? Various magical abilities are emerging in endlessly!"

Yue Yangwen was stunned when he heard the conversation between Chen Feng and Hua Lengshuang.

Then, he completely believed these words.

Because the state above the body at this time is too familiar.

He looked at Chen Feng, like a ghost, and screamed: "You, do you really have such a perverted ability? How could it be possible!"

He really felt like crying without tears.

Chen Feng laughed: "Thank you too much!"

After that, he stepped forward and carefully observed the Yueyang text.

When he walked over, Yueyang Wen fiercely remembered something.

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