People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 125 - 125

Chapter 125 - 125: The Mystery of the Self-Destruction of

Chapter 125: The Mystery of the Self-Destruction of

Shuttle 10

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

“The spaceship of the Universal Federation has exploded!”

In the Earth Federation, Senator Smith Smith sighed heavily, finding it hard to accept this blow.

“Senator, please accept our condolences…”

“I know…”

Smith took a deep breath, then announced, “Inform everyone, hold a global mourning event, all units to fly flags at half-mast…”

Once the news spread, the whole world was shocked.

“Farewell to the envoy of the Universal Federation…”

“Farewell, messenger of peace…”

On the Internet, there was a pervasive sense of sorrow. Major websites also timely turned their pages black and white.

Numerous influencers wept inconsolably. Some couldn’t bear the shock and fainted, attracting a crowd and a flurry of digital gifts.

However, unlike the overseas countries, Great Xia had already returned to its normal life.

On the Internet or on television, no more news related to the Universal Federation was disclosed.

Even if someone relayed the news from foreign websites, it would be noticed by some mysterious force and deleted instantly.

This sparked discussion overseas.

“What is the Great Xia up to? I notice that their websites are still colorful, not even a candle lit…”

“1 just spoke with my family back home, they have even cancelled the seven-day celebration, no fireworks or firecrackers allowed…”

“Not only that, they didn’t even report the explosion of the Universal Federation’s spaceship. It’s utterly disappointing…” josei

“Damn, is the Great Xia in league with the villains?”

Seeing these discussions, Smith quickly logged into the official websites of various Great Xia units, and found that, just as netizens said, none of them had changed their pages to black and white or issued any official announcements.

This infuriated him, and he sent people to inquire.

“Great Xia’s wireless network equipment is damaged and under repair…”

“Damn, did I ask them that?”

Annoyed, Smith asked, “Didn’t you make it clear? Ask them why there was no announcement about the universal federation spaceship explosion?”

“We did ask…” the staff member replied aggrievedly.

“Send it again, ask again!”

Shortly after, another message came from Great Xia.

“People of Great Xia are more concerned about their own lives, not focusing on things they cannot change…”

Seeing this reply, Smith frowned, “There’s definitely something wrong. Send people to investigate what’s happening in the Great Xia…”

“How did they trigger the particle singularity collapse bomb?!”

Moro was somewhat shocked, “Why on earth would they self-destruct?”

The detector showed that Shuttle disappeared when it was still twenty million kilometers away from the Earth.

According to the gravitational fluctuation, it was the result of Shuttle’s self-destruction.

“Captain, before the disappearance of Shuttle, its gravitational waves were covered by a comet’s gravity…”

“I suspect, did they mistake that comet for the Earth?!”

“That’s impossible!”

Moro frowned, “Even if they’re that stupid, they wouldn’t misidentify the Earth. Furthermore, the entire flight path was computer-controlled…”

“Currently, there are two possibilities…”

“The first possibility is that the Earth has some powerful deception technology, making Shuttle believe the comet was the Earth, leading to self-destruction…”

“The second possibility is that there was a powerful weapon on the comet, and Shuttle, realizing it couldn’t escape, had to self-destruct…”

“But no, Shuttle didn’t make any evasive actions before self-destruction, indicating there were no weapons on the comet…”

“Perhaps, their computer malfunctioned, mistakenly identifying the comet as the Earth, choosing to self-destruct…”

The crowd discussed for a while but came to no conclusion.

After a while, someone reported, “Captain, Leader Seth requests to dispatch another shuttle…”

“They think that this incident was an accident, and Shuttle made a mistake…”


Moro shook his head, “There are no coincidences on the battlefield. This was definitely an enemy strategy…”

In his heart, he felt it was highly likely that the enemy had a data interference method, causing Shuttle to think it had reached the Earth.

“Get the trajectory of Shuttle and the distribution of the ships that intercepted it…”

After carefully studying it, Moro found nothing suspicious.

Even after running the data through the computer, the calculated results showed nothing unusual.

Everything seemed natural.

But the more natural it was, the more suspicious it felt under these circumstances.

“The enemy certainly has a method we are unaware of…”

Moro frowned, “The only chance to employ such a method was during the breakthrough of the defense line…”

“Their Martian defense line might have something capable of invading or damaging the computer…”

“Captain, how should we respond to Leader Seth’s request?”

Moro pondered for a moment, then said, “Operation Decapitation has failed. Until we understand why Shuttle self-destructed, we can’t use this plan again…”

“Tell them to establish a temporary base in the nearby asteroid belt and prepare for a protracted war…”

“Captain, in this case, should we send the engineering ship over?”

“No, we only have one engineering ship left now, and we can’t risk it…”

Moro shook his head, “Dispatch a fleet to escort the engineering ship to Pluto to set up a production line there…”

“Captain, if it’s a long-term war, should we deploy the robots?”

“If we don’t deploy the robots, who will make the weapons?”

The subordinate awkwardly smiled, quickly adding, “Which generation of robots should we activate?”

“For regular production, use the first generation, for key areas use the second. Watch closely, if there’s a trend of robots evolving to the third generation, eliminate it promptly…”


About 100 million kilometers outside the Mars defense line, over sixty battleships spread out in a trapezoidal formation.

“Leader Seth, we received orders from Captain Moro, asking us to establish a temporary base in a nearby asteroid belt…”

“Damn it, Shuttle 10 really drives me crazy!”

“We broke through the toughest defense lines, only to fail at the least expected place…”

The squadron leaders were filled with fury. If Shuttle 10 had been successful, they would have already completed most of their mission. The rest would only be wrapping up.

But now, they were required to establish a temporary base and prepare for a protracted war.

“Let’s calm down. The enemy just possesses late stage level 1 technology. We can certainly win, it’s just going to take a little more time…”

“Yeah, after all these years, what’s a bit more time…”

Seth’s face was still full of anger as he said grimly, “Pass the order down. All battleships are to discharge all their carried combat energy…”

He still wasn’t satisfied, and added, “Also, request Captain Moro to construct a 5th-generation Star Destroyer Cannon in the asteroid belt, to smash their entire defense line in one shot….”

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