Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5166

Chapter 5166: I want to get back what belongs to me!

"Everyone, no matter how strong this person is, there is nothing more than one person."

"If we join forces and work hard with him, it is not always certain who loses and who wins!"

Under his appeal, several people in the crowd responded loudly.


"I don't believe it, let's shoot together, and we can't be pushed to the ground by such an unknown junior!"

"Yes! I'm desperate with him!"

However, no matter how hard they tried to join hands, most of them were silent.

Everyone is not stupid.

At this moment, I am afraid it is not looking for death!

Perhaps as several people have said, with everyone joining hands, Chen Feng may not be invincible.

But if you defeat Chen Feng, can you guarantee that you won't die?

Thinking about this, many people in the crowd bowed their heads and dared not move.

Although they didn't dare to join forces, they hoped that others could kill Chen Feng.

The different expressions on everyone's faces fell on Chen Feng's eyes.

He suddenly smiled coldly: ""

He snorted and suddenly disappeared in place.

Everyone was suddenly startled, and everyone was in danger.

But only a few voices that were originally loudly appealing and responding came to an abrupt end.

The huge abyss returned to silent silence again.


The sound of several corpses falling heavily to the ground rang out one after another.

In the silent scene, you can even hear the echo.

On the long knife in Chen Feng's hand, a drop of red blood fell.

Watching the man in front of him fall to the ground blankly.

Then, slowly turned around.

He scanned the crowd.

"What are you still doing? Do you want to join forces to kill me?"

This sound suddenly resounded among the crowd, and the effect was no different from sinking a stone to the surface of the water, stunned the surrounding ripples.

Everyone scattered and avoided, and a large area was quickly vacated around Chen Feng.

At this moment, the closest to him was Si Menghan who had been hiding in the crowd.

Si Menghan was completely scared.

She stepped forward and stopped in front of Chen Feng, but she kept her eyes down and did not dare to look directly at him.

"My son, I'm sorry...I shouldn't avenge revenge or slander you."

However, at this time, it was useless to confess mistakes again and put on a pitiful appearance.josei

Chen Feng coldly looked at the woman with her head down.

"A person like you will be killed if you kill it. But for Jiang Yunxi's face, I will spare you the last day today."


The last word "roll" made Si Menghan tremble.

She regretted it!

Completely regret it!

Obviously from the beginning, she can become good friends with Chen Feng, and she can be blessed by Chen Feng.

At that time, the other party had also clearly promised that if they saw the sun-flaming **** grass, they would never take her forcibly.

But all this was ruined by herself!

And it's still one step wrong, wrong step.

Si Menghan hurriedly left, and with her starting, many people also symbolically handed Chen Feng some celestial essence stones.

Chen Feng didn't search his body one by one, so he just accepted the quantity.

And those who had handed in the Star Yuanshi also hurriedly left under the abyss.

Soon it was his turn to hand in the man in Chinese clothes who had stopped him earlier.

From the chats of just a few people, Chen Feng learned that this person was named Ming Jinghuan.

After Ming Jinghuan handed in some stars symbolically, he did not rush to leave this place of right and wrong like others.

Everyone can tell that the quality of the stars here is extremely high.

The mined stars are all top grade.

It would be too dare to be willing to leave like this!

He stepped back a few steps slowly, and after seeing Chen Feng taking the Star Yuan Stone, he turned and continued to collect other people's Star Yuan Stone.

It seems that he didn't care about his stay.

Ming Jinghuan stopped, changed his face, and started mining Xingchen Yuanshi veins again like an okay person.

Those who have not turned in yet have their eyes gathered on him.

Chen Feng followed everyone's eyes and glanced over.

However, he quickly retracted his gaze.

I ignored him.

Seeing Chen Feng's reaction, Ming Jinghuan became more reckless.

And many of the remaining people, after seeing this scene, were eager to try again.

However, after seeing Chen Feng's majestic face, most people consciously extinguished the flame that had just ignited in their hearts.

Chen Feng still didn't care about Ming Jinghuan when he accepted everyone's Star Yuanshi.

He turned around and went to mine the Star Yuan Stone by himself.

Among the remaining people, there are also the bold ones. Following Ming Jinghuan's appearance, they also found a place to re-mined the Star Yuanshi.

Similarly, Chen Feng did not intervene.

After two attempts, the remaining people also stayed.

Each found a place, and no one interfered.

You can mine as much as you can.

There are abundant stars here, and it took half an hour for Chen Feng to mine and store the piece in front of him.

However, not far away Ming Jinghuan saw that he didn't respond, and had already started mining frantically, not much slower than him.

When Chen Feng got up, he directly took away almost one-third of the stars here.

And just when Ming Jinghuan was about to leave.

Chen Feng moved.

He looked at Ming Jinghuan from a distance, with a hint of laziness in his tone.


These two words were not loud, but they managed to stop everyone present.

Including Ming Jinghuan.

He turned around and met Chen Feng's gaze.

I saw Chen Feng reaching out to him: "I want to take away what belongs to me."

Until this moment, Ming Jinghuan suddenly realized.

He understood why Chen Feng hadn't paid any attention to him before.

Obviously, he is used as a tool to mine the stars!

From the very beginning, Chen Feng never thought of letting go of him who provoke him.

I didn't clean up him just now, just because he took a fancy to the speed at which he mines the Star Yuan Stone.

Ming Jinghuan's face changed again and again.

If it's just now, it's fine to hand in a few stars.

But now he has been mining desperately for half an hour, but suddenly he is about to be taken away all, without leaving one.

Ming Jinghuan could not accept it!

He took a deep breath, lowered his face, and met Chen Feng's gaze.

"You are too arrogant!"

"Am I bold?"

Hearing Ming Jinghuan's words, Chen Feng sneered, and looked at the opponent even more disdainfully.

He retracted his outstretched hand and replied lightly.

"If you don't get out, then leave your life!"

Before he could say anything, a long knife appeared in Chen Feng's hand again and rushed towards Ming Jinghuan.

The war is about to start!

Ming Jinghuan, as a young strong man in the eighth floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm, was more proud than the previous Xu Zijin.

He just didn't believe in evil, and he didn't avoid it in the first time. On the contrary, he also broke out a frightening atmosphere.


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