Peerless Medicine God

Chapter 2512 - 2512

Chapter 2512 - 2512: He Came From the Sky!

Chapter 2512: Chapter 2512: He Came From the Sky!

Chapter 2512: He Came From the Sky! . . .

On Heavenspan Mountain, everything felt the same.

Many martial artists were cultivating here, comprehending Dao.

Above one million miles, many Deva powerhouses and Heavenly Emperor powerhouses were currently gaining enlightenment of Heavenly Dao.

This place was the Heavenspan Mountain's limit.

Even Dao Ancestors were unable to go further too.

Further up, cloud and mist coiled, no sun could be seen all year round.

If anyone walked beyond that point, they would be executed by Heavenly Dao and absolutely could not escape by any fluke.

After the Heavenly Dao Samsara battle, Dao Ancestor Storm had nowhere to go and simply returned to the Heavenspan Mountain and continued comprehending Heavenly Dao.

Although his realm was unable to improve any further, the power of rule could!

Suddenly, he sensed something and suddenly opened both eyes, looking up the mountain fixedly.

There was actually someone walking down!

Storm opened his mouth wide, shock written all over his face!

Not just him, the Deva powerhouses and Heavenly Emperor powerhouses below, all saw this scene!

Everyone was inexplicably shocked!

This ... How is this possible? Who is he? T-To actually come down the mountain! Is it possible that he ... he's actually from heaven??Storm roared wildly in his heart.

He did not know how he felt currently in his heart.

Shock? josei



Or all at the same time!

Someone came from the sky. It showed that above the Heavenspan Mountain, there were really gods that kind of existences!

Therefore, he had hope too?

Even if this hope was bleak to the extreme.

But what kind of existence was this person?

Fear of the unknown was innate to humans.

Gradually, that figure slowly became clear. The outline of his face also gradually became clear.

That was a young man dressed in blue Taoist robes, looking elegant, luxurious, and too high beyond reach.

Dao Ancestor Storm could not see through this young man. He was too mysterious!

Mysterious until he was like heaven!

This feeling made him afraid.

The young man walked straight towards him.

Dao Ancestor Storm's heart thumped wildly.

A warm but distant smile hung on the young man's face as he opened his mouth and said, "Let me ask you. Who ... destroyed the Eight Extreme Divinities?"

"E-Eight Extreme Divinities?" Dao Ancestor Storm shook his head blankly. Clearly, he did not know what the Eight Extreme Divinities was.

The Eight Extreme Divinities was the secret of the divine race. Apart from Ye Yuan, even Dao Ancestors were not aware of it.

No one could fight until the Heaven Lineage's central region and see the Eight Extreme Divinities.

Except for Ye Yuan!

Therefore, no one knew what the Eight Extreme Divinities was.

Seeing Dao Ancestor Storm shake his head, the young man had a look of disappointment and said, "Sigh, communicating with ants is really boring! Since you don't know, then you can go and die already."

Only to see the young man flick his finger lightly, a streak of invisible force vanished after a flash.


Before Dao Ancestor Storm could react, his entire person already turned into nothingness.

Everyone was transfixed!

They were shouting madly in their hearts, that was a Dao Ancestor!

Although it was a former Dao Ancestor, his strength when compared to current Dao Ancestors, was also not a lot worse!

But he actually did not have any strength to fight back in front of this young man!

In fact, he could not even react!

How horrifying was this person?

Even the present Heavenspan World's supreme being, Lord Saint Azure, could not do it so casually too, right?

What was even scarier was that they could not feel the undulation of power at all.

No earth-shaking great battle, no energy undulation.

With just a flick, Dao Ancestor Storm was gone!

His entire person was gone!


Unreasonably strong!

Suffocatingly strong!

Furthermore, wasn't it impossible to attack while being on the Heavenspan Mountain?

Why could he?

The young man had a bored look, shaking his head as he muttered under his breath, "Ants are ants, really too weak!"

To him, it was as if he had done a trivial thing.

His gaze swept slightly, landing on that group of Deva powerhouses.

The group of powerhouses immediately felt their hair stand on end.

The young man thought for a moment and walked straight in front of a Deva Fifth Blight.

He was called Wei Feng, he had just experienced the battle of Heavenly Dao Samsara and obtained a considerable lucky chance on the Heavenspan Mountain.

His strength also made great improvements.

It was just that at this time, he did not even dare to move, almost suffocating.

The young man still had a warm smile on his face as he asked, "These ants probably don't know about the Eight Extreme Divinities!?Uhh?... Why not change questions, do you know who's the strongest in the Heavenspan World?"

Being able to shatter the Eight Extreme Divinities and destroy his trace of origin divinity, it was definitely this Heavenspan World's strongest person.

Not everyone had the qualification to break the Eight Extreme Divinities.

"S-Strongest?" Wei Feng's brain could not quite wrap itself around it.

The impact that the scene that happened before his eyes brought to him was seriously too great.

A powerhouse that came down from the sky!

Eradicating a Dao Ancestor with a flick of a finger!

He was talking to him!

"You don't know either?" The young man's face was rather disappointed.

All the hair on Wei Feng's body stood on end at once.

His brain instantly switched back on.

"I-I know! D-Don't kill me!" Wei Feng practically roared it out.

"Who is it?" The young man said.

"H-He's called Ye Yuan!" Wei Feng said.

"Ye Yuan?"

The young man ruminated on this name for a while, feeling that it was very ordinary, and said, "Where is he?"

How could Wei Feng dare to hide it? He hurriedly said, "H-He's at the Southern Border's Heavenly Eagle Bodhidharma!"

The young man nodded slightly and took off, flying out.


The Heavenspan Mountain shook fiercely. A human-shaped large hole was actually burst open in the layer of barrier outside!

Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at this scene with incredible shock.

"This ... This ... The Heavenspan Mountain's barrier exists only in name!"

"W-Who on earth is he? Why can he come down from the sky?"

"T-Too strong!"

... ...

After the young man left, Wei Feng gasped heavily for air, his body like he was hauled out of water.

He was almost fainting.

The pressure that this young man put on him was really too great!

Furthermore, he instantly killed a Dao Ancestor, and he ignored the barrier of the Heavenspan Mountain!

Such an existence, he could not imagine at all.

By the side, another Deva Fifth Blight roared, "Y-You actually betrayed Lord Saint Azure! You deserve death!"

Wei Feng had a bitter smile on his face as he said, "If it were you, would you say or not? Even if you and I don't say, can it guarantee that the people on this Heavenspan Mountain all won't say?"

The moment that person heard, he fell silent.

It was this logic!

If the young man set his mind on inquiring about it, he could find out no matter what.

Ye Yuan this strongest person, no one did not know!

Wei Feng had a conflicted look and said, "H-Hope that Lord Saint Azure can pull through!"

These words, he said them without any confidence at all.

The pressure that this young man put on him was really too great.

That person opposite suddenly sprang up and roared, "Still cultivating for what?! Hurry up and follow him! That young man came with bad intentions. Another bloody storm is likely coming again!"

Wei Feng's entire body trembled and he also stood up quickly. But his legs went soft and he almost fell.

But he immediately recovered and swept over in the direction of the transmission array.

The others were the same too, not caring about cultivation at all and followed suit.

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