Pet Beasts of the World: Hundred-Fold Multiplier System

Chapter 139 - Tearing the Illusion Apart

Chapter 139 - Tearing the Illusion Apart

Chapter 139: Tearing the Illusion Apart

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“Give up. Do you know what a corps trainer is? Other trainers only control one or two pet beasts. Corps trainers are cursed trainers. We are executioners, the people who bring disaster to the world.”

The masked man’s voice was still low, but he showed extreme anger. His voice was full of dissatisfaction with himself and the world.

“Do you know why most trainers can only have one pet? It’s because in order to pursue extreme strength, only one pet can survive. Only one person can stand at the peak of this world. Do you understand?”

Although the energy ball would not continue to move, Fang Yuan did not have the strength to push it away. He could only grit his teeth and persevere. He even shouted, “I’m different from you! I don’t want to stand at the peak.”

“It’s not up to you! Once you walk this path, you can only be free if you walk to the end.” Speaking up to this point, Fang Yuan felt that the power in front of him had become even stronger. He could not hold on any longer.

Ah Li licked Fang Yuan. At this moment, Fang Yuan’s capillaries had cracked due to the excessive strength in his body, and blood was oozing out.

It staggered to its feet and used its body to head the ball, relieving part of the pressure on Fang Yuan.

“Ah Li...” Fang Yuan looked at it and thought of the time they spent together. When he first met Ah Li, it was only the size of a palm.

“It’s useless, you have already lost.”

Ah Li no longer had any strength. It could only lean its entire body on the ball.

Fang Yuan felt the pressure on his hand become even greater. He thought to himself, “D*mn it, am I going to die here? I’m not willing.”

“Don’t give up, Fang Yuan.”

A familiar voice sounded in Fang Yuan’s heart, and then he saw Nero, who was like a mountain, return to its original state at some point in time. It released a brown light and neutralized this force for Fang Yuan.

Moreover, after it, he saw Xiao Jin, Xiao Yin, Xiao Ying, and the gryphon legion. They all appeared, flickering with different lights...

“Is this the power you want?” In the light, the woman’s voice rang out once again.

“Yes!” Fang Yuan’s heart was incomparably tenacious at this moment. It was this kind of unity power that he wanted.

“Very good...” The masked man disappeared, and was replaced by the green-furred woman. “This power belongs to you. Make good use of it.”

[ Ding! Recurrent Utilization detected. Grade: Diamond high-grade ]

[ Do you want to proceed with 100 times increase? ]

[ Host can choose from the following ways for the increase. ]

[ First, give up 100 times increase, and obtain Recurrent Utilization (diamond high-grade) ]

[ Second, proceed with 100 times increase, and obtain Recurrent Revival (Star Brilliance low-grade) ]

“I choose the second...”


The woman looked at Fang Yuan with a puzzled expression, but Fang Yuan did not answer. Instead, he spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.


“Teacher, will Fang Yuan be alright?” Xinyu asked worriedly. She had tried to wake Fang Yuan up several times, but was stopped by Huang Ying. josei

The reason she wanted to wake Fang Yuan up was because his body was starting to ooze a lot of blood, making him look exceptionally scary.

Huang Ying looked at Fang Yuan with a serious expression. He could feel an ominous power.

Fang Yuan’s strength was undoubtedly incomparably powerful. Huang Ying could even feel this through their short interaction.

However, Fang Yuan was a person that he could not fathom.

Generally speaking, when a trainer’s imprint was awakened, there would be an abnormal phenomenon in the body. For example, when Xinyu was awakened, she would be drenched in sweat.

This kind of situation where his entire body was covered in blood, usually would only appear for... killing-type skills.

It should not appear in the Huang group’s crystal ball.

Just as they were having different thoughts, Fang Yuan’s body was covered by a green light. Following that, the light gathered on the back of Fang Yuan’s hand and condensed into a pattern.

The two of them ran towards Fang Yuan at the same time. The latter fell and fortunately, Huang Ying was agile and managed to catch hold of Fang Yuan before he fell to the ground.

Looking at the pattern on the back of Fang Yuan’s hand, it was a strange symbol.

But in the eyes of people in the real world, that symbol meant “cyclic utilization”.

When Fang Yuan woke up, he found himself lying on his bed in his dormitory.

Xinyu came in with a pot of tea. When she saw Fang Yuan wake up, she quickly ran to the window and asked, “Are you okay?”

“I...” Fang Yuan was about to ask what had happened, but then the incident during the awakening of the trainer’s imprint appeared in his mind.

The source of life...

He looked at the symbol on his hand. It was a circle formed by three arrowheads. It looked a little familiar, but he could not remember what symbol it was.

Seeing Fang Yuan’s action, Xinyu smiled and said, “With this, you can now use the trainer skill. Try again when your body recovers!”

“No need to wait.” Fang Yuan jumped up from the bed. He had never felt so energetic before. “Senior Sister, how do you use the trainer skill?”

“This...” Xinyu was reluctant to let Fang Yuan go out for training now, but Huang Ying’s voice came from outside the door.

“Come with me, I’ll teach you how to use it.”


In the fighting arena of Huang group, as currently there were only three people in the group, the fighting arena was almost deserted.

At this moment, Fang Yuan and Huang Ying were standing at both ends of the fighting arena.

“Summon your pet.”

Huang Ying had already summoned his phoenix, it was Ah Li that Fang Yuan had summoned.

“Put all your attention on the mark.”

“Establish a spiritual connection with your pet.”

“Then, follow your thoughts and release the skill.”

Following Huang Ying’s instruction, Fang Yuan felt an inexplicable movement, just like riding a bike and swimming. It became instinctive after he learned it.

“What’s your skill?” Huang Ying asked loudly. At this time, he felt like a real instructor.

Fang Yuan recalled the name of the mark and answered, “It’s recurrent revival.”


“Recurrent revival!”

Just as he shouted the name of the skill, he saw an exaggerated scene...

“This is?” Fang Yuan saw that his body and Ah Li’s body were covered by a faint green light, just like the woman he had seen in the arcane realm.

“This is how to use it. Isn’t it very simple?” Huang Ying had been serious for a while, but now he had changed back to his jolly manner. “Tell me about your changes. You look quite powerful.”

Fang Yuan answered, “Its function is to recover mental power during battle, and slowly recover the number of times the skill is used.”


When Fang Yuan read out the skill’s effect, he did not need Huang Ying’s explanation to know what the skill meant.

It was equivalent to the infinite magic in RPG games!

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