Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5055

Chapter 5055: All pubic fields are burned! The sun rises!

Under the operation of the mind of the Supreme God Demon Transforming Dragon Art, it will be transformed into twelve gods and demon real dragons.

Only by gathering these twelve gods and demons and real dragons can the twelve gods and demons and real fire in the body be ignited.

After these twelve gods and demons burned in the body and connected to each other, they could form the shape of a **** and demons oven.

The blood of the twelve gods and demons absorbed can be of unlimited grade.

But naturally, the higher the grade, the better the effect!

With Chen Feng's savvy, it didn't take much time to master the operation mentality of Taishang Demonized Dragon Art.

"But where do I go to find these twelve bloodlines of gods and demons?"

You know, most of the time, people who have the blood of gods and demons tend not to show it easily.

The kind of awakening like the young master of Duanmu Palace, after all, is a minority.

Furthermore, even if he knows that Duanmuxi has the blood of the gods and demons.

However, with Chen Feng's current strength, if he wanted to absorb the blood of others, it would be tantamount to seeking a dead end!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

This Supreme God Demon Transformation Dragon Art, worthy of being recognized as the top ninth grade Hong-level God and Demon Dao cultivation technique based on the fragmented scroll.

At the very beginning, people fell into a bottleneck, unable to do anything!


Just as Chen Feng repeated his words unconsciously, suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind.

From just now, he always had a feeling.

Absorbing other blood, this way seems familiar.

Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"That drop of blood of the Great Demon Yanyang!"


The drop of Yanyang Great Demon's blood has been in a calm state since the last time it ate away the drop of Mighty One's natural blood attached to the immortal seal of Tianquan Town.

So far, Chen Feng almost forgot it!

The blood of Yanyang Great Demon can also swallow other high-level blood.

"I wonder if it can help?"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was about to release the blood of the Great Yanyang Demon in his body.

I haven't paid attention to it for a long time, and the blood of that drop of Yanyang Great Demon has changed a lot.

The original drop of blood was mainly composed of black and gold interlaced, and faintly, there were still threads of blood lingering.

After swallowing other essence and blood all the way, the lingering blood color gradually became obvious.

But at the beginning, after swallowing the drop of blood of the mighty person imprinted on the immortal seal of Tianquan Zhen, the blood color has begun to gradually take a place.

Right now, this drop of Yanyang Great Demon's natural blood had obviously become a three-color interweaving of black, gold and red.

Although the red is still not heavy, it can't be ignored!

Chen Feng condensed his mind and quietly operated the mind of the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Technique.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!josei

That drop of three-color intertwined powerful blood, as if receiving a mysterious call, immediately penetrated into Chen Feng's body!

It directly reached Chen Feng's Dantian world through the body!

And Chen Feng's expression was shocked violently at the same time!

He immediately became excited.

This drop of Yanyang Great Demon's natural blood is indeed feasible!

The three colors of black, gold and red are constantly intertwined, releasing dazzling brilliance, slowly rising above the sky.

Gradually, the originally weak red gradually became more dazzling.

When it stopped in the air, this drop of natal blood had already turned into a **** sun!


This red sun suddenly burned!

In an instant, in the world of Dantian, endless fires started like a prairie fire.

The vigorous fire illuminates the entire Dantian world as bright as day!

All scenes are in this red brilliance, with nowhere to hide!

At this moment, Chen Feng could even clearly see that there were a lot of impurities in his Dantian world.

The remaining traces of past practice, the remnants of martial arts Tianhe, etc.

And all of these, in this increasingly fierce red fire, seemed to be ignited together, gradually dissolving!

In a blink of an eye, the blood-colored flames are dense and dense, burning all over the sky!

Soon it swept the entire world of Dantian!

However, this blazing flame made Chen Feng ecstatic the moment before, and turned pale in the next moment.

The temperature of the blood-colored flame is getting higher and higher, and it has a posture of burning everything.

In less than a moment, Chen Feng only felt that the entire Dantian world seemed to be suffering from endless karma!

The severe pain instantly swept his whole mind!

Chen Feng staggered two steps toward the side, almost unable to stabilize his figure.

In the end, he fell directly to the ground and rolled, with an expression of extreme pain on his face.

The fire burning in the pubic world is more painful than the ordinary physical body being burnt and the spiritual world being burnt!

There is a posture of not breaking or standing!


Chen Feng clenched his teeth, his veins violent, his face turned red and bloodshot!

But, at the same time, the entire Dantian world!

All impurities, dirt and residues visible on the surface and invisible in the depths!

All were burned by this prairie fire!

I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng gradually recovered his spiritual consciousness.

Look at the Dantian world again.

The Dantian world at the moment, although still in the **** fire, seems to be reborn!

Except for the Great Witch Blood Pool, everything else was completely burned by the **** fire!

Seeing all this and looking up at the red sun again, Chen Feng was shocked.

This kind of thing has never been mentioned in the Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art.

A drop of Yanyang Great Demon's life blood would actually have such an abnormal change!

However, it is undeniable that after the red fire burned all the impurities.

Chen Feng obviously felt refreshed and transparent for a while!

It seems that all the impurities in the body and all the hidden dangers of the dantian have been burned clean!

He has a hunch.

After this special tempering, the practice from now on will be smoother!

At this moment, the red fire is not as widespread as it was at the beginning.

Chen Feng released a touch of divine mind and plunged into the red sun above the sky.

Suddenly, his mind moved.

The divine consciousness that has penetrated in instantly seems to have entered a certain void state!

Chen Feng controlled those divine consciousness and carefully tested.

Soon, he came to some circumstances.

A special space appeared in this blood-colored sun transformed from the blood of the Great Demon Yanyang.

Within a thousand miles, it is black and gray!

Misty, like the chaos when the world is not open!

However, in the black and gray, under closer inspection, you can see **** breaths again!

They are like giant scarlet chains, thick or thin, but not complete entities.

It is like fog and not fog, like smoke and not smoke, reaching out as if you can't touch the entity, but you can clearly perceive their existence.

These blood-mist giant chains are extremely mysterious, yet extremely magnificent!

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