Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4390

Chapter 4390: Three souls and seven souls, only one soul is left!

At this moment, his fangs were exposed and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

That murderous spirit almost drowned himself!

His whole body trembled violently, and couldn't help but tremble and said: "He, he was tortured by this soul-burning fire for too long."

"So much so that my soul is lost."

"Now there are three souls and seven souls, only one is left, and the others are gone!"

After her trembling explanation, Chen Feng only understood.

It turned out that this plain white candle was called the Fire of Burning Soul.

This kind of fire can cause great damage to the soul body and make them extremely painful.

And the nourishment of this soul-burning fire is actually the three souls and seven souls of the soul body itself.

In other words, it is actually consuming them and torturing them at the same time.

When An Lao was caught in, he was already weak.

Now that he has been tortured for so long, his three souls and seven souls have been dissipated, and the only one left now may be scattered at any time.

Chen Feng stared at him, gritted his teeth and said: "How long can his last soul last?"

The guard elder trembled: "It will not be more than a year at most."

"The soul-burning fire is constantly consuming it, so if I take him out of the fire, what will happen to him?"

Chen Feng continued to ask.

The guard elder quickly said:

"You can't take her out of the fire."josei

"Although the soul-burning fire is a drain on him, after so many years, the soul-burning fire and his soul have become one."

"If the soul-burning fire is forcibly stripped away, the situation will be more serious, and his only remaining soul will dissipate in an instant!"

Chen Feng nodded slowly: "Then, does he have any hope of recovery?"

"How can I bring back his three souls and seven souls?"

At this moment, the guard elder recovered from the shock that was shocked by Chen Feng's murderous aura.

I seem to feel that my performance just now has no face.

He sneered and said, "Why should I tell you?"

"Of course there are ways, but you want to know? Let me go first, and then take advantage of it!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, without any nonsense.

With a direct punch, it hit his chest severely.

Suddenly, the guard elder let out a terrible scream, and his heart pulse was directly shattered.

The light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

Staring at Chen Feng, he yelled in disbelief, "You, did you kill me like this?"

"You killed me like that?"

He just thought he was relying on himself, and felt that Chen Feng had to interrogate himself before he could do anything.

I never expected that Chen Feng would directly kill himself!

Chen Feng stared at him, coldly spit out a word: "You shouldn't use him to threaten me!"

This caretaker elder Qian should not be absolutely wrong, and should not threaten Chen Feng with the things of the old man.

An Lao is now Chen Feng's inverse scale!

Dragons have scales, touch them and die!

The next moment, the look in the eyes of the guard elder quickly dimmed.

At the last moment of his life, he felt extremely regretful in his heart.

However, regret has no effect at this time.

The guard elder died directly, and before his soul dissipated, Chen Feng pushed his hands out.

Heaven and earth reincarnation magic power, instantly activated.

He began to directly read the memory of the guard elder.

In the space of reincarnation magic, inside the huge pupils, scenes flashed by scenes, all of which were memories of the guard elder's life.

Of course, they are all speeded up countless times.

After a while, Chen Feng sighed slightly and let go of his hands.

The soul of the guard elder dissipated directly.

At this moment, Chen Feng opened his eyes fiercely and said slowly: "I know."

Chen Feng learned from the memory of the guard elder how to attract three souls and seven souls for the old man.

Therefore, according to old legend, there is a supreme secret method in the Hall of Soul Destruction.

This supreme secret method is not a method of combat.

But the level is higher than all combat methods.

The name of the method says: The Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Soul Calling True Scripture.

The Hundred Ghosts Night Calling Soul Scripture is extremely powerful.

Back then, the first Hallmaster of the Soul Destruction Hall, the man who was said to have surpassed the realm of the Nine Star Martial Emperor, did not know where to obtain this Hundred Ghosts Night Traveling Soul Calling Scripture.

And with this created the foundation of Soul Destruction Hall.

It can be said that the Hundred Ghost Night Calling Souls is the supreme meaning and supreme program of all the methods of the Temple of Soul Destruction.

Its power, also very simple, is to attract souls.

Of course, the Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Mantra attracts no ordinary souls.

There is no value in attracting ordinary souls.

The most powerful thing about this method is that it can sense some remnants of souls wandering in the void of the universe, even outside the dragon vein continent.

These remnants, whether conscious or unconscious, are extremely valuable as long as they are attracted.

For example, a certain powerful world, a certain powerful.

His body fell unexpectedly, and his soul shattered, wandering in this universe.

If he was attracted, wouldn't the martial arts, combat experience, extensive knowledge, etc. branded in his soul be cheaper for those who use this Hundred Ghosts Night Calling Soul Sutra?

At that time, the palace master was also an ordinary warrior.

After getting this Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Scripture, the first time I used it, I was lucky.

It unexpectedly attracted the remnant soul of another top powerhouse in the world.

All his memories, martial arts and martial arts, etc., have been practiced, and this is how the soul-killing palace is now available.

The Hyakki Yexing Soul Recruiting Scripture can also help a person with a broken soul and bring back the three souls and seven souls.

If one of his souls or one of his souls remains here, it will be easier for the other souls to attract them back.

The Hundred Ghosts Yexing Soul Calling Scriptures have always been practiced only by the lord.

At the time of the third palace master, this secret method was strangely missing, and he didn't know where to go.

"That's the way it turns out, it turns out that An Lao can be rescued back by using the Hundred Ghost Yexing Soul Calling Scripture!"

"Hyakki Yexing Soul Calling Scripture!"

"Okay! I remembered it!"

Chen Feng kept these six words in his heart.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart beat wildly, blood flow accelerated, and his mind was dizzy.

Then, there was a splitting headache, and my whole body trembled.

Even Chen Feng could not maintain his figure directly and fell to the ground heavily.

He felt that his painful head was about to split!

Can't even stand up, let alone fight.

Chen Feng knew why.

This is the result of a great consumption of mental power.

Chen Feng shook his head and gave a wry smile: "I want to come, because I did this twice in a row, and after a short time, I performed this world of reincarnation repeatedly, so my mental strength was rapidly declining!"

Chen Feng's mental power was already weakened to a point where it could hardly be supported.

After a while, he sat up.

He sighed slightly, and then secretly warned himself:

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