Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4124

Chapter 4124: So scary!

Each of these five towering giant trees has a height of thousands of meters.

The coverage of each plant is several hundred meters.

Their roots are densely packed, almost covering the entire surface of the Xuanjin Jiaohuang's body.

It seemed that Xuanjin Jiaohuang's body had grown like five huge trees no smaller than its body.

This made it scream incomparably screaming, struggling wildly in the air, screaming wildly.

It can no longer take care of anything else, the immense pain has made it almost mentally broken.

The soul almost bursts apart!

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help but jump in his heart.

This sting attack turned out to be like this!

Not to mention him, the people below, the major forces, were also shocked.

These warriors of the Xuanming Five Seas Realm, although they knew the prestige of all directions, but they had never seen a scene of their real power.

Because, there is no enemy worthy of being launched by all directions!

At this time, I finally saw it, and each one issued incredible exclamations!

And the five towering giant trees quickly turned from green to yellow.

Then, their leaves began to fall.

Their branches began to wither.

Their torso began to dry up.

They are aging rapidly.

It's like a career spanning thousands of years and tens of thousands of years in just a few dozen breaths!

Soon, these five trees were decayed and dysfunctional.

However, their previous nutrients are also sucked.

At this time, the Xuanjin Jiaohuang was almost completely wiped out by them, leaving only a thin, dry skin and flesh wrapped around the bones.

Aging, withering, and fragile!

The next moment, bang bang bang, these five giant trees suddenly began to crazily and crumble! Decay!

There was a huge tree growing on the back of the Xuanjin Flood Empress, which finally decayed.

Its huge roots finally fell.

And what brought it to Emperor Xuanjin Jiaohuang was a huge wound with a radius of several hundred meters, almost half of its back was cut off abruptly.

A tree entwining the two claws behind Xuanjin Jiaohuang also shattered.

Along with it were the two huge claws and two hind legs of Emperor Xuanjin Jiaohuang!

Among them were two poisonous thorns, which hit its two khaki and jet black necks.

At this time, as the two giant trees broke, the two huge snake heads were also grinning and fell to the ground with grinning teeth!

In an instant, these five trees were all shattered.

And Xuanjin Jiaohuang only had a remnant body that was less than one-third the size just now.

Even, just now, it didn't even shed blood.

The flesh and blood in its body seemed to have been completely absorbed.

Its snake head is only left with the red and snow white.

Its body is extremely dry and fragile.

Just like a dried flower that has been exposed to the sun for decades.

It feels like it will be broken when touched.

At this time, its appearance makes people think of only one word: withered!

At this time, it is worse than severely injured and dying, and it can't even be said to have a breath. It can only be said to be barely alive, and it may die at any time!

Chen Feng finally saw the all directions of the wind and clouds, the powerful and vicious, but weird and vicious offensive.

This scene made him unable to help but feel a cold sweat.

However, Chen Feng was not very afraid.

This giant poisonous thorn can hit the Xuanjin Jiaohuang, but it may not be able to hit him.

At this time, everyone below was shocked to the point of silence.

After a long time, I just came back to my senses and exclaimed one after another: "Is this the power of Bafang Fengyun Kuangbow? It's terrifying!"

Someone from the Qingyan family took a deep breath:

"Although our big duckweed boat is equipped with Bafang Fengyun Kuangbow, this is the first time in recent years that I have seen the true terrifying power of Bafang Fengyun Kuangbow!"

Even Sikong Jinglong trembled: "It's not a waste of life to have this scene today."

However, there are also people who are quite knowledgeable and thoughtful, disdainfully snorted and said: "What is this? What you see is the power of all directions, but what I see is Chen Feng's strength."

"If it weren't for what Chen Feng did before, how could this eight-way wind and cloud mad crossbow be launched calmly? How could it hit the Emperor Xuanjin?"

"If you can't even hit a hit, how powerful is it?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded their heads in agreement.

Chen Feng sighed lightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the all directions below.

At this moment, that all directions wind and cloud madly crossbow, above the whole body, the light is extremely convergent, and the aura is extremely weak.

The extremely dangerous feeling that Chen Feng had given before has also completely disappeared.

Obviously, firing these seven poisonous thorns at one time has also caused a great burden on the Bafang Fengyun Kuangbow.

It can basically be said that the treasure of the town on this huge duckweed boat has been considered ruined.

However, Chen Feng looked at the black flame heart-biting orchid: "There is still no use of this hole card, and now it seems that there is no need to use it anymore."

Only one of Chen Feng's two hole cards was used.

However, he has no regrets. If he runs out of two hole cards and finds out that he has not won, that is the real sadness.

Chen Feng would rather use less of his hole cards.

Not to mention……

There was a flash of light in his eyes: "I still have the biggest hole card, I haven't used it!"

At this time, the feeling that Xuanjin Jiaohuang gave to people had already declined to the extreme.

It seems that you can break it with one touch.

Even, many people below were all ready to move, trying to take action for Chen Feng and kill the Xuanjin Jiaohuang.

After all, this is Xuanjin Jiaohuang!

This is terrifying, it only exists in the legend!

If it can be killed, how big is it, how famous is it?

But Chen Feng stood there, motionless, just staring at Xuanjin Jiaohuang from a distance.

There was a vaguely strange feeling in his heart.

He felt that things seemed impossible to be so easy!

At this time, the reaction of Emperor Xuanjin Jiao Huang was also very strange.

It stood there blankly, seemingly stunned, without responding for quite a while.josei

But only in this way, the more Chen Feng knew that things might change.

After a while, many people who were waiting couldn't help but want to kill the Xuanjin Flood Emperor.

Suddenly, the Xuanjin Emperor Jiao moved.

It has only two snake heads left, and one of them is the pure white tongue.

This is also the best preserved one, even the surface has a bright and clear luster, just like before.

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