Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4222

Chapter 4222: Sun Xingwei

If you look closely, you will find that there are pavilions built in some of the green light clusters, which are extremely delicate and large enough to accommodate people.

There are several thousand meters of welcoming stone, and the crowd was bustling and very lively.

But at this time, most people have already gone to their residences.

There were only dozens of people in addition to the people in the God of War Mansion who were responsible for the introduction here.

"Ziyue! Go back with me! When will you wait here?"

A voice of anger sounded in a majesty.

It is to win the sunrise.

After he seemed to finish saying this sentence, he suddenly realized that his voice was a little too loud.

Quickly lowered his voice and stared at Ying Ziyue and said, "When will you be ashamed here?"

"Am I ashamed?"

Ying Ziyue stared at him with a sneer: "I have a man I like when I win against Ziyue. What shame is I waiting for him here?"

"You are ashamed of Chen Feng!"

"Then what is Chen Feng? What is his identity you don't know? What is your identity you don't know? Is he worthy of you?"

"My grandmother's daughter, waiting for him here, does he have that qualification?"

Win Chaoyang coldly scolded: "You are embarrassing me the winner of the Eastern Wilderness!"

Win Ziyue didn't want to say anything, and sneered: "You think I'm ashamed, right?"

"Okay, then you can kick me out of the Eastern Wilderness winner now, and I have nothing to do with the Eastern Wilderness winner!"

Hearing what she said, Ying Chaoyang flushed with anger, and walked away.

"Okay, just wait here, I don't bother to care about you!"

Win Chaoyang left, but Win Ziyue is still waiting here.

She turned around at this moment, looked at the sea surface with faint golden light under the setting sun, and said softly:

"Chen Feng, I believe you will come, won't you? You will come!"

At this moment, a sharp and mean woman's voice suddenly came from behind.

"Yo, where are you waiting for your humble lover?"

Ying Ziyue turned around.

I saw a woman coming over behind him.

This woman is slightly older than her, and she is also extremely beautiful.

However, it is the kind of glamorous and **** type, and it looks quite coquettish.

She is also of good momentum, with a few hints of arrogance at the same time, obviously from an extraordinary background.

Ying Ziyue's brows suddenly frowned.

This woman was named Mu Manman and was born in Mu's family in Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou Mu's family is not one of the nine powers, but it is also extremely powerful. It can be said that it is only one line away from the nine powers.

Zhongzhou Mu's family and Donghuang winners are cousins.

The aunt who won Ziyue married into Zhongzhou Mu's family.

Therefore, there are quite a few exchanges between the two.

Win Ziyue and Mu Manman have also known each other since childhood.

However, winning Ziyue is extremely disgusting to Mumanman.

When Winning Ziyue was a kid, she had poor talent and was frail and sickly.

Mu Manman always laughed at her, and even once was very malicious, making it dangerous to win Ziyue.

Later, after Ziyue returned, his talents were revealed, his strength became stronger and stronger, and his status was also higher and higher.

When Mu Manman was jealous, he was even more malicious towards her.

Every time I meet, there is always yin and yang strange, Pi Li Yangqiu, talking very ugly.

In fact, Win Ziyue knows why Mumanman is like this.

She thinks she is more talented than herself and a little older than herself, but due to her background, her status and strength are not as good as her own.

So there was jealousy and resentment in my heart.

Originally, Mu Manman could attack Win Ziyue with various reasons.

But then Ying Ziyue was better than her, younger than her, and more beautiful than her, she really had nothing to say.

So he simply concentrated all the viciousness on Chen Feng.

Because, in the eyes of their nine powers and the families close to the nine powers, Chen Feng, who was born in a deserted land and was born in an unknown place.

It does not match their identities at all.

Of course, this was because they didn't know Chen Feng's current strength.

Not to mention Chen Feng's current status among the nine forces.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be extremely flattering.

Mu Manman shook his body, came to the side, and looked at Ying Ziyue with a playful look.

Ying Ziyue took a deep breath, ignored her at all, just turned his head and looked aside.

"Don't speak anymore, right? You also know that my little lover from humble background can't do it, right?"

Seeing this situation, Mu Manman was even more proud.

She sighed with a sense of superiority: "Oh, you said, it's really like a different life!"

"Although your sister is from a better background than me, but ah, it seems that you are in marriage, but it's not very good!"

"Recently, I met a noble-born and extremely powerful young man who is much higher than your Chen Feng."

A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Tell you, the origin of this young man is much higher than the nine powers!"

"In front of him, what are the nine forces?"

At this moment, behind her, a slightly feminine voice sounded:

"Man Man, who are you talking to?"

After hearing these words, the smug, vicious, and resentful on Mu Manman's face disappeared without a trace, but turned into a touch of extreme flattery.

She turned around, her voice became unspeakably sweet and greasy: "Grandson son, are you here?"

"While talking about you, you are here, and the concubine is really close to each other."

Ying Ziyue almost vomited out after hearing it.

The person who came was a young man who looked about thirty.

She was not tall, she was thin and pale.

The overall look is quite feminine and spicy.

Especially his eyes, he stared at Win Ziyue as soon as he came up, his eyes were full of greed, and he wished to swallow Win Ziyue like a poisonous snake.

This look makes Win Ziyue extremely uncomfortable.

Mu Manman also saw this person's eyes, and his heart was immediately full of jealousy.

"Winning Ziyue, this little bitch, is really smoky and charming! Changsun Xingwei stared at her as soon as he came up!"

But she didn't dare to show anything, for fear that it would upset Changsun Xingwei.

She looked at Win Ziyue and smiled and said, "Ziyue, this is the son of the eldest grandson Xingwei. He was born in the Beihai Dragon God Palace of the Six Great Hidden Sects."

"The six hidden sects? Beihai Dragon Temple?"

After Ying Ziyue listened, she couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

She has heard more or less news about the six hidden sects.

Unexpectedly, this looking rather vicious-looking grandson Xingwei was born in the Beihai Dragon God Palace.

The Beihai Dragon Temple is indeed stronger than the nine major forces.

However, she was just a little surprised in her heart, and she didn't care about it at all.

In her mind, no one can compare with Chen Feng.

What **** Beihai Dragon Shrine is not worth mentioning.josei

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