Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4404

Chapter 4404: Three hundred demon emperors!

Today, facing the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, no matter how tough he is, even if he summons the four great five-star demon emperors, Chen Feng is not shocked!

But at this moment, he was really shocked!

Because Chen Feng suddenly discovered that the power he used to summon monsters is no stranger to himself!

Chen Feng instantly had a guess: "Could it be that he is also the monster he summoned with this power?"

Then, Chen Feng confirmed his judgment.

"It must be so!"

"Otherwise, how could he summon so many powerful monsters that have nothing to do with him and have not been tamed by him?"

"That's it, that's it!"

Chen Feng looked at the Celestial Beast Slave, with a touch of admiration on his face.

The gaze he looked at the Tiancun Beast Slave was also a little different:

"I was thinking of defeating you first, and then beheading you."

"But in that case, beheading you would be too wasteful and violent!"

At this time, Chen Feng was already concerned.

Following the call of the Tiancun Beast Slave, in the next moment, among the endless mountains, one monster after another quietly appeared.

One after another tyrannical aura, burst out, overwhelming!

Each of these monsters is not weak in strength.

Although not comparable to the four great monster emperors summoned, the strength of each head is basically in the monster emperor realm.

One-star demon emperor, two-star demon emperor, countless.

The three-star monster emperor and the four-star monster emperor are not uncommon.

In a blink of an eye, the number of monster beasts summoned by him reached hundreds!

When Chen Feng saw it, his heart jumped.

Even he hadn't expected that there were so many monsters of the Demon Emperor Realm hidden in this mountain forest.

Not only that, at this moment, there were still smoke and dust billowing from that far away.

In the dense forest, the leaves are rustling, and it is obvious that powerful monsters are constantly coming here.

These monster beasts were all summoned by the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave!

They stood there quietly, and they consciously stood behind the four big five-star demon emperors.

Moreover, it is divided according to strength.

The closer the strength is to the Five-Star Demon Emperor, the closer you stand to the Five-Star Demon Emperor.

But those one-star demon emperors and two-star demon emperors can only stand at the back.

In the world of monsters, there are also strict levels.

And they have only one item for grade determination, that is: strength!

These hundreds of powerful Demon Emperor Realm monsters hardly made any sound.

It's just that, occasionally, there is a low growl from the throat.

They stared at Chen Feng and the others with that cold and secluded gaze, and their eyes flashed with cold and cruel murderous intent and desire to swallow.

It seems that the next moment, it will suddenly violent, tearing Chen Feng and others to pieces.

Finally, I don't know how long it took before the summons of the Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave finally stopped.

He took a deep breath, his eyes slowly swept across all the monsters he had summoned!

On his face, there was a strong fascination!

At this time, the number of monster beasts summoned by him had reached three hundred!

A total of three hundred monsters of the Demon Emperor level!

How terrible!

I'm afraid that all the demon emperors in this entire mountain range have been summoned by him!

There are also four major five-star monster emperors, dominating many monsters.

Methodical, like an army!

"Summon three hundred demon emperor powerhouses! Not one was tamed by him before!"

"All strange monsters! No connection before!"

Chen Feng sighed softly: "This Heavenly Cruel Beast Slave is definitely a genius summoner!"

"In the field of summoning, I am afraid that his talent is so powerful that it is terrifying!"

At the next moment, the Tianchou Beast Slave suddenly uttered a roar facing the three hundred demon emperors.

The roar, rolling out of his throat and abdominal cavity.

Not like a human voice, but like a beast roar!

There is a strong melodious meaning of ancient times.

Just like that in the ancient times, an upright beast **** uttered a fierce roar.

The roar resounded between heaven and earth, and Chen Feng couldn't help but tremble fiercely when he heard it.

It was an inexplicable desire to surrender, full of fear and awe.

But then, Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Between heaven and earth, who can make me surrender?"

The golden spiritual power gushed out, blasting this desire away.

But at this time, following his roar, the four great monster emperors roared in unison, responding to it.

Then, the three hundred demon emperors also roared at the same time.

Not only that, these demon emperor realm monster beasts all knelt down and fell to the ground, their heads falling into the dust.

Three hundred demon emperors unexpectedly expressed their surrender to the heavenly beast slaves together!

Express their deepest awe and surrender!

The Tiancun Beast Slave stood there, raised his arms and laughed loudly, descending like a real beast **** between heaven and earth.

He suddenly raised his arms and looked at Chen Feng:josei

"Did you see it? Chen Feng! This is my monster beast!"

"This is my army of monster emperors!"

"The three envoys of beast gods once said that the army of monsters I summoned is enough to defeat any of the nine forces!"

At this time, he was completely different from just now.

Just now, he was only murderous, only cold, just doing certain things mechanically.

Even, they don’t have their own feelings.

Now he suddenly seemed to come alive.

Full of excitement, excitement, arrogance, with an atmosphere of looking at the world!

It seems that at this moment, he is the king of the beasts in the world!

It seems that at this moment, the countless monsters under his command can step on this continent!

It seems that at this moment, when he is truly with the monster beast, he has recovered his emotions!

"Chen Feng, one of the nine powers of the sect, I can crush it, let alone you!"

"You this time!"

He slowly clenched his fists: "There will be no bones left!"

As soon as the voice fell, he yelled and his fist fell fiercely!

And with his roar, the monsters who had been standing quietly in the dense forest all made crazy roars.

Then the next moment, the four major five-star demon emperors moved forward slowly.

Following them, the three hundred demon emperor powerhouses rushed forward frantically and slew towards the center.

Their goal is only one: Chen Feng!

They want to tear Chen Feng to pieces, leave his bones dead, and fulfill their master's order!

Three hundred demon emperors, gathered together, like the waves of the sea!

Like a huge wave, it seems to swallow everything in front of you!

This is the beast tide!

A wave of monsters of the Demon Emperor level!

If you change to someone else and face this crazy animal tide, I am afraid that you will be frightened and broken!

But Chen Feng didn't have any panic. Instead, he held his arms, his face was laid back, and he looked very leisurely.

At this time, Chen Feng's heart suddenly surged with an extremely ancient and distant memory.

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