Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5006

Chapter 5006: Activate the blood of gods and demons!

However, the more Xinlan understands his character.

She knew that Chen Feng did what he said!

As long as it is said, it will never change his mind.

Since Chen Feng had made an appointment with others, Yue Xinlan could only let go of Yi Changkong.

She was silent and said nothing.

Yi Changkong looked at Chen Feng next to Yue Xinlan.

Chen Feng waved his hand and the Fang Tianquan Immortal Seal fell into his hand.

Just now, Yue Xinlan's blow came too quickly and too quickly.

Not only injuring Yi Changkong, but also shaking off the Immortal Seal of Tianquan Town in his hand and falling to the ground.

Chen Feng indifferently picked up the immortal seal of Tianquan Town and released a touch of spiritual knowledge.

The immortal seal of Tianquan Town in his hand flashed with time, and his momentum and pressure erupted instantly.

Chen Feng instantly understood.

The blood of the mighty person that was used to seal the immortal seal of Tianquan Town had been swallowed by the blood of the Great Demon of the Sun at this moment.

But in the process of swallowing the essence and blood of Great Yanyang Devil, it left a trace of its own.

Probably it was the trace that caused the immortal seal of Tianquan Town to have a new restriction.

At present, it seems that only Chen Feng can urge at will.

Yi Changkong glanced at Yue Xinlan spitefully, but didn't dare to say anything.

Just glared at Chen Feng.

"Three months later, I will wait for you to take your life!"

After speaking, he sneered and turned to leave the abandoned planet.

All the true disciples he brought over were summoned.

Chen Feng can't be judged at the moment, and the depression in his heart can only be released by another method.

Holding the Celestial Power Cang Thunder Arrow in his hand, Yi Changkong looked at the mighty army of hundreds of thousands of Celestial Demons ahead.

He shouted.

"Twenty true disciples listen to orders! Take out the magic weapon! Arrange the formation!"

The Galaxy Sword faction sent their 21-person rescue team, so naturally they would not treat them badly on the magic weapon.

Every true disciple here, after taking out their sect magic weapon, the aura erupted from at least the sixth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm.

What is even more terrifying is that there is not only one magic weapon taken out between them!

After taking out the magical artifacts in their respective sword sects, they also took out a triangular blood-colored flag with a large palm!

A total of twenty-one flags echoed each other when they were taken out, forming a huge killing array instantly!


The dazzling light rises from the ground!

Twenty-one artifacts were suspended in front of twenty-one flags.

Here is the great heritage of the Galaxy Sword Sect!

As long as there is enough magic weapon and enough triangle blood-colored flags, this special killing array can be deployed.

No quantity limit!

The more flags and the more magical weapons, the stronger and bigger the killing array formed!

The killing formation formed at this moment has burst out of supreme power!

Yi Changkong looked at the demon army in front and shouted.


The mighty army of hundreds of thousands of demon, without the leader of the red-eyed demon, suddenly looked like a group of dragons without a leader.

They are vulnerable to a blow in front of this stunning massacre!

Suddenly collapsed!

In the sky full of stars, all the disciples were shouting, rushing into the army of heavenly demons, and counter-killing!

This massive killing array of the Galaxy Sword Sect is really invincible!

Simply invincible!

Some demons are trickier and have special abilities.

But in the face of the 21-person massacre, all the tricks are invalid!

They can only be like a group of bereaved dogs, the supreme killing intent shot by the killing array, directly overtakes and obliterates!

Blood spattered, and the entire star sea gradually turned into a sea of ​​blood!

There are countless dead bodies!

Chen Feng did not stop either!

With Yue Xinlan guarding him, he recovered to his heyday as quickly as possible.

The broken sternum and leg bones healed quickly.

He rushed towards the army of heavenly demons.

Madman sweep mode, open again!

Chen Feng probably had a number in his heart.

Since Yue Xinlan has already arrived, the "exile" of him this time can be regarded as an end.

After killing this wave of heavenly demons, everyone on their side will temporarily return to the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Including him!

Taking advantage of this last chance, Chen Feng had to do everything possible to kill some demon.

After all, monsters like them that absorb the power of pure stars are extremely rare in the Galaxy Sword Sect.

At this time, Chen Feng, above the star map, still had a quarter of the stars that were dim.josei

Haven't been lit yet!


Of course, an army of hundreds of thousands of heavenly demons cannot be killed.

At the end, most of the celestial demon team did not hesitate to "docking their tails to survive," abandoning a small part of the celestial demon in front of them, and hurried away!

Everyone did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

Yi Changkong and Yue Xinlan each summoned a teleportation formation.

The remaining disciples of the same sect were divided into two groups, and they were sent back to the Galaxy Sword Sect by the two teleportation arrays.

When Chen Feng saw the familiar floating mountain again, his eyes were in a trance.

During the period of going to the battlefield outside the territory, it is said that it is not long, and it is not short.

But it seems like a lifetime!

At the beginning, the old monster was right.

This **** battlefield is indeed a good place.

During Chen Feng's experience, almost half of the three hundred and sixty stars on the star chart were illuminated.

There are hundreds of Star Pills left, and Chen Feng has not had time to absorb them yet.

It is expected that after the absorption, the entire star map is not far from being fully lit.

"What are you looking at?"

Beside, Yue Xinlan's voice pulled Chen Feng back.

He recovered.

"The more elder, where are we going now?"

The other disciples had already retreated, but Chen Feng didn't know where he should go now.

According to the previous "Hell's Gate" regulations, he should have been successfully promoted to an official disciple now.

Yue Xinlan looked at Chen Feng, her cold face with a hint of satisfaction.

"You follow me."

Under the leadership of Yue Xinlan, Chen Feng once again came to the huge floating mountain where Tianshu Sword Sect was located.

One after another, the two walked into the Sword Sect Hall of Tianshu Sword Sect together.

In the main hall, Zhongli Yaoqin was already on the high platform, waiting for a long time.

Chen Feng looked up at the red dress.

This time, he keenly noticed that Zhong Li Yaoqin's breath had changed!

The thick death spirit that I had sensed at the beginning has now faded away seven or eight times!

Chen Feng spoke subconsciously.

"Sect Master Chen Ji, seems to be getting better?"

Zhong Li Yaoqin stood on the high platform, heard Chen Feng's words, turned around, and appeared in front of Chen Feng in the next second.

There was an expression of appreciation and satisfaction on her face.

"Thanks to you."

Seeing Zhong Li Yaoqin's more and more radiant appearance, Yue Xinlan became more and more interested.

She looked at Chen Feng.

"From now on, you will be the official disciple of our Tianshu Sword Sect."

Zhong Li Yaoqin turned his hand out of thin air and handed a storage ring to Chen Feng.

"Inside are the basic supplies for being an official disciple of Tianshu Sword Sect."

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