People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 109 - 109

Chapter 109 - 109: According to the Law of the Universe Federation, Our Blue Planet is Under Protection!_l

Chapter 109: According to the Law of the Universe Federation, Our Blue Planet is Under Protection!_l

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The lunar base.

On the gravity wave detector, two spaceships stood 150,000 kilometers apart.

Uncle Da stared nervously, muttering under his breath, “Please be safe…”

Although he had designed a laser escape path for Zhao Yu, whether they could escape depended on Zhao Yu’s escort ship lasting for three minutes.

Just then, the detector started showing changes, and Uncle Da became more tense.

However, in the next second, he looked shocked.

On the detector, the ship sent by the Moro fleet for negotiations was rapidly moving away at a speed of 6600 kilometers per second.

“What’s going on?!”

In a matter of seconds, the opposing shuttle had moved tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Uncle Da was somewhat confused, not immediately understanding what was happening. A minute passed, and the two negotiating spaceships were now more than 500,000 kilometers apart.

At this distance, they were in a relatively safe zone. Even if the enemy attacked again, Zhao Yu could withstand it for three more minutes.

The only thing that puzzled Uncle Da was why the other party was fleeing so quickly.

“A shuttle, a small spaceship, designed specifically for escape, reaching speeds twice that of regular ships…”

“If the normal negotiation had ended, the opponent should be leaving at a speed of 3300 kilometers per second, but now…”

After analyzing the situation in detail, Uncle Da felt the enemy’s response seemed less like a retreat and more like a flight.

As if Zhao Yu’s escort ship was some terrifying beast.

On the detector, Zhao Yu’s escort ship also began to retreat at a regular speed, without deviating from its trajectory or sending a distress signal to the defense line.

Uncle Da grew more perplexed, “What on earth is happening?!”

“Hurry up, contact my brother, tell them to retreat!”

As the shuttle flew away quickly, Miro still remembered to send a message to the Moro fleet.

Seth stopped him anxiously, “If you send a message back, we won’t be able to return!”

Miro shrugged off his hand, angrily replying, “Is the fleet more important or are we?!”

These words left Seth speechless. At this crucial moment, he was indeed inferior to Miro.

Although somewhat unwilling, Seth could only watch helplessly as Miro sent the message.

There were still nearly six hours before the message could be relayed back. Without any response, the two of them dared not save fuel, pushing the shuttle with full power towards Pluto.

At the same time, they were constantly scanning backwards, checking for any warships or incoming attacks.

“Thankfully, they are not pursuing us…”

“Not being pursued is normal. The real strength is in the Huaxia Universe Alliance behind them. This galaxy’s civilization should be average…”

The two let out a sigh of relief. Who would choose death when they could live?

Near Pluto.

Moro stared at the detector, his face stern. He looked around and asked, “Can anyone tell me what’s happening on their end?!”

Everyone looked at each other, unable to give an answer.

“Captain, could it be that Miro and the others received some important information and are hurrying to report?!”

“Impossible, if there was important information, they could just transmit it using electromagnetic waves. Their speed is much slower compared to the speed of light…”

Someone nervously suggested, “Their reaction seems as if they are running for their lives, like they’ve encountered something terrifying…”

Moro slammed the table, speaking in a low voice, “If Miro dies, I’ll make this galaxy pay…”

“Ships number 3, 5, 8, break formation, prepare for battle…”

“Captain, we can’t!”

“We don’t know what’s happening on their end yet. Attacking rashly will definitely provoke retaliation. The first to be attacked would undoubtedly be the shuttle Milo and the others are on…”

Hearing this, Moro found it reasonable. He ordered the battleships to prepare but not to fire without his command.

He continued, “Teams two, four, seven, prepare for battle on short notice!”

“Yes!” The three team leaders took their orders and left quickly.

The remaining people, along with Moro, stared nervously at the gravity wave detector.

The ship from the Pangu civilization that had negotiated with Milo and the others was leisurely returning, not seeming distressed at all.

This made them all quite puzzled.

“What on earth happened to Miro and his team?!”

Earth-Xiadu Base.

“We’ve got a reply!”

“What does it say? They got the key technology of third-generation nuclear fusion so quickly?!”

“No, this information is odd. Half of it was sent using our cipher, but the other half was not…”

Senator Chu paused for a moment, then quickly said, “Hurry up and decrypt it. See what it says!”

Since half of the content was ciphered, it must have been sent back by Chen Xiao and his team.

While the technician was decrypting the cipher, he narrated the decrypted content.

“Chen Xiao and his team found 33 key points related to nuclear fusion out of the 185 they were investigating…”

“Finding 33 is not bad, it could save our scientists a lot of detours!”

After decrypting the 33 key points, the technician’s expression changed drastically, and he jumped up.

“What’s wrong?”

Colonel Chu frowned. Why was this man so impatient?

“Senator Chu, we have a big problem!”

“What’s the matter, speak up!”historical

The technician said nervously, “The Cosmic Federation has come to us!”


Colonel Chu was startled and quickly asked for details.

The technician swiftly narrated the decrypted content.

To make it easier for him to understand, he also sent the images and plaintext to the big screen.

Colonel Chu suppressed his excitement, patiently reading through the content. Especially when he saw the part about the Federation law protecting emerging civilizations, he couldn’t help but rub his hands together.

After reading all the content, Colonel Chu took a deep breath, calmed himself, and turned to the technician, “This matter must not be leaked. Now, take all the data and come with me!”

Having said that, he led the technician to the deepest part of the base and convened a top-level meeting.

Since the arrival of the aliens, all the council members had practically taken up residence in the underground base, dealing with various affairs.

Before long, the council members gathered, along with a crowd of wise spectators.

As everyone entered the meeting room, they saw a technician who shouldn’t have been there. Senator Sun frowned, feeling that this was irregular.

Colonel Chu, however, ignored it and asked the technician to start explaining the decrypted information.

As the technician spoke, everyone in the room was stunned, their expressions changing drastically.

Several times, council members raised questions, but were suppressed by Senator Zhou, who asked the technician to finish explaining before asking questions.

When all the information was presented,

The room went silent, and the previously excited council members were all silent.

After a moment, Colonel Chu asked, “What do you think?!”

One of the wise men had already analyzed the situation and stepped forward, “Since Chen Xiao and his team sent the message back in its entirety, it means they believe it’s true!”

“Or, the information they obtained was indeed sent by a new aliens group, not the Moon aliens!”

“The second wave of aliens…” The room was filled with astonishment.

“If the information is true, then the Universe Federation law is also true!”

“The Moon aliens, by blockading us and the Blue Star, are breaking the law in the context of the universe!”

“According to the Universe Federation law, our Earth civilization is protected!”

“So, the reason Chen Xiao and his team sent the message back is probably because they want us to find a way to break the Protective Shield, let the people of the Universe Federation know the real situation on Earth, and intervene in the investigation!”

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