Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4434

Chapter 4434: greedy!

Not to mention anything else, just say that the weapons that fell on the ground inside were all of the magic weapon level.

How can this make everyone not greedy? How not to be greedy?

And they, of course, also know the terrible Chen Feng.

But they bet that Chen Feng would not come.

In other words, it didn't come so quickly.

When Chen Feng came, everything here was cleaned up. Who knows who took it?

At that time, can he still find them one by one?

And as they shouted, even the defensive royal masters outside the ruins of Qianyuan Villa showed some hesitation on their faces!

There are many people with a bit of suspicion and hatred in their eyes.

They also want to enter the ruins to hunt for treasure.

The Emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty forced them to stay here.

In their opinion, they undoubtedly broke their martial arts road!

Seeing the people around them clamoring more and more, the royal masters have different thoughts.

Not far from the side, above a tall building.

Several people are standing by the window watching.

The situation here has a panoramic view.

Surrounded by the crowd, was a middle-aged man in a bright yellow robe.

It is the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty.

Seeing this situation, someone next to him, with a touch of worry in his eyes, whispered: "Your Majesty, the sentiment is fierce!"

"There are tens of thousands of warriors outside, and our masters are only a few thousand."josei

"Although they are now afraid of the royal majesty, they dare not act rashly."

"But once you do it, the consequences will be disastrous!"


A person next to him said in an interface: "Your Majesty, you have to do this early."

"At that time, if I am a royal master, there will be heavy casualties, and I am afraid the consequences will be disastrous, so I will shake the foundation!"

Several people around nodded.

However, the emperor of Tianyuan Dynasty had a deep expression on his face, without the slightest change.

Just categorically said: "Pass the order on, and don't take a step back!"

"Who would dare to let a person into the ruins of Qianyuan Villa, I personally killed him!"


Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't dare to violate his words.

After the order was passed down, the royal masters felt a little relieved.

And the noise of drums became louder and louder.

Finally, there were a few masters in the crowd, with unpredictable eyes and silent!

Suddenly attacked the royal master.

In an instant, several royal masters were killed!

Suddenly, the formidable defense line laid down by the royal master was punched through a gap.

Those warriors broke in instantly.

They shouted frantically: "Brothers, come in!"

"There are countless treasures here, let's break in and grab a ticket and run!"


The person next to him laughed arrogantly: "Let's break in, and after we robbed them, they are scattered everywhere, so how good is Chen Feng? Is it possible to find us and kill them one by one?"

These people clamored frantically.

Suddenly, those warriors were crazy.

Follow them directly and swarm in from this gap.

They looked around excitedly.

In an instant, hundreds of people broke in along the gap, and found many treasures among the ruins.

Many people have gained a lot.

Chen Feng gave all of them to Bai Shanshui and others.

Someone was waving a long sword in his hand and laughing excitedly.

Some people are holding alchemy furnaces as high as half a person.

Others found out a few pills and stuffed them directly into their mouths.

But they were not satisfied yet, and they started to reach out to the bodies of Bai Shanshui and others!

They knew that there must be more treasures on these corpses!

They must blaspheme the dead!

Bai Shanshui and others are dead, but their bodies are not down!

There seems to be a **** in it!

But how can this body withstand the ravages of these powerful men?

Seeing the next moment, it will be completely destroyed and torn to pieces!

And once so, it will even make Chen Feng unable to call upon them!

After the evocation comes back, the body is not there, how to arrange it?

Directly hurt them, unable to resurrect!

Hundreds of people have gained a lot, and the envied eyes of other warriors are red when they see this scene.

They all made crazy screams, desperately attacking the royal guards in front of them.

Seeing, these royal masters are already in danger, and within a few moments, they will be killed by everyone.

When the time comes, these tens of thousands of people will rush into the rubble, and there will be no one to cure.

Everyone's eyes were red, and they were all in a ball instantly!

At this moment, suddenly, someone raised his head and exclaimed: "What is that?"

At the next moment, everyone looked up.

Then everyone gave a huge exclamation.

It turned out that they saw at this moment that there was a giant palm above the sky, crashing down!

That giant palm is thousands of meters long, covering the sky and earth!

It was huge, like a shadow that enveloped everyone.

Originally, those who raised their heads and looked upwards were only a small part. Feeling the fall of the shadow, everyone looked up, all seeing the giant palm.

Everyone exclaimed: "What is this?"

Many people are back again and again!

They felt an extremely terrifying murderous intent from that giant palm, and an extremely powerful force!

And those hundreds of people who broke into the ruins first screamed in horror.

Because, they found that the giant palm was clearly slapped at them!

They will be shot to death by this giant palm in the next moment!

They screamed one after another. Fleeing madly.

No one wants to resist, everyone feels that the terrifying power contained in that giant palm is simply unstoppable!

And when they wanted to escape, they found that there was a tyrannical aura pulling out of the giant palm, locking all their auras!

They were shocked to find that they couldn't move or run!

Seeing the giant palm covering the sky getting closer and closer, they screamed desperately, waiting to die!

The next moment, the screams stopped abruptly!

With a loud bang, the giant palm fell heavily and hit the ground.

The giant palm disappeared in smoke, as if it had never appeared before.

But in place, it left a huge and incomparable palm print.

It is thousands of meters long, and the traces in the palm are extremely clear.

Remind everyone that there used to be a giant palm covering the sky, and it shot down!

Among the traces of the giant palm, there is nothing.


Everyone was stunned, all the fights and screams stopped, everyone froze in place and watched this scene blankly.

They were all shocked almost stupid, and there was a huge shock in their hearts!

After a while, the shock disappeared, leaving only fear!

Everyone knows what happened just now!

Just now, above the sky, a giant palm crashed down!

As this giant palm fell, the hundreds of warriors who swarmed into the ruins of Qianyuan Villa were all beheaded!

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