Perfect Superstar

Chapter 714

Chapter 714: Reply

The long table with dark green velvet was lined up with two microphones on it, and the huge American flag was hung on the back wall. The three men from the f, faa and New York City government’s suits were sitting in a dangerous position. It is serious. ??

After the host briefly introduced a few sentences, the press conference began.

First, the faa official informed the detailed process of the ud725 flight event. In fact, everyone knows it, but the faa official added some unknown details to the statement.

After the faa people finished speaking, the next step was to force the officials to announce the preliminary findings.

There is nothing new about it.

The results of the survey are basically not much different from the analysis of the media. The suspect is Wolf Cooke, 32 years old, a member of the former US Navy 6 team, and a sergeant rank.

Wolf Cook has participated in many overseas missions of the United States and has been the recipient of the Merit Medal of Service and retired due to injury in 2o15.

As the media broke, Wolfe suffers from ptsd, which is an important reason for his retirement.

The former member of the 6th Navy team returned to China for tourism. As a result, he was ptsd on the plane. He mistakenly thought that he had been hijacked and attacked by the enemy, so he lost his reason and made a big mistake.

Now his emotions are completely calm and he regrets his mistakes.

The f-force will allow several reporters to interview Wolfe at the right time.

At this point, the truth of the ud725 flight incident has come to the fore, and f forced has ruled out the possibility of terrorist attacks.

This is an accident.

Finally, Mr. Murphys from f was grateful to Mr. 6 Chen from China for his great courage to save more than 400 passengers on the ud725 flight and avoid a tragic life!

After he finished speaking, the applause in the conference room was thunderous.

These applause were all given to the morning of 6 in the middle position.

This press conference, 6 morning is undoubtedly the biggest bright spot, he firmly attracts everyone's attention.

Most of the people present were aware of 6 mornings through the 3 minute video, but this video was taken in the cabin, and it was a sneak shot, and the action was fierce, so it was impossible to give a clear morning to 6 mornings. close up.

So now I see myself face to face, and the feeling is very different.

Even a journalist with some kind of prejudice can't be picky about the appearance of the 6th morning. The 6-year-old body is tall and tall, and the facial features are handsome and handsome. Even if it is based on the aesthetic standards of Westerners, he is definitely the most. The small group of people who are topping the list.

And 6 morning is very young, his smile gives a warm and soft feeling, it is hard to imagine, it is this big boy who looks easy to get close, has such a strong fighting power.

Americans' understanding of individual combat effectiveness usually comes down to the appearance of a big waist and a swearing image, as well as a swearing image of a Hollywood blockbuster.

6 morning really subverted their common sense.

In fact, for the heroic deeds that were completed on the ud725 flight in the morning, some Americans have a very complicated mentality. They admire the courage and fearlessness of the morning, but it is not a taste.

Because the culprits of the incident were a well-known American, and a member of the Navy's 6th team that played for the country, it should have been the prototype of an American hero.

As a result, in the positive contest, as a villain, he was defeated by a young man from China.

I feel a little bit too late.

And this part of the people also included several reporters present.

So while giving the applause, they can't wait to ask their questions to the morning.

The official host of the press conference was considerate and immediately announced the period of free questioning.

His voice just fell, and immediately a reporter stood up and said: "Mr. 6 Chen, I am a reporter for the New York Times, James, I admire your heroic behavior on the ud725 flight, but I want to know, you are against Wolf. What is the comment of Sergeant Cook?"

Originally, according to the rules of the official press conference, when the free question time is reached, the reporters should raise their hands first, and then the host chooses one of them to ask questions.

The reporter of The New York Times could not have known the rules, not the general anxieties.

Of course, he is also very confident, because the New York Times is the top three newspapers in the United States, and it has a lot of influence around the world.

The host did not stop the violation of the James reporter.

He asked this question quite a bit, and he can say that he is not good.

6 morning thought, hurriedly replied: "I personally think that the accident on the ud725 flight can not be used as a standard for the evaluation of Sergeant Wolf Cook."

"In addition, personally, I prefer to be friends with Mr. Wolf Cook, not an opponent."action

"Thank you."

James stunned, and 6 mornings replied that the "New York Times" reporter couldn't find any flaws that could continue to attack. It was too standard!

Moreover, before the morning of the 6th, he said "Sergeant Wolff Cook", and later said "Mr. Wolf Cook", which means very long.

Cold for a moment, applause sounded again!

The host took the opportunity to say: "Thank you, Mr. James, but please pay attention to the rules of the question, this..."

He pointed to another female journalist who held his left hand.

James sat back to his position and felt his face ignited.

The golden female reporter who was ordered went up and asked again on the morning of 6: "Mr. 6 Chen, I am a reporter for the Daily News. Can you evaluate your brave behavior at the time?" ”

The Daily News is also a big newspaper in the United States. Unlike the political seriousness of the New York Times, the style of this newspaper is more social. For example, its reporter is a beautiful golden girl.

The American big newspaper reporters have one thing in common, that is, the interview questions are very bold and straightforward, and it is quite difficult to deal with.

Ordinary people are very easy to deal with in the face of their repeated questions.

So before coming, f forced to provide an interview draft for 6 mornings, so that he was mentally prepared.

But whether it was the James of the New York Times or the Golden Lady of the Daily News, the problems of both were not included.

6 morning smiled calmly and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"


The answer to the morning of 6 is to make everyone's eyes bright.

The second is sent. (To be continued.) 8

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