Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5672

Chapter 5672: Wan Momeng

How can he allow others to break a barrier that is difficult for him to break!

Chen Feng gave up the attempt of Taishang Yuqing's Nine Shou Zhen Jue and began to run the great Shura burial art with all his strength.

As a Hong-level ninth-rank exercise, the great Asura burial of the gods cannot be unsurprising.

With Chen Feng's current mental power and talent, it will not be long before he just started.

The profound meaning of this practice method is mainly to condense the power of the whole body into a mouthful of Asura Demon Qi in an instant, and then into the body of the human monk!

Anything that can penetrate, all the opponent's flesh and blood power will be transformed into death in an instant!

Then, these dead gases will corrode the remaining vitality.

As for the human monks who were recruited, even if there was no vitality in their bodies, their appearance still remained unchanged!

It is equivalent to turning the body into an extremely hard corpse, but at the same time, the cultivator's soul will also be trapped in the flesh.

Corrupted together until it disappears completely!

Chen Feng tried to swallow a sigh of magic energy, and poured power into it in an instant.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly became bitter.

"somebody is coming."

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Sanye on his shoulder instantly turned into a streamer, rushing into Chen Feng's arms and disappeared.

Very far away, a figure quickly approached in Chen Feng's direction.

Surprisingly, the visitor was a foreign Asura demon!

This Shura demon is only about fifty meters long, with blue-gray skin, rough and chapped, just like an old mud wall.

It has three heads, each face is blue and fangs, and there are only a few sparse hairs on the top of the head.

On the head in the middle was a pair of huge horns that looked like horns.

However, apart from this, it is no different from a human being.

Chen Feng had never seen such a foreign demon, and couldn't name him for a while.

It's just that I can perceive that, judging from the demon aura released outside, the cultivation base of the outside demon in front of him is at the tenth hole of the Tenth Cave Heaven.

The comer is not good!

Chen Feng could have this feeling instinctively, but strangely, from the other's face, he saw something like a smile.

"Wu Wei Hu..."

The three horns Shura opened his mouth wide and whispered Shura.

Fortunately, there are some instincts in the blood of Shura.

Coupled with Chen Feng's strong enough mental power, communication is not difficult at this time.

The three horns Shura is actively trying to win him:

"Looking at you, are you exiled from the Demon King City?"

"It's better to submit to our Ten Thousand Demons League."

Ten thousand demons?

It was the first time Chen Feng heard this.

In an instant, his mind moved quickly, thinking a lot.

It seems that in this world of Xiaoqian, the line of the giant black flames does not completely dominate the world.

However, even so, the term "submission" made Chen Feng particularly disdainful.

He looked at Shura with the three horns in front of him, and his sense of consciousness quickly leaned out towards the surroundings.

Within a hundred miles, there is no one!


Chen Feng nodded at the three horns Shura, and then vomited:

"I can join the Ten Thousand Demons League, but..."

As soon as he spoke, the three-headed horned Shura instantly swelled with devilish energy, and his whole body suddenly shook. It seemed that he had never expected that the "shura demon" in front of him was actually a human monk posing!

But now it is too late to realize this!

When Chen Feng spoke, the Shura bloodline in his body quickly concealed back to the Dantian world.

The huge demon body of nearly a hundred meters dissipated in the void, and a body less than two meters shot out.

"Heaven and earth reincarnate in heaven and earth!"

When it was said that it was too late and then it was fast, the third huge vertical pupil in the space of repetitive reincarnation suddenly burst out endless black light.

In that pupil, it quickly condensed into a fist-sized magic heart.

At the same time, Chen Feng flipped his hand to reveal the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword, and slashed forward fiercely.

In the majestic sword intent, accompanied by a monstrous roar, rushed to the three horns Shura.

The complexion of the three horns Shura turned from shock to panic.

He wanted to resist again or flee, but was dazed to realize that his physical body had lost control.

In the next moment, a madly growing magic strain rose from the depths of the spiritual world.

Almost directly runs through its entire spiritual world!


The screams broke through the sky!


In the Demon King City to the west, above the Demon Temple, Gamma Stema instantly flicked his sleeves and got up.

In an instant, the entire magic temple was completely covered by the rolling demon energy!

And in that dark black magic energy, two almost materialized red eyes shot out suddenly.

"Chen Feng! It's really him!"

The devilish energy seemed to be boiling, surging and retreating continuously.

Then, Gama Stema was inhaled all the time.

"Come on!"josei

It screamed, and the entire Demon Temple and even the entire Demon King City almost shook.

"Take this thing and go and kill Chen Feng immediately!"

A ten-meter-high Shura demon quickly entered the magic hall, knelt on one knee, and received a magic bead with both hands.

Although this Shura Demon is only ten meters tall, no one would have thought that it would be one of the most powerful generals around Gamma Stema!

Super-Order Shura Demon Lord!

Compared with the cultivation base of the human race, that is, the powerhouse of the twelfth cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

After giving the magic orb, Gama Stema was worried and spoke again.

"Remember, what you want to kill is to rob the treasure of my clan and kill the person of my nephew."

"Be sure to take back the major repair Luo Hong furnace in his hand!"

"Then, smash him into pieces!"

The ten-meter super-level Shura Demon Zun solemnly nodded his head: "Yes!"

It immediately turned around and hurried away.

Gamasturma watched his men leave the magic temple, her face full of hatred and solemnity.

After thinking about it, it was still uneasy and whispered.

"I have to let the eldest brother know at this time, hurry up and bring things over..."

With that, he turned around and left the Demon Temple, disappearing quickly.

As for all this, Chen Feng still knew nothing.

At this time, he had once again restored the appearance of the Asura demon, and accompanied the three horns of Asura to the camp of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

Through the implanted demon heart, Chen Feng already knew that it was a member of the Yanniu three-headed demon clan.

The Yanniu three demons are a weak clan in the Ten Thousand Demons League.

And this Ten Thousand Demons League is mainly an organization initiated by the forces of Qiantian Flying Dragon Demon in this small thousand world.

At first, tens of thousands of demons, such as Qiantian Feilong Demon, sent teams to enter this newly opened human world of the human race.

The purpose is to get a share.

But who knows that afterwards, the extremely powerful Great Black Flame Great Demon directly occupied the passage.

In this way, it is equivalent to directly cutting off the way back for these ten thousand demons who came here.

In recent years, since the demons defeated the human race, on the one hand, the demons invaded the human race's territory.

On the other hand, the struggle between the demons has intensified as they grab territory.

In the beginning, all the major demons were dead and alive.

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