Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 4707

Chapter 4707: Those... corpses!

Then, Chen Feng was black.

Not the dizzy black, but the ultimate and pure darkness in front of me.

There seems to be no light at all!

At the same time, Chen Feng felt more suffocating.

It was as if someone had caught his throat and couldn't breathe.

It seems to be suffocated to death!

At the same time, the sense of emptiness that he couldn't keep his feet on the ground made him feel that he couldn't take advantage of his strength, and he seemed to have to float and wander here.

Chen Feng did not panic: "Sure enough, it is no different from what I guessed."

"In the void, there is no aura, even no air, no food."

"I can't get any supplies inside, and I might even starve to death, suffocate, and die from exhaustion!"

However, Chen Feng was prepared.

The situation here is like a barren ancient ruin.

With a snap, the right hand crushed something.

In an instant, a green light shrouded him.

It's like a bubble.

It is the gem of life.

The gem of life obtained by Chen Feng from the ancient ruins.

As soon as the gem of life appeared, Chen Feng could breathe freely.

Moreover, the thick spiritual energy in the bubble was constantly surging, making Chen Feng uncomfortable.

This kind of physical security, as if returning to the familiar environment of the Dragon Vein Continent, also made Chen Feng calm down quickly.

Everything around, even the end of the line of sight, was completely dark.

A piece of pure, endless, endless black.

Not only that, but Chen Feng couldn't hear any sound, and his surroundings were extremely silent.

It is not silence, it is pure nothingness, silence without the slightest sound!

Suddenly, Chen Feng could hear the beating of his heart clearly.

The beating of the heart, bang, bang, like a star beating.

The sound of blood flowing violently was like a big river surging.

This voice is getting louder and clearer!

In the end, almost flooded the whole world.

Because of the extreme silence around him, his own voice was amplified countless times.

Chen Feng looked very hard, as if there was only one person in the world.

This is the ultimate loneliness.

This kind of extreme quietness and extreme blackness can almost make people crazy!

Chen Feng felt that if he stayed in this environment for a while, he might be driven mad!

Chen Feng moved immediately.

After his thoughts shifted, he quickly adapted to this place.

In fact, it is not difficult for him to adapt here.

This place is much safer than the real cosmic time and space where time and space are turbulent and perilous.

Chen Feng controlled his body and floated forward.

In this void, the speed is also extremely fast.

Time flies, where time and space seem to have lost its meaning, and time seems to be static.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a moment, and it seems like a few years.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's eyes jumped.

He saw from a distance, something appeared in front of him.

That turned out to be...

Chen Feng got closer, and he could see more clearly.

In an instant, his heart seemed to beat fiercely.

It turned out to be a corpse!

He is an old man with white beard and hair and a thin look.

There was no injury on the surface of his body, just so quietly suspended in the void.

However, his face is extremely hideous.

Full of fear and despair!

It seems to have experienced the great fear of life before dying!josei

Chen Feng's figure slowly approached him.

Although this is just a corpse, the body's breath is still huge and powerful.

Not even weaker than Chen Feng now!

This also means that his strength during his lifetime is only afraid to reach the nine-star Wudi.

It was only one step away from stepping into the Star Soul Martial God Realm!

Chen Feng was suddenly silent.

Because he suddenly realized how this person died.

"Presumably, when he broke through the nine-day wind and came to the void of the universe, he should be full of expectations and joy!"

"He knows he is about to step into a new world, and he is full of hope for the future."

"But soon, he discovered that there is no bounds here!"

"He can't see, and he doesn't know where the end is."

"There is no aura, no food, no water, not even air."

"Although his strength is very strong, but it only consumes, and cannot get any supplement!"

"So, his strength is getting weaker and weaker!"

"His breath is getting lower and lower!"

"He can no longer move forward!"

"He can only maintain a minimum consumption and let himself float here... but he doesn't know where he is floating."

"In the end, in extreme despair, fear, unwillingness, and hatred, he exhausted the last trace of strength!"

"It turned into a corpse!"

"Thousands of years have passed, but he is still floating here."

Thinking of this mighty power not inferior to his own, it was so miserable before he died.

Chen Feng felt that chill was born all over!

He paused in the sad heart of the rabbit and fox: "Will I, and the same?"

Chen Feng was silent for a moment, then he cleared up his mood and moved on.

And for an unknown period of time, he continued to encounter various corpses.

Some are middle-aged men wearing heavy armor, some are wearing long robes floating like a fairy, and some are wearing grass skirts made of leaves and bark, and their faces are full of beards, like beast gods walking out of the wild!

What's more, it is a monster that is huge, powerful and terrifying!

Obviously, in the past millions of years, the monsters on the Dragon Vein Continent are like human warriors, in order to explore the way to a stronger martial art!

After breaking through the nine days of wind, smashing the blue sky, came outside!

And now without exception, they have all become a corpse.

Seeing them, Chen Feng felt a little grateful in his heart: "Fortunately, I have seen a yellow bird. Fortunately, I have been to the top of the sky. Fortunately, I have visited the deserted ancient ruins several times."

"Fortunately, with all of this...If it weren't, I'm afraid I will suffer the same bad luck as them!"

Fortunately, Chen Feng also had a sense of anger in his heart! Hate! resentment! Surge fiercely!

He looked at the endless void in the distance.

As if to be able to see, amidst this ancient cold, desolate, and deadly silence, one after another corpses floating here!

These are the geniuses on the Dragon Vein Continent, they are all top talents!

Full of infinite hope, break through the dragon vein continent and come here!

Then, he died...

These people were killed by the God of War Palace.

Since the Yellow Bird's body was imprisoned by the God of War Palace, although the Yellow Bird clone was still at the top of Jianmu.

However, he has long been discouraged by human warriors.

Neither would he show up, nor would he give advice to human warriors.

Therefore, from the time the Yellow Bird was imprisoned to the present, in the period of more than 500,000 years, those human talents have emerged.

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